Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

I've locked/archived this thread/blog and have started a new discussion over here:

Please join me if you like.






Am I streaming



Well, I started a thread  back in August ( that's seen a lot of activity and actually had quite a few good bits of information for new and old players alike.  I figure it's time to start a new thread and perhaps keep the OP up-to-date with useful information, etc.  Feel free to use this post for any LoL discussion, etc.

Super fast background:  I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust.  Back in August 2011 or so, I started getting heavily involved in LoL and folks have been kind enough to chime in with tips and links to various sites that have been quite useful to me.  In addition, I've been able to keep up with folks that I've played Demigod with in the past and meet some new folks that play LoL and frequent these message boards. 

Here's some of the things I've learned in the previous thread:

 New Player tips

  • Play the tutorial.
  • Consider picking up the starter bundle.  It's 530 RP (that's about $4).  You get 8 champs unlocked, a 4 win IP boost and a 10 win XP boost.  It's a pretty good deal (used it recently on an alt account).  You can find it in the game store under bundles.
  • Riot gives you 400 RP as soon as you hit level 5.  It's enough to buy some skins, a boost, or a cheap character. 
  • Learn to last hit!  Last hitting is simply landing the last hit on creeps.  If you last hit, you get gold for that kill.  The number of creeps you have killed is tracked in a value called CS.  You can see this number in the top right hand corner of the ui or by pressing tab.  Here's a really simple tutorial re: last hitting if you are brand new -
  • Read some guides on any character you want to try out.  The recommended builds (what you see when you go to a shop) are not optimal.  The guides include item suggestions and skill orders.  These are very useful in learning decent ways to build characters
  • Use the rune combiner to get level 3 runes prior to level 20 if you like.  You will need 375 IP.  Buy any tier 1 rune that costs 15 IP.  You need to purchase 25 of these.  Click on your rune page.  In the bottom right hand corner there is a button called the Rune Combiner.  If you place 5 runes in there, you can get a random rune that is 1 tier higher (eg if you have 5 tier 1 runes, you will get 1 random tier 2 rune.  Anyway, the math works out such that you spend 375 IP ( buy 25 tier 1 15 IP runes) and you get 1 completely random tier 3 rune.  Some of the quintessences are 2k IP, so if you luck out and get one of those, you just won the lottery.  You can always keep the random tier 2 rune if you end up with something good and don't want to trade it out yet.
  • Consider setting aside IP for tier 3 runes (available at level 20 and above).  You can't purchase them with real money - only IP.  Keep that in mind.

Great site I visit every day for LoL related news -

pacov's misc info

Here's a guide I made

pacov's Guide to Improving at League of Legends and Moving Up in Elo

k - so I'm just going to put down some of my thoughts.  I'm not amazing at this game, but I do certain things that improve my odds of winning in ranked and so far its panning out just fine (bronze 5 to gold 5 in about a month or so).  We all have varied skill levels, so some of this might be useful and some not.  Caveat complete.

Prerequisite- you need to know how to play every single role.  You don't have to be a god at every single role (more power to you if you are - I'm certainly not).  You need to be able to play at a serviceable level in every single role and excel at least at 1 role (preferably 2).  In my case, I'm good at support and adc.  I'm not great, but have serviceable mids and jungles and so so tops.  Knowing what you are good at and bad at is very important.  If you don't know, I can probably tell you - but you really should know...  Anyway, you need to have enough champs to make solid picks in any role and you need to be able to cover any role if it comes down to it.  I'll talk about how to get better at specific roles in a bit.

Champ select advice - Don't be the "fill" guy unless you really feel like you are awesome in all roles.  Call your preferred role immediately when you hit the lobby.  Say "adc pref."  Do this as soon as you hit the lobby.  Some people believe that if you call a role you magically get it.  This is stupid, but if you call something out, folks will often accomodate your request.  If you are feeling wishy washy for whatever reason, call out multiple roles in order of what you want to play - "adc/mid pref."  In my experience, you generally do not want to call support.  It's a very important role, but you want to be in a position to carry every single game if possible.  If you aren't calling out a role, you are hoping that other players can carry you.  If you are hoping that folks will carry you, you don't deserve to win.  You need to know your best roles and you absolutely should request them.

Solo or duo in ranked? - Well, my 1st thought here is that you should solo.  If you solo, you have to rely on yourself.  IMO - its a much bigger test of skill to play solo and win than to duo.  Do you want someone to carry you or do you really want to know that you are actually good?  That said, provided you have the right duo partner, you can increase your odds of winning quite a bit.  The simple math is that instead of having 4 teammates as unknown quantities, you only have 3.  If you have a good duo teammate, you know what you can expect.  When you duo, you get the most bang for your buck by having complimentary roles.  Support/adc is good; jungle/mid also works.  Even if you don't have direct symmetry in roles, if you are an amazing mid and I'm an amazing adc, our odds go up quite a bit if we both get those roles.  Our odds go way down if we can't get those roles and are forced to play out of positions that we are weaker.  For example, Bryff is a good mid.  If he duo's up with me, the only way he will get to play that role is for me to call mid, take it myself, and then put myself into a position like support where I can't carry out of (I'm always 1st pick, Bryff is always last pick when we duo)... that and I have to show the mid I'm picking at the start which means Bryff gets hard countered.  In short, we can expect that we will be a disadvantage when duo queuing.  Now, if Bryff queued up with someone at a lower elo than himself that was solid, he'd likely be 1st pick and be able to get mid and have a better chance of carrying the game.  Anyway, you need to keep in mind where you end up in pick order when duoing if you aren't looking to go adc/support.  If you want that, you can usually get it. 

How do you get better in roles that you are not good at? - Well, here's what I do.  And this is really what I do on a regular basis.  I think about what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.  For instance, I realized that I don't play any hyper carry ads.  So, I read up on hyper carries like vayne and kog maw.  I look for guides on how to build them (most adcs are the same btw ), I look for vids on how people play them (eg how do I all in with a specific champ - is there a combo - when do I all in - what's the best way for me to burst - how should I behave in lane with this champ).  Then, I fire up a custom game and try out the mechanics of whatever champ vs AI.  Usually I learn a few tricks during that custom on how to position myself, etc.  Then, I'm off to normal games where I'll request the role or character I'm trying out.  Now, people still report your for being awful in normals, but it really is where you need to try out characters to see if you are any good or not as the bots are useless for proving your skill level to yourself.  So, fire up that normal and ask to play a role (again - after you've tried out the champ against bots).  If you don't know anyone you are with and you are quite awful, I suggest muting everyone at the start of the game.  Then, do your best.  Continue with this until you feel like you have a serviceable skill level in whatever role.  And keep in mind what you need to work on.  For me, I noticed I didn't really have alot of mids for ranked, so I started practicing some with gragas against and karth.  That way, I'll be able to get the job done if I need to play mid.  The next thing I need to do is put more time into being better top lane. Again, because while I prefer adc/support, I might need to play top for the team.  So, best to be ready for it.  Put your time in and practice roles. 

One last thought - there are certain things you can generally expect in ranked.  1 - if you are 1st pick, you generally can call whatever you want.  Common knowledge, I'm sure - but I'll add - CALL WHATEVER YOU WANT.  2 - if you duo queue, you generally can lock down both adc and support.  It works best if your adc is 1st pick, ofc.  I've bumped into like 10 random dedicated supports in all of my games of LoL.  People generally aren't going to call support. So, if you are 1st pick and duo'd, just call adc and then your duo partner can almost always get support.


Lol King profiles for ranked tracking

I'm not going to update this regularly, so just consider it a snapshot (I'll add a date when I update them).  Anyway, I enjoy seeing folks progress through ranked and keeping tabs on that sort of thing from time to time. 

Snapshot updated 05/28/2014

 Character guides

Mid Ziggs by cow -

Comments (Page 272)
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on Aug 28, 2013

Taric is still a very good support, just more situational than he used to be.  If your opposition goes mainly AD, his value is good.  If you've all got characters that scale with AP, his value jumps even further.  35 AP and AD is nothing to scoff at, play a bursty ADC that has some AP scaling, and you've got a pretty dominant lane with high sustain that can take a bit of harass before pouncing on someone to dish everything out at once.


I would not recommend first picking Taric in solo.  Odds are you'll get an AP heavy team with a tard ADC that picks one of the all AD champs that only get half the benefit, instead of say Tristana or Miss Fortune.  When the circumstances are right, he's fantastic.

on Aug 28, 2013

I think one of his main issues is that he plays junglers that have some hard counters. I remember he posted a game where he got fed as hell as WW and still lost. I thought to myself "That's not going to matter if they have a Lulu on the other team. Or their fed carry buys a QSS and he's playing a 2nd in champ like WW as an initiator cause his team doesn't have anyone else to do it."

Eh, I don't think that WW is particularly counterable if you know what you are doing.

I mean, how many junglers are going to do more than WW if fed regardless of counters?  You are basically looking at Hecarim and nobody else (Jax doesn't count because he is too risky - any competent counterjungler can completely take him out).  I'll give you that I should probably know how to play Hecarim, but the fundamental problem is that there just aren't many junglers that scale with gold.  That's just how Riot has decided to balance jungle - make them strong for having no gold, but weakly scaling with gold.

Nullifying WW ult with Lulu ult isn't all that devastating to WW late game (it just does suck in lane).  You still probably got a second of suppressing in by the time Lulu reacts and everything, and you are still on top of their carry even after being knocked out of the suppress.  WW not getting full value out of his ult isn't that devastating late, especially if you force the other team to buy relatively low efficiency items like Mercurial.

Now the fact that WW isn't a real 1st-in initiator is a problem, but the list of first in initiators who jungle and can carry is once again limited to Hecarim and not much else.

I disagree on him being a serviceable support.  He mains Taric, a Tier 2 (that's generous) support who provides an armor aura in a heavy AP meta.  He rarely plays the position and only uses a specialized champ for it, so it's not a great situation when he can't play jungle in Ranked.  It is better than forcing the last pick who called "anything but support" into the position however.

I think Taric is good in solo queue.  He is my second highest win % champion after WW historically.

In lane, he is probably one of the most general supports.  He doesn't require a certain style - he is effective defensively or offensively, and the aura is always really useful.  So I play him because he is almost always a very strong laning choice.

Now he does fall of late against many comps.  I'll definitely give you that there are a lot of other supports that are stronger in teamfights right now.  But in a meta that is very favorable to ADCs right now, I think that its worth taking Taric in an environment where you don't know what you are going to get from your lanemate since he gives you a great chance of doing as well as possible in lane.  If you do know what you are going to get from your lanemate (both in terms of pick and in terms of playstyle), there will be better choices probably.

Basically, I think that he is strong in solo queue because of his flexibility in lane, but he isn't what I would take in organized play.

I'll also grant you that I might be biased for Taric because junglers love Tarics in lane (he is so good for ganks with the short cooldown, non skillshot stun).

But I would say that the stats back me up - Taric is one of the most played supports and has one of the highest win rates as a support.  He is actually more played than Lulu, at a much higher winrate.  Granted that is skewed due to low ELO (since he is so easy to play).  But even in say Plat, his pick and win rate is basically the same as Lulu (pick rate slightly lower, win rate the same or a bit higher).

So yeah, you are probably right on Taric in terms of organized play or even a duo queued bot lane, but in solo queue I think he is very solid.

on Aug 28, 2013

re: what you said overall, though, karl - I know we've talked about this briefly, but is there a reason you don't go deeper in your pool of junglers?

"Deep pool" is not a winning strategy for moving up in solo queue.  Go look at high elo people, and you are going to see a lot of players who specialize in a few champions.  That's the most general winning strategy - take a smallish set of champions that cover all situations you are going to see and learn them really well.

Also, if you know its going to be much tougher to rank up in elo, why do you still choose to stick with jungle instead of spending more time working on the carry roles?/

I don't really care enough about ranked to train up in other roles that much.  Plus, I'd probably train up mid again, but thats our most congested role given the people we play with.  The freest role is probably top, but I hate top.

Also, I don't get why you choose not to get on the OP bandwagon here and there.  For instance, there was a time when nunu was ridiculously strong as a jungler.  And zac is still kind of in that spot.

I don't really play enough games to keep up on the FotM treadmill effectively for ranked.  It takes me 25 games or so to work up a champion into ranked shape, and given how much I play, that just takes too long given the nerf cycle.  Also, jungle is the most banned position, so trying to play FotM is difficult since you will be banned out a lot.

I also think that you vastly overestimate how OP those champions are.  A lot of those champions are more "easy to play" than truly OP.  I'll give you that Zac is very strong right now, but I don't really want a non carry jungler for ranked right now.

on Aug 28, 2013

Just some quick stats on taric, janna, nami, and sona for instance.  Data from past 30 days for ranked only.

  • Janna for the past 30 days has about an 18% pick rate in ranked with a 54% win rate
  • Sona - 22% pick rate with 53% win rate
  • Taric for the past 30 days has about a 10% pick rate with a 50% win rate. 
  • Nami has about a 17% pick rate with a 49.5% win rate.

Thing with stats like these is getting that a single percentage point does mean a bit considering the sample size.  If we are talking 4 percentage points, its worth considering other options as something is going on.

re: karl's comments directed towards me - I think you explained yourself and I get where you are coming from. 

I also think that you vastly overestimate how OP those champions are.

I think you miss the boat on some opportunities to use strong characters before they become BAN THAT GUY.  You explain why you miss those opportunities, but I don't think you and I will see eye to eye re: "OP" champs.  I see win rate percentages and get very interested in why such and such is dominating.  Then I often attempt to emulate that style and see if it works for me. 


on Aug 28, 2013

i disagree with a lot of what is being said here. Support is the best way to carry yourself to plat. (which is why i suspect i was forgotten in the OP).


In silver/low gold support is basically completely an un-contested position. That means you can play your best role 80-90% of the time. Bad ADCs are rampant in these brackets and if you abuse the strong supports and strategies (eg, Red Pot Ignite Sona) you can completely take advantage of them. If you look at what DotA2 pros who have switched to LoL this is exactly what they do to climb through the early ranks of ranked while still getting used to the game. 

While a support ban typically takes one out of the six (usually one support is obscenely OP every patch) every other support is basically never banned and rarely contested so you don't have to worry about "shit they took Ahri/Kass/Caitlyn/Zac/Shen".

Now, if you are with a group of friends who repeatably and consistently defer a particular position to you over and over and over again for weeks/months, then it's a lot easier to carry with another role that gets more gold. Because you get really good at that role. (#Cow). i think that we are a bit of an exception rather than a rule when it comes to that. 


Eh, I don't think that WW is particularly counterable if you know what you are doing.

He isn't super counterable in jungle v jungle matchups - but he is very very counterable in the "gank" matchups. Playing WW means the enemy lanes have 5 minutes of zero pressure from you. That is significant. There is also the problem where WW works best with either assassin-heavy teams (and focus on the catch) or with a true initiator and WW acting as a second-in. 
"Deep pool" is not a winning strategy for moving up in solo queue.  Go look at high elo people, and you are going to see a lot of players who specialize in a few champions.  That's the most general winning strategy - take a smallish set of champions that cover all situations you are going to see and learn them really well.
22/12 Anivia for mid, 17/11 Sona for support (mains).
Most of my Varus/Kog games were with Thunder in our placement matches.
TF was how i got to gold (then people learned how to play against him + people started banning, and i went like 0-4 and stopped playing him as much). 
56/38 on Brand
... then 19/13 on Gragas. Big jump in number of games
63/40 on Master Yi
None of these champs are super OP "must pick, ban or lose" champs.
That said, i do agree that "turning to the dark side" and learning FotM champs and playing them as long as you possibly can is the best way to climb rank in the short-term. But if they are "too" FotM they just get banned/picked before you... or someone else plays the role.
Which lands you back at: Red Pot Ignite Sona.
on Aug 28, 2013


Eh, I don't think that WW is particularly counterable if you know what you are doing.

I mean, how many junglers are going to do more than WW if fed regardless of counters?  You are basically looking at Hecarim and nobody else (Jax doesn't count because he is too risky - any competent counterjungler can completely take him out).  I'll give you that I should probably know how to play Hecarim, but the fundamental problem is that there just aren't many junglers that scale with gold.

I meant that in more of a way that a fed WW isn't going to bring enough to the table on a bad team, because I realize that he scales extremely well and having a fed WW on a competent team is a beautiful thing.  Even though tanky/utility junglers like J4 and Naut don't scale as well as WW later, if they're doing well they can force feed kills pre-6 better and can cause enough disruption during a mid game teamfight, that they have a lot more possibility to turn things around for a bad team IMO.

It's not just Lulu's ult that ruins WW's day.  When he's a squirrel, he's not Qing and if he's not Qing he's not healing.  And he has to run through her Q slow to get to someone to heal off.  And if it's not Lulu, it's Janna doing the same damn things pretty much.  Or Fiddle putting the fear into him for 3 seconds.  I'm not saying he's not a good champ (specially when you play him!), I'm just saying that he's not a jungler that can be counted on to carry the game every time he gets fed since there is so much that can be used to deal with him.



I think Taric is good in solo queue.  He is my second highest win % champion after WW historically.

In lane, he is probably one of the most general supports.  He doesn't require a certain style - he is effective defensively or offensively, and the aura is always really useful.  So I play him because he is almost always a very strong laning choice.

Now he does fall of late against many comps.

Historically.  Were most of these games played back when Taric was already the God Tier support, and then Riot buffed him right before the patch where they nerfed him?  Your recent win % from the last month with Taric isn't as high as your historic, but it's too small of a sample size to really draw any concrete conclusions.

Let me tell you where Taric stands with other players right now at Gold/Plat for the last month, which is where I assume you want to get to:

Pick Rate - 3.35% Win Rate - 51.5%

A good win rate but he's the 8th most popular support and his pick % is a big drop off from the popular supports.  5th most popular is at 11% for instance, then 7.5, then 5, then... Taric.

So what I take away from these stats is that people tend to do well with Taric, but only pick him when there is a reason to like team comp synergy or lane counters (Go on and grab me Blitz, I dares yah!) or whatever.  If you're always picking him every time you support, you're going to run into a lot of unfavorable matchups I think.  The two most popular supports right now (Sona and Janna) soft and hard counter him respectively, according to the stats I looked up anyway.


on Aug 28, 2013

I'm just saying that he's not a jungler that can be counted on to carry the game every time he gets fed since there is so much that can be used to deal with him.

Quick, name junglers that can be counted on to carry if they get fed.  The only jungler you could claim is much better than WW is Hecarim.  Riot has "balanced" junglers by making it so that pretty much no standard jungler scales well with gold.  So while WW might not dominate every time he gets fed, he sure as hell does more than fed J4 or Naut or Shyvana or Udyr etc.

 Let me tell you where Taric stands with other players right now at Gold/Plat for the last month, which is where I assume you want to get to:

Pick Rate - 3.35% Win Rate - 51.5%

Don't know where you are grabbing those stats from, but in August, Taric pick rates are over 8% in plat and over 10% in gold according to Lolking.  He is reasonably heavily played with a winrate over 50%.  That means in terms of pickrate he is in the same tier as a Lulu (behind the Nami/Janna/Sona tier) at a pretty good winrate.

i disagree with a lot of what is being said here. Support is the best way to carry yourself to plat. (which is why i suspect i was forgotten in the OP).

This is completely not true in silver.  Support starts to become somewhat better in gold.

In silver, you can get your ADC fed all you want, but there are consistent enough positioning problems that it doesn't matter.  Its still a crapshoot on whether or not they can position themselves in a teamfight, and if they can't, you are going to lose no matter how strong your laning phase is.  In gold you can start to count on your ADC to not get insta blown up in teamfights, so support is better.

There's a reason that it took Thunder 500 games to get to gold maining support despite the fact that he is a very good support.  I mean, there are a lot of people who we play that are higher ranked than Thunder but are much lesser players (some of them feed pretty much every in house...).  But they got higher in solo queue because they don't main support.

on Aug 28, 2013

dat hedgehog

on Aug 28, 2013

This is how I have had success on getting into plat. 

I had some personality/attitude problems earlier this season that kept me out of plat. I would get on tilt after losing a few games and continue to play crappy the rest of the night. This would result in instead of losing 1-2 games in a row I would lose 6-10 games in a row.

After looking at my losses more closely I came up with this philosophy:

1. The game was lost because of something I did.  
2. The game was completely unwinnable for various reasons (teammates, trolling, disconnecting)

If I misplayed I would look at the mistakes I made and try to fix them and get over it. I distinctly remember one game I played as grag. I missed 5-6 ults straight. COMPLETELY missed. If I hit a few of those we would of won team fights and won the game.

On the other hand there are games that are just impossible to win and you need to move on and not dwell on them. Games where you have a twisted fate mid on your team that thought it was a great idea to play him for the first time against a Kassadin. Or you have teammates that decide it would be fun to go annie support with a kogmaw. These type of situations you have no control over and you just have to move on to the next game.


The other side of my success has been playing champions I like and knowing there strengths and weakness.

Brand is bad versus AD Bruiser mids but Gragas dominates them. I also have rune pages and builds that I use versus specific champions. If I am facing a fizz (god forbid) I take barrier. If I am against a Zed I rush zhonyas. If I am against a swain I build Morello's. etc... etc... You need to know your match ups SPECIFICALLY for your champion. 

I can also jungle very well. So having a back up roll is also important. I have had a lot of success with udyr (7-3), mao (10-6), and hecarim (6-4).


The final thing that I have done differently in the past few month is avoid doing Baron in ranked unless you are losing.

I find if you are winning a game that if you try to do baron and the opposing team steals you have put yourself in a position to throw the game. Its best to leave baron alone unless there is a glaringly obvious chance to take it.  

on Aug 28, 2013

So I guess in short: 

1. Play what you like and know what you are doing with that champion
2. Try to have a positive attitude all the time
3. Don't do baron 

One quick note on jungling in ranked:

I find it very risky to do invades..... You are basically relying on your teammates to help you without the use of voice chat. This is a very dangerous thing. Numerous times I have watched junglers die when invading because the other team wards and spots him invading. It can be very rewarding but if you want to win games I think it is better to play safe and just gank lanes and stay in your own jungle.  

on Aug 29, 2013

I find it very risky to do invades..... You are basically relying on your teammates to help you without the use of voice chat. This is a very dangerous thing. Numerous times I have watched junglers die when invading because the other team wards and spots him invading. It can be very rewarding but if you want to win games I think it is better to play safe and just gank lanes and stay in your own jungle.

well... risk/reward.  I'm pretty comfortable running certain types of invades... not always the direct go for kill/steal, but more the steal a buff to put the jungler behind.  That's often easy to pull off imo... the problem is with your mid giving away what you did.  I don't take the time to tell a dude to go wide when he enters lane, etc.  For me anyway, more often than not, invades work... but I'm talking about me making the initial call.  I always let the jungler make the call (eg someone else calls invade, I immediately say in chat - something along the lines of - what does our jungler think?). 

on Aug 29, 2013

I was talking more about counter jungling. I guess my use of the word invade might of thrown you off. 

So anyway I guess my comment about jungling and counter jungling in ranked play should of sounded more like this.

I find it to risky to counter invade in a ranked game because relying on your teammates to help if you get caught is risky. 

on Aug 29, 2013

Tracking for some of my recent adventures in ranked at gold I.

  • 1st game at gold 1 - I'm 2nd to last pick.  The people in my lobby are trolling the crap out of each other.  Like nonstop mouth running.  I say adc/jungle/support... I think someone saw that sometime in between yelling at some guy for bad performance in the previous game.  Anyway, I end up running support.  I perform well as does everyone else on the team.  It was a pretty clear arse whooping... even better considering I thought it was going to be a mess from the get go with trolling.  We had a fiddle top.  Anyway, pretty easy game
  • game 2 - I end up duo'd with hunny.  He had just been promoted to gold III and lost 3 matches in a row (eg no idea when you can get demoted exactly, but certainly felt like he needed a win).  Anyway, he runs top and I run jungle.  He actually does great as riven and we end up crushing.  Fairly easy game.  Hunny was doing the best early/mid while bot was kind of so so.  We had an idiotic lucian/blitz combo and our blitz certainly appeared to be a very special fellow.  That said, we still crushed it.  I went shyvana.  Did my new build on her which is to build tabi/spirit (one that gives tenacity), then go into botrk/frozen mallet.  Anyway, another easy win
  • game 3 - problem game.  This whole game was a bit of a cluster.  First, we had an outright terrible, outright troll.  Hunny requests top.  This guy sasses him in the lobby, says that he is awful (referring to himself actually) and that he needs to be carried.  So, the guy takes chogath top and feeds all game long.  I doubt it was intentional, but the guy was an asshole.  Muted him immediately after the lobby knowing he was going to offer zero to the team.  Well, things get better.  I'm 1st or 2nd pick and take lucian.  Then we get someone that apparently believes support cassandra is a thing.  So, I end up with a no cc (outside of level 6) support that is good at bursting down champs.  Well, lucian is kind of shite at bursting down champs early... so even as a novelty act, its freaking stupid from the get go as early kills are unlikely, though zoning/denying is viable.  My lane goes to absolute hell at some early moment due to a gank and my support and I get killed by the adc.  Then, my jungler, with no one on the enemy team low, decides to wander in and gives the adc another free kill.  Continuing on, hunny runs trist out of mid.  He did well enough, but our comp relied on a useless chogath for hard cc.  Anyway, game was a loss
  • game 4 - last ranked game at gold I for the night - we try to setup and get hunny top and me adc.  Someone higher in the pick order wasn't on board, so I went support for hunny.  The enemy team had a nidalee support.  Hunny managed to get hit by about 80% of her spears early/mid... I don't believe I'm exaggerating here.  Anyway, not being able to stand behind creeps cost us early laning strength.

And then the game after that, we duo in a normal.  I get to play adc so I'm happy.  Hunny, so impressed by the nidalee that ruined his fun bot lane, decided to go nidalee as my support to ruin my fun.  So, 2 games ruined by awful supports for the night.  I don't mind folks trying out this or that, but hunny trying out something apparently means its ok to do incredibly retarded things (he flash engaged a full hit power ad and support, having no dmg of his own and me being quite far away at one point.  Absolutely hate it when people waste my time... get more annoyed when they do it after failing to perform in ranked (eg wasting my time twice in a row).  So, pacov gets a little grouchy, but moves along.  I then played some with hunny and my pal schyster.  That game went how I thought it would.  Then once more with just my pal schyster.  I have him run support and I go lucian adc.  We destroy.  One guy on my team loses his mind because I continue to split push and take objectives for the team.  Pretty sure we were grouped with MUCH lower elo folks... was nice for me after a few frustrating games to have a cake walk anyway.



on Aug 29, 2013


There's a reason that it took Thunder 500 games to get to gold maining support despite the fact that he is a very good support.  I mean, there are a lot of people who we play that are higher ranked than Thunder but are much lesser players (some of them feed pretty much every in house...).  But they got higher in solo queue because they don't main support.

Now first of all, thank you for saying nice things about my supporting skills but I'm not a good example of why support is not a good role to play at low elos.  A variety of other factors lead to my trials and tribulations playing ranked.

What happened was that I got to Silver I in placements playing support while duoing with Hedgie.  Things started going wrong when I played on my own and lost two games in a row (which was before they changed the League System, so that was enough to demote me to Silver II) because other people wanted to play support.  It was at this time that I found out that being your friends Support Bitch for 1000 games in a row causes your solo laning skills to suffer.

Instead of playing some Normal games by myself to get the other roles dialed in enough to be serviceable when I played them, I stopped playing support unless I had to and tried to become good at every other role while playing Ranked.  I wouldn't even try and dial in one role/champ at a time, I'd sometimes just randomly jump role to role, and would hardly play the same one multiple times in a row which is IMO how you get better.  This was not a good idea and I ended up in Silver IV eventually from my stubbornly playing roles I was bad at, as well as violating every one of Cow's Commandments.

- Played A LOT of Top Jayce.  This will go under Karl's Kommandments, because you were right all along; He's not a good fit for most comps and I was one of those guys who won lane and lost game over and over and over with him.

- Had 0 leadership skills.  My team wanted to throw a won game by doing Baron, I was fine with that.

- Played way too much on tilt.  Started working a bunch of overtime and dating a girl who lives 2 hours away and shares internet with 17 neighbors, so when I had alone time at my own place I'd go on Ranked binges.  Let's just say I'm not an asset to my team when I've been playing for 10 hours in a row...

- If you check my Lolking, you'll see I've got a 0% win with Mordekaiser in Ranked.  I don't know how to play him, and I don't know why I would.  In fact, I actually know how to play Swain who counters the same people and fulfills a similar role on a team.  Yes Cow, I'm that asshole who used to try to learn to play new champs in Ranked.

So how did I get from Silver IV to Gold?  During all this stupidity, I found out that I'm actually a decent Jungler and ADC and these became my fallback roles.  I also had gotten my solo lane skill to a level where it wasn't an auto loss if I had to play Top or Mid.

Thing is, playing support might not get you out of Silver as quickly as playing Mid but you have more impact on games than most people realize IF you play the role well.  One team has a guy who volunteered for Support and has offensive support runes and defensive runes and GP10 runes and can play multiple support champs depending on the lane and team comp... and the other team has some guy playing the only support he plays when he HAS to play the role, which team has the advantage?  Or worse, one team has a support player using a champ that you play when you don't actually want to be a support like Support Lux or Killsteal Support Nidalee?

IMO, suport is the Jayce of the roles;  A lot of people think they're better than they really are.  When you're support, it's so easy to blame mistakes on your ADC or think that "You're just a support" so your team losing fights has nothing to do with you building shitty items or being out of position and you don't have a lot of "Hmmm... why is my enemy laner 40 CS ahead of me?" reality checks to force you to improve your play.  

If you're actually good at the role, you've usually giving your team a significant advantage by taking an unpopular role and playing it well.



on Aug 29, 2013

So... if we were putting a guide together re: the best ways to gain elo...

1.  Play really well in multiple roles consistently


If we were tackling the question from a more practical angle, then...

  1. Abuse flavor of month champs (you need to pick up on trends quickly, practice the play style, and get the champ/role in game).  FotM can be discovered either by a keen eye on patch notes, reddit, or a combination of stats (ban rate/win rate/pick rate - all at higher elos).  Even FotM requires skill, so you often need to really learn how to play the champ, etc. No "OP" champ guarantees a win.
  2. Practice and be good at a minimum of 2 roles.  Pro players can play adc every day - we cannot.  Being an expert at exactly 1 role is bad unless you can guarantee you get that role every game... which you cannot.  I personally recommend knowing all roles but being good at least 3 of them.

Actually - re: other points, I'm not sure where we have a consensus.  Hedgie seems to believe that you can carry at bronze/silver maining support I think.  I disagree here and think that those levels in particular require you to play carries to consistently move up. 

I tend to think duo queuing at lower levels is a good way to boost on up provided you can play complimentary roles. 

smeh.. out of time...



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