Ah Stardock - foolish, foolish Stardock. You went too far when you choose to capitalize on the amazing work of Rebellion studios by calling your game Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Fools. We all know that seeing the word Rebellion immediately causes all of us to think of Rebellion studios. We then immediately purchase whatever content has the name Rebellion in it because we think its a product of Rebellion studios. You are terrible, terrible, people Stardock. Also in the news: Rebellion studios is suing Arcade Fire for their song Rebellion, the French movie Rebellion, the use of the term "Shay's Rebellion" from the 1700's, Starwars Rebellion from 1998, and Mass Effect Rebellion.

Here's the court documents: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_zz3inaULaXa2Y0bExwN3RZZ00/edit?pli=1
I wonder why rebellion studio's has not started capitalizing on their incredible brand by creating games like Sniper Elite: Rebellion. Surely there will be more sales if their name is the fugging title. Kuddos impressive lawyers. May terrible things happen to your sad, company Rebellion. Bad business.