Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 36)
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on Sep 11, 2014

Just for anyone that might not know, you can get 3 champ icons for participating in the ascension event.  Here's what you need to do.  Once logged into the game, click on the ascension screen (top left).  This takes you to the ascension web page.  There, enter your lol user name and pw to log in.  Now you are registered for the event.  Last, you need to win a total of 5 ascension matches to get all the icons.  You get 1 for 2 wins, another for 3 wins, and the last one for 5 wins.

The game mode is fun enough, but the pacing feels too slow to me.  Nothing I'm all that interested in a playing a bunch, but I'll get my icons at any rate. Still have a few more games left to play. 

Looking forward to the new champs release.  Also, kass doesn't feel crazy strong even with the passive change, which is good because its a pretty hefty passive imo. 

on Sep 11, 2014

Any of you folks actually dig ascension btw?

on Sep 11, 2014

There is a 4th icon as well.



Taken from:

on Sep 12, 2014

So, it looks like pbe is going to get a pretty decent texture update.  Looks pretty good:

Link to example:


Oh.. and only 1 icon left to get on that ascension mode for me anyway. 

on Sep 14, 2014

hmm... random quick updates/thoughts.

1 - f that perfect ascension icon.  Nice that some of you got it, but its already a slow game mode - you go in with the mindset that its gg if you don't take all the ascendeds... well, its gg as early as a min or 2 into a 20-30 min game... which absolutely blows.  Kind of rage inducing once you have the other icons.  I'm pretty well done with that mode unless we are going some hyper combo to secure then.

Also, am I wrong in saying that nunu can't just consumer the ascended to secure?  It "Felt" like I needed to get an aa in after consuming even when I was spot on with the map... not sure.


Other stuff - been working a bunch on a few specific things lately.  Elise jungle, talon mid, and apparently poppy top.  Having a pretty good time of it with some mixed results (mostly positive, though).  Talons even more fun when you are doing team builder and have like 80% odds of fighting against a zed (and crapping on him).  I ended up as a talon vs a talon 1 game - that was rough as I couldn't figure out fast enough how to work my combos against someone else with a blink silence. 

on Sep 14, 2014

You could try someone with a global ultimate sitting in the spawn. This would require you 4v5 acing the enemy and feeding it to that guy though and it feels a bit cheap, but if you really want the icon eh.

on Sep 16, 2014


You could try someone with a global ultimate sitting in the spawn. This would require you 4v5 acing the enemy and feeding it to that guy though and it feels a bit cheap, but if you really want the icon eh.

yah... nope.  I'm done with it.  Was nice to get the other icons, but just kind of unfun. 

Time for another recap as I've been slow to post lately and there are a few things on my mind.  Here goes.  Really looking forward to the new champ.  Another one that's fun to play - we'll see how that pans out.  He certainly seems like he'd be super annoying against a zed and perhaps a yasuo... which is good in the somewhat more assassin heavy meta I've been seeing.

Anyone else noting a trend for having more and more assassins/bursty champs on teams lately? 

Been playing a bit less with some of my regular pals of late.  Def needed a break. Was not having fun with a few folks and them not with me, so good decision to take a break anyway.

What else.... oh, I personally threw an in house madcast game when I became disgusted with my team's jungler.  I was quite mad then and went back and watched the replay and saw how I was a much bigger putz.  Bummer... when you start out with the premise being my jungler's taken nunu and he's up against an amumu and he's worried he (the nunu) is going to be counter jungled... I don't even... Anyway, my bad though.  I was a pisser.

So, talon nerf... now that I've started playing talon... fml.  I'm assuming it will hit live, but I hate it.  That silence is what made him much a great counter imo.  If his silence is gone... well, crap.  I can just blink and die perhaps... the silence is pretty strong, though.

Been doing a lot more of what I want to play rather than joining folks that where I have to play a specific role to accommodate someone.  I've been particularly enjoying team builder for that.  So much more satisfying and fun lately to queue up alone and play w/e I want.  I find I'm typically starting out most nights doing a few solo team builders and then grouping up with folks.  Think I've played 1 game as support in the last week.  Has been a really nice break. 

Really enjoyed working on my elise jungle, my talon mid, my poppy top, etc.  Going to have to shift back to ranked solo soon - think I'll likely try to get adc as possible or mid now (pre talon nerf)... same dumb rule applies for me in ranked, though - if I'm fp and can get yasuo, I'm taking every single time.  Dumb champ.


Also, rui said he's actually been sponsored in EU and is in the process of forming a team.  He said that if you are sponsored you get master tier accounts to start out with with all champs unlocked, etc.  That makes sense considering that recent twitch LCS goes to korea stream where everyone suddenly appeared with accounts and all were very high level immediately (master min it would seem). 

Also, I think its pretty lame to give away master tier accounts if that's how it works, incidentally...


on Sep 16, 2014

Does anyone know how Nashor's Tooth and Banner of Command work on Azir? I remember the spotlight mentioning that his minions apply on hit spell effects, so maybe that means they do not apply auto attack modifiers? I am unsure and am not able to buy him to test atm.

on Sep 16, 2014

Not sure either - I'll be picking him up when released.  I don't mind doing a run through on pbe later today to try things out... if folks don't know. 

so. re: banner of command, you are trying to figure out if his soldiers get any benefit from it?

re:nashors - you just want to know if his solder's get the basic attack dmg modifier.  I thought the vid specifically said this didn't work.  Can prob save some time if you go back and relisten to that piece. 

on Sep 16, 2014

Yeah, I went back and rewatched that part. It really sucks that Nashor's doesn't work with him. 

Also, yes I was wondering if his soldiers benefit from the 15% buff to minions like Tibbers and Heimer's turrets do. If not I am going to be super sad, Azir seemed like a champ with cool item paths and for them to just shoot them down already is a bit sad. 

on Sep 16, 2014

Well.. we'll see.  I'll check out that banner of command bit later today on pbe if he hasn't been released.  He's such a weird mix, I think he'll be fun to play and potentially op.... but not super high potential imo.  He should do well early imo with a little skill vs most mid match ups.  I think he'll have problems against heavy burst, though.  Certainly interesting + that turret. 

edit - ah - he's actually on live now.  Go get em

on Sep 16, 2014

His mobility and range is going to make him OP but don't expect him to be popular for a while (think syndra) because his skill cap is pretty high (not to mention his OP turret thing)

on Sep 16, 2014

I'm still thinking through his best roles.  He's a fairly crappy jungler, but brings a ton of utility and has some unique ganking paths... so, there might be a spot there. He should be able to handle invades/counter jungling well enough... I wonder if ff would work (guess I don't fully understand how those minion hits work either).  Mid seems most logical - top would be possible.  I wonder if support is viable at all (the soldiers do reveal bushes afaik).  He has cc and reasonable zoning pontential along with an ult that could save your carry or setup the enemy.  You'd really be lacking the dmg as a no cs support.  Kill lane potential.  Strong zoning power + bruiser could work. 

on Sep 16, 2014

Even without getting the on hit damage from Nashor's, that's still 75% AS and the 60 AP to boost their damage.  The wiki says Banner of Command doesn't work for them.

on Sep 16, 2014

banner works for them - just tested on pbe.

sheen does not proc using soldiers, no effect from iceborn using soldiers (dmg or slow)

wit's end - no stacks gained

static shiv - no proc

hydra/tiamat = nope

frozen mallet = nope


relias = yes

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