I just noticed that this was released today. Anyone pick it up and have impressions? Love to hear some feedback. I'm on the fence deciding if I buy this or wait a bit. Thanks!
Thanks for this thread. If I had a PC which was capable of running SotSII it would have been a Day 1 purchase or close to it. Now I know to avoid this game even if my PC becomes capable of running it.
If you guys can describe the game beyond what the sales pitch is I'd appreciate it. I'm curious, but not enough to buy it without some more info.
Mind you, I'm hearing I don't want to be getting it right now anyway but I appreciate products that ditch XP support.
I bought the first one for 10 dollars. I think I will wait a year or two before I get this one. That way it will be fixed, hopefully, and be as cheap as the first one was for me.
It's really too bad that we are seeing so many failed launches these days. I kind of think they should start regulating PC hardware and other things to make it easier for smaller companies to produce games. Just a thought.
eh, I don't think hardware is to blame for this stuff. Stronghold 3 has had an equally if not more so botched release, and hardware isn't to blame for anything that's wrong with it (though watching Wolves climb ladders is awfully funny). Similarly I don't think many of SotS's problems are hardware.
It doesn't help for sure, but it's not an excuse for a busted launch.
They do. Its called consoles.
I've been watching SotS II for a long time, the only game I've ever pre-ordered along with Elemental and Shogun 2. It's a shame that the release has been so poor. I have a boxed copy on the way (via the paradox store), but I won't get to play it until November 14th. Hopefully they'll have everything figured out by then. I view Kerberos the same way I view Stardock, a game company that really cares about making good games with a lot of post-launch support. Mecron is very different from Brad though... they delete/ban any form of criticism on their boards, even though they are open with their customers. I trust both companies to fix their mistakes, they just respond in different ways.
If I have to wait a year for SotS II to be fixed, I'll be fine because by that time I'll have Fallen Enchantress.
In a sentence: it's SOTS with bloom.
Despite the changes, it's still the same macro-management-oriented space strategy game you either love or hate.
If you were a fan of the original, then you should buy the sequel -- but only after several patches have been released. (And not the patches that replace the beta version with the release version.)
Its more than SoTS with bloom.
Its SoTS, taken to a new level. Its more complex than the original. Looks to have alot more depth also.
SoTS vets, will have to relearn alot of the game just like a brand new player to the universe would.
If you like GalCiv style games, you like SoTS. A personal selling point to me is the actual Real Time combat. Its like to see all my ships go pew pew.
Oh hey, Kerberos . I remember them! They made fort zombie, the biggest waste of time and money in my entire life. The company I was banned from the forum 2 times. Once for 'being a pirate', until they realized the game they shipped forgot some drivers and libraries (WHOUPS). The other time for me complaining how I was getting 3 fps. The same company that mocked customers by calling them monkeys and never fixing their game to a playable state.
No thanks.
Ouch I say.
I'd be willing to take Fred Wester more seriously if it was an isolated incident... but EVERY Paradox game is buggy as hell at launch. This one just happens to be even worse then usual, combined with some extremely unprofessional "customer service".
Yeah, I was a bit flippant, although they do love their bloom filters. I meant that fans of the original would like the second, and people who didn't like the original, wouldn't. There are definitely changes, but the changes don't radically alter the feel of the game (as they arguably shouldn't).
I'm apparently one of the few that has never played Sword of The Stars so I'm wondering if someone can explain how it works.
I understand it's turnbased with realtime battles. Is it realtime like Dawn of War & StarCraft or realtime with pause like Knights of the Old Republic?
Do you build buildings that generate money, research and production like Master of Magic and GalCiv II ?
Are there skill involved in the battles? Is it like StarCraft II (positioning and being fast), Dawn of War II (using cover'n'counters) or perhaps Age of Wonders ?
Was Vicky 2 overly buggy? Sucky yes, but not buggy.
EU3 wasn't overly buggy.
Then again those are first-party Paradox titles, where they seem to have righted the ship. It's the second-party titles that have the issues (Magicka/SOTS II)
Hoping War of the Roses isn't like that, but not pre-ordering that now.