Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 145)
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on Oct 16, 2015


Why do I play Hecarim in almost all of our ranked games?

You only know how to play 4 junglers?  waka waka

Naw - I get what you mean, but as its a completely new concept/technique to me, I'm not going to automatically know the best way to implement it.  Bunch of learning to do.  I'm thinking if I ran ali I'll be incredibly likely to try a gank top like that, but I'm not sure the best way to go about the thresh gank top.  Anyway, bad news - I'm probably going to be trying this a bunch as long as minor conditions are met and then start reducing the number of reasons I'd try it - gotta figure out what's good n whats poop.  



on Oct 16, 2015

man... mountain is... problematic.  

on Oct 16, 2015

wow... I can't believe skt lost... i mean...

on Oct 17, 2015

on Oct 19, 2015

Yo pacov, nice games botlane recently.

Since i know you've been working on your Thresh and stuff, couple comments. Hopefully it doesn't seem too out of place - but let me know if it is! Obviously i am rusty as well, and there have been a few miscommunications either with me being oom or me using Ez E just as you use lantern, etc, so i'm sure i have stuff to improve on also! Espiecially since i'm still getting used to my mouse and i sometimes press the recall button instead of the ping button


1. In the Thresh/Ez vs Jinx/Bard game you got REALLY tilted for CS level 1. It sort of made us get chunked to 50% because Jinx was getting "free" rockets on us since our moves were so coreographed. i understand the desire to proc your relic shield ASAP so that we can heal up, but we don't want to get chunked either...

2. This can easily be fixed by voice-comms but at the same time this shouldn't require that much chatter... we certainly had sometimes where i'd leave up multiple creeps for relic shield  (this one time in particular i face-tanked 3 minions while no enemies were in lane and you were right next to me  and didn't notice!) and then i'd take them then the very next wave you'd blow everything for relic shield procs. We need a little bit better communication, and i think it's okay to focus mostly on just getting 1 proc at a time (when your E is charged up and it looks like there's no action...). It obviously hurts BOTH of our gold generation when that sort of stuff happens.

3. Generally we've had pretty good hustle when it comes to being aggressive... no real complaints there. i think sometimes the mid roams aren't super successful BUT that is a skill that takes a lot of practice (from the ADC, the Support AND the Mid) so that's just something that takes more time to maximize...

on Oct 19, 2015

Ah - I guess your girlfriend from England finally let you use the internet message boards again, eh?  For anyone that doesn't know, PeterDumpTruck (PDT) got pretty mad at hedgie last night and remembered who he was wrong, so I basically confirmed every single thing PDT had to say re: hedgie's origin.  


re: bot lane - yah fun times.  Glad to discuss bot lane stuff/hear feedback advice.  I'm starting to get a little more comfortable re: the adjust playstyle I'm working towards.


re: 1 - that's either something I did wrong or you did wrong, and I'm not quite sure which.  In one game, we did a gromp or dbls start.  The main reason to that is either to get 1 of us to level 2 or to take an all in shot if we hit level 2 first (which we should hit 2 first).  We didn't hit 2 first though, which had a lot to do with you not pounding down cs to give us that all in opportunity.  Eg lack of communication - but I will add that I really think the only reason in a thresh lane to take a jungle camp is for that level 2 opp - so no point in doing it if we aren't shooting for that.  Prob just lack of communication.

And another time where we didn't start gromp or dbls, I was also more aggressive than you were wanting to be by trying to quickly push for a level 2.  As part of my new playstyle, I'm really looking for hyper aggressive level 2 ops.  That's not to say I should be always shooting for that... but I kind of am and maybe need to adjust.  Not exaclty sure

2 - relic shield procs - yeah, wasn't spot on.  I typically try to get my e charged unless I'm laning with a kali.  Something for me to work on.  If I get frustrated, I just ping on w/e I want to avoid confusion.  

3 - I think I over compensated a bit with mid roams 1 game after PDT has a really bad showing in the previous game.  I know I left you be a bit, but I'm not really sure what the best call is to do sometimes - another thing to figure out over time.


on Oct 19, 2015

Re: Support Roams

I played an inhouse with MadCast a little while back playing Corki and had a good Thresh in lane with me.  Good mechanically.  We got really far ahead from a gank.  When I cam back from my first shop I was ready to zone/kill our opponents, then take a Dragon.

So the Thresh roams mid.  They spot him and their bot lane proceed to zone me out while he hides in a bush while the enemy mid hides under tower.  For what seemed like five minutes.  Eventually he goes out to dive the enemy mid, doesn't go well, has to go back to base.  I'm under my tower zoned from Gold and Xp the whole time.  He comes back to lane and instead of far ahead, we're far behind.

Not an expert on when the Support should roam but my 2 cents is... don't turn a won bot lane into a lost lane for a gank that might work.  Roaming doesn't automatically do that but it does if you can't get it done quickly.  Mobi boots and pots are ideal so you can get there quick and heal up after your gank and get back bot!


Re: Thresh Procs And Hedgie Pacov Lanes

1.  Watched that game.  Hedgie seemed to do his best to try to "pound CS" and got pounded back really really hard by Jinx rockets.  Ez isn't a strong early game ADC so expecting him to be Graves or Caitlyn isn't realistic.

I wouldn't try the Krug strat in the future if you guys lane together with Thresh and Ez.  Thresh is okay at taking them, but he's no Braum/Leona/Morgana.  Ezreal... I can't think of too many ADC's less suited for it.  Or less suited to your new level 2 hyper-aggressive playstyle.  If you ever go back to your hyper-passive GP/10 Thresh, Ez is a much better choice.

2.  My favorite method by far is pinging.  If Thresh wants a CS, ping it.  If the Marksman wants to remind Thresh that a Cannon/Melee is getting low and to take it, ping.  It's less distracting than talking about it, and good practice for SoloQ when you're not gonna be in Teamspeak with your Support/ADC.

3.  In PDT games, sometimes there isn't a perfect call.  Depends on what your goal is, winning the game or keeping PDT from tilting maybe?  Can't really do both.  If he's not playing Malz, you can't really do either IMO.  

on Oct 19, 2015

So my whole point earlier was that support roams require precision lane control.  That is, you can't just roam off whenever you want because you saw it on a Challenger stream or whatever.  High elo players have really good lane control.

You can roam when the lane is near your own tower so the ADC isn't completely screwed.  But if you go off on Thresh's magical journey when the lane is pushed...yeah.  You might not even break even if you get the gank.  If you don't get the kill you will be completely hosed.

on Oct 19, 2015


Not an expert on when the Support should roam but my 2 cents is... don't turn a won bot lane into a lost lane for a gank that might work.

I asked someone over on lol summoner school that did a high end level support ama (challenger tier - also STAHP - I know I'm not challenger) about roaming, specifically with the loss to the bot lane in mind.  Here's what I posted - the whole article is worth a read as its specifically about roaming as a support:  

Not a fan of screwing the bot lane over and that's my specific concern with roaming as well.  


on Oct 19, 2015

I think its worth talking about the mindset of the adc a sec- sorry if im rehashing something someone else said (in between games atm).  I know if I'm playing as adc, I'm really, really annoyed if i make it back to lane and the support isn't with me.  Feels like forever.  But - if that means the team got a top turret or a kill, its often worth it.  The problem as we go into lower elo (gold and lower imo), is the adc dying and playing foolish out of frustration if the support is roaming.  Im not doing it perfect ofc.  

on Oct 19, 2015

really getting sick of zileans...

on Oct 20, 2015

re: 1 - that's either something I did wrong or you did wrong, and I'm not quite sure which.  In one game, we did a gromp or dbls start.  The main reason to that is either to get 1 of us to level 2 or to take an all in shot if we hit level 2 first (which we should hit 2 first).  We didn't hit 2 first though, which had a lot to do with you not pounding down cs to give us that all in opportunity.  Eg lack of communication - but I will add that I really think the only reason in a thresh lane to take a jungle camp is for that level 2 opp - so no point in doing it if we aren't shooting for that.  Prob just lack of communication.

i think Thunder pointed out most of it:

Watched that game.  Hedgie seemed to do his best to try to "pound CS" and got pounded back really really hard by Jinx rockets.


To add to it: we "decided" to split EXP. Not sure if that's a big deal or not, but yeah, neither of us got level 2. The enemy lane didn't leash, so we didn't get to lane first (and allow you to proc your relic shield to heal). THEN, in addition, we were both trying to hit the same creeps: You for relic, me just to try to get us to level 2.

Our plan is so obvious that it's very easy for Jinx to punish our extremely obvious moves. Which she did. It was even worse since she was able to get splash damage on both of us. In the future, if you are playing a melee-ish character who is tanking, i'd just let you take all/most of the EXP (last hit the big guy) so that you can hit level 2, brute-force the lane and just proc your relic shields and heal back up so that this thing doesn't happen again. It works really well with Leona.

on Oct 20, 2015

OK - lets give that start a go if it ever happens again (you know... because junglers let ya start gromp all the time).  I'll take full xp in that instance and attempt to bully and get relic procs.  You think that's the best way to do it?  Support hits 2 prior to lane?  Not really sure.  Not going to complain about that start though.  

on Oct 20, 2015


on Oct 20, 2015

OK - lets give that start a go if it ever happens again (you know... because junglers let ya start gromp all the time).  I'll take full xp in that instance and attempt to bully and get relic procs.  You think that's the best way to do it?  Support hits 2 prior to lane?  Not really sure.  Not going to complain about that start though. 

i think that makes sense if both of the following are true:

 1. the ADC is a scaling ADC with poor early game waveclear (most the champs i play...). So NOT Corki, Lucian, Graves.

 2. the Support is a tank starting relic shield.


This seems to be the pattern that LCS players use (eg, they give Leona/Braum the ealry level 2 in 2v2 lanes). Champs like Morgana, Bard have the ability to control jungle monsters a little better and don't have the ability to heal up with relic shield: makes more sense to have the ADC take the gold then.

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