Pacov's place to enjoy the show.
Feel free to jump in and discuss lol even if you aren't Demigod alumni
Published on August 17, 2011 By pacov In PC Gaming

So, during the (12 day or so) downtime with the MP servers, I decided to give LoL another go and have been enjoying myself.  I'm glad DG is back up and running, but the break was enough for me to try another competitive DoTa style game and start to enjoy it.  This thread isn't about bashing DG or any nonsense (so don't ffs).  Its simply a place for those of us that play or have played DG and now play LoL as a main or occasionally to discuss the game and keep in touch. 

So - chime in here if you have been playing LoL with your experiences or whatever you want to chat about.


I'll get us started.  I've been enjoying the F2P aspect of LoL quite a bit.  Remember WAAAAYYYY back when favor points in DG meant something?  Eg - remember playing games and looking forward to unlocking a favor item you wanted to try out?  It's like that all the time with LoL (well, it will be for quite some time anyway).  You get IP (favor points) for every game you play.  You can shell out some money if you really want to buy all of the characters, etc (the temptation is always there for the quick win), but you can also just play for fun and earn enough IP to unlock a new char, etc.  It's been very satisfying for me slowly earn enough IP to try out a new character, etc.

As it stands, I'm ok with 3 characters (card guy, silv, and viking pants - there are so many char it takes awhile to learn all the names).  I'm ok early, decent mid game, and utter SHITE late game with my characters.  It seems very diff from DG in that respect (if we are kicking ass early/mid, you can't harass like a god late game - that's gotten me killed more than a few times).  There are ALOT of reasonable builds (from what I can tell).  I started by trying out many diff char vs ai to learn them (that's why I'm like level 12 with "13 wins" or so).  Then I learned you get more IP from playing against humans, so I just switched up.

Anyway, I think the game is fun now and I'm looking forward to the new domination mode (it's a Demigod knock off imo) that is essentially holding points to get bonuses from what I understand.  Hearing about that mode is pretty much exactly why I started playing.  Oh, and pretty damn close to 100% of games end because another team beat you - not because someone dropped. 

Anyway, I'm going thru a learning curve.  I play with folks that are "experienced" and I often think they are retarded after my impressive 40 games or so (vs their 500+ games).  The strats often sound idiotic to me.  But that said, I fell into line in a game with jon, paint, obi, and 2 of jon's clan mates tonight and we scored a win when i thought we were done.  My biggest weakness (I think anyway) is not knowing what folks can do with their characters... I think there are like 70 char... as a new player, you have NO IDEA what each char can do until you play them or play against them enough... and that will take some time.  Anyway, I'm pacov on LoL if you play and want to add me as a friend.  I'm not exactly good, but I probably won't lose you the game at this point.  We should organize some LoL games and some DG games.  Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you.

Comments (Page 38)
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on Nov 24, 2011

He's like a 14 year old weak ass player.  That is my entire commentary on him.  I honestly would choose any of my so so pals over him and easily win.  I'm pretty sure he's only viable because people carry him.  Rain man... smeh. 

on Nov 25, 2011

Happy thanksgiving, folks.  Too much time traveling yesterday, so no games for me.  heh - my appologies to whoever was stuck with me for my last game of the night on wed, though.  Methinks I enjoyed a little too much scotch.

I'm starting to read up quite a bit on CLG.  They have quite a few videos up, twitter feeds, etc.  Very well organized and lots of interesting reading.  I really need to get much more solo queuing going in ranked.  I watched a few steams with gragas that play pretty much the same as me, but with one important change.  The guy was playing grag at mid.  After he'd push back his opponent to base or snagged a kill, he'd wander either top or bottom based on what was going on try to setup or get kills.  I usually don't do this (I'll usually just stay at mid until the tower is destroyed), but in these instances, the player really seemed to be making the best decision.  So, I think I need to work on and get a feel for when to roam if the towers are still up.  Its very easy for a gragas to have near full health after working someone over in a lane.  Anyway, blahblah blah.  Hope to catch someone of you tonight.

on Nov 25, 2011

Its somewhat ironic that you called CLG well organized considering that they had a huge partial meltdown last night, but

And yes, many mids like to wander.  Because of their ability to burst, they can often pick up kills even if the other team is pushed all the way to lane.  For example, if you leave as Annie, you can kill somebody under a tower in about a second and get out with 1 tower hit on you, which is something that junglers generally cant do on their ganks. 

on Nov 25, 2011

Quite the drama for CLG with the whole Elementz getting kicked out/Doublelift in thing yeah. Chauster is getting a lot of hate. 

Mid is something I need to work on. I can do fairly well with Lux mid, but it's tough to beat high burst champs like Brand/Leblanc/Annie. One surprise flash, burst, dead. To roam well mid, you would probably need a better farm and a kill on the enemy mid champ. Bot lane is definitely my strongest. Maokai top can be pretty fun.

I will likely see you online tonight. 




on Nov 25, 2011

Its somewhat ironic that you called CLG well organized considering that they had a huge partial meltdown last night, but

nah - i read about that.  I'm mostly referring to the site layout, content, etc.  Not that they ousted a pal, etc. 

To roam well mid, you would probably need a better farm and a kill on the enemy mid champ.

yeah - I used to roam a bit, but was STRONGLY encouraged to stay in my lane.  Course, that was when I'd have like 10 CS and decide to wander around after working someone over without ever picking up those extra CS (eg I was quite stupid).  Anyway, CS isn't really a concern with gragas anyway (as you can generally take out the whole wave in like a second.  So, I think I'll see if I can pull some grag mid and do a little wandering

on Nov 25, 2011

Volibear Patch Thoughts:

Vbear will not only be my first instant new champ buy, but I'll be grabbing the skin bundle as well.  A thunder bear with armor?  Its as if the Riot staff went into my dreams Inception style to figure out my ideal champ.  Or they just ripped off that one movie with the bears that wore armor and kicked ass.  I think 50-50 chance of it being either way...

Not sure whether the laning passivity changes or the jungle changes will mix up the metagame and champ tiers more, but I'm thinking things will be shaken up pretty well.

Since two of my favorite champs are Urgot and Yorick, the dudes who puts the "ass" back in harassment, I think the pot changes will be fantastic but I'm biased so who cares.

on Nov 25, 2011

Volibear seems like he was inspired by the Golden Compass series...

Giant bears in armor and stuff...


Riot's patches are as frequent as Firefox updates, for lack of a better analogy...

on Nov 25, 2011

Yeah, wandering mids suck monkey nuts when they're wandering around while losing their lane.  If you out feed, spank his ass, send him home, and then gank for a double, no one will complain though.


My last wandering mid had a lower CS than I got from jungling, and failed every ill conceived gank attempt to boot.  Suffice it to say we lost.

on Nov 25, 2011

I dig the bear as well.  Totally agree with the golden compass comments as well, though.  But looks cool to me and the ability setup sounds interesting.

re: the new jungle... hmm - I believe I heard them say that everything gives you a buff of some type and the respawn rate is way faster.  I'm wondering if this means that a jungle will likely give up some creep in the jungle to a teammate for some early adv, etc.  Also, in those super "no jungler games," if they are saying you don't really even need health pots, I'm guessing each lane could work the jungle here and there sans a jungler... maybe even having 1 teammate sneak off while another holds the lane and so on. 

on Nov 25, 2011

Golden Compass

on Nov 25, 2011

OK - I'm trying out using lol replay now.  Going to record my first game in a min.  Basically, its a 3rd party client that enables you to download and upload replays.  And the file size is very small.  It supposedly automatically records your games for you.  I played one game back as a quick test.  Its reasonably quick.  The replays run directly in lol.  Anyway, if you want to give it a go, here's a link to the software itself:

And here's a link to the faq.


on Nov 25, 2011

OK - just uploaded my first replay.  The system was super easy.  As soon as my game ended, league replays popped up and showed me my replay.  If I want to upload it, I just click upload and off it goes.  Took about 15 sec to complete the upload or so.

It actually parses out all of the item details and includes in game chat.  If you click on the search button and type in pacov, you'll find my 1 amazing replay.  And note, I'd only check it out if you are interested in seeing the replay system.  Just a bot match with me as a first time kennen.

edit - uploaded my 2nd ever kennen game - my team was embarrassing with the feed.  We won though. I only asked once if anyone on my team spoke English. 

on Nov 26, 2011

wow... so i just played a ranked and was the captain.  As first pick, I ask if anyone needs me to grab a character for them.  Someone says get nocturn for our jungler.  So I do.  Then everyone, one by one says they don't know how to play noct.  Super.  Anyway, I end up using him and magically play well and end the ranked with 13/1/7.  Anyway, I completely cocked up early by kindly handing off 2 of my buffs to an enemy leblanc on what was easily one of the worst ganks ever.  But after that idiocy, I played really well.  Replay is uploaded to the lol replay site if anyone is even remotely interested.

Anyway, I'm 5/2 ranked now... really need to keep playing more.

edit - hey dark - where are those signatures again?


on Nov 26, 2011

That's a ratio I can only dream about...  Keep it going and you'll avoid elo hell.

on Nov 27, 2011

Nah - it was certainly a little bit of a fluke.  I'd describe nocturn as my worst jungler and I usually don't throw up numbers like that.  Anyway, here's a link to that replay.  You need lol replay installed to view, though.  lrf://www/replays/13528/download/13528.lrf


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