So, this might be a silly post, but I'm hoping it might be encouraging to the devs (after a fashion anyway).
You know how there are several moments in history where you remember where you were and what you were doing when things happened? On the extreme negative, I'd wager many of us know exactly where we were and what we did on Sept 11. Things like that are etched in our brains. Switching extremely quickly to the positive (
), there are many other things that are locked in our minds as days that we remember... maybe always... maybe just for some time. The first beta of the original elemental is something I strangely have locked in my mind.
I was on vacation with my wife - the first one we took in about a year and 1/2. We decided to visit Gettysburg and do everything that we could do there. This happened to fall in the time window when the first elemental beta was going to be released. Anyway, my wife and I were having a great time together being at such a historic place and learning all about it. But I knew I wanted to give Elemental a go as soon as possible. Now, I don't own a personal laptop. So, I took my work laptop so I could try it out remotely. As soon as my wife and I checked in to our hotel, I confirmed that we'd have wifi access and tested that out. After that, off we went on our vacation. I strangely scheduled a stop for our hotel room so that I might start downloading the beta once it was released. And then again, off we went on our tourist fun. Thankfully, late that night, my wife was wiped out and I then took the time to check my work laptop once more and fired up Elemental for the first time (8 bit intro and all). I loved it. This, of course, was before I became jaded with crashes and other crap. I remember playing for hours (having it crash - t'was a beta after all), resuming playing, and then eventually calling it a night - thankful that I was able to play Elemental for the first time from Gettysburg. And I was very excited about the future of the game.
Anyway, we all know how the saga of Elemental unfolded in the weeks and months after that. That said, I've played the beta of the Fallen Enchantress now from home. I realize that I was overly optimistic when the first Elemental came out. After playing FE, I'm really excited again in your IP. I'm thrilled that you made excellent decisions in hiring talent folks from the gaming community. I really think you will have something good here.
So please - work to kill any and all crashes before launch. Keep it up. I think you have crafted something excellent here and I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product!