Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 63)
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on Dec 07, 2014

So yesterday I formed the derp squad... and got peter to run exhaust. 

Game 1 did kind of smeh.  Actually didn't quite figure out the best way to play against garen at 1st (kept using my escape at really dumb times resulting in silence + a bunch of dmg).  Eventually learned.  Thankfully, he was a jack ass and cost his team the win by playing like king poop until we could just annihilate him because he drug the game out. 

Anyway, still some pretty good success and learning is being done.


on Dec 07, 2014

where dat hedgie at IEM San Jose? 

on Dec 08, 2014

1st loss in a bit with liss.  Had some harder matchups tonight.  Lost to an irelia over some boneheaded play on my part . Actually, 100% of my issues tonight stemmed from awful invade decisions.  Had a few decent plays every game, though. 


on Dec 08, 2014

I think I am finally happy with my ADC play. All them ARAM's playing ADC are starting to show haha. Also a good support is amazing.

on Dec 08, 2014

ask me happy I am to see a bunch of lissandra play in tournaments right after I started playing her a bunch and decided to make her one of my mains... huehuehue

on Dec 08, 2014

k framerate cap test. 

I usually play lol with my in game settings to uncapped framerate.  I get a something between 250-450 fps.  Which is silly.  Anyway, it made me wonder if its perhaps slightly more difficult to last hit here and there as the frame rate fluctuates.  Riot has built in a few frame rate options - 30,60,80, uncapped.  I figured ok - well how about if I find out what's the most stable value on my side (eg what's the lowest my framerate dips to) and then try to find a way to set the fps to that.

Well, 3rd party app needed.  If you have an amd card, you downloadradeon pro, setup a profile, and you are set.  Downside is that you can apparently only set it to a max of 120 (so that's what I did).  If you have an nvidia card, you download nvidia inspector.  The amd one was really quick and easy to setup though.  Took me about 5 minutes to install and setup.  If you try this and have questions, let me know.

Also, no idea yet if this really makes much of a difference.  I "feel like" I notice a difference between 80 fps and uncapped anyway... and 120 "feels" nicer... w/e though.

on Dec 08, 2014

Re: Support

Feel good about my solo laning skills currently.  Smurfing with my Bronze buddies was a good way to learn Top and Mid cause they progressed eventually so I got to gradually build up to playing against Silvers and Golds  I'm feeling in a good place on playing solo, so playing Support right now ain't no chore for me.  I'm stoked to fill in whenever.


Re: Playing What We're Best At

Hedgie, Karl, and I are pretty mellow.  Karl gets upset when people make silly mistakes that set him back, Hedgie bristles when people make bad calls.  I get bummed when we're losing when someone else is getting bummed out that we're losing... especially when it feels like that person is struggling because he's trying something new and is taking his frustration out on us.  Cow gets heated sometimes, but usually not. He's the best player in the group so he usually stomps the enemy mid which makes.  Lag and 'Brick In Lane' champs make Pete sad.

Most of us enjoy doing well personally in a losing game or at least feel good that we're doing our best when we play what we're good at. Then we relax and take the opportunity to improve our skills at something new when we have to play 'off roles' and unfamiliar champs.

I can't speak for everyone, but it seems like we're cool with losing a Normal game as long as nothing too frustrating or silly is going on where it feels like a complete waste of time.


Re: Exercise Is Good

Good for you man!  That's a large amount of running.  

I wouldn't worry about exercising affecting your LoL performance too much.  What I've noticed about you over the years is that you possibly don't realize how much your skill level varies depending on your practice habits.  

When you're putting a ton of energy and time into learning how to Shaco Support, then playing him constantly with Silver-Gold V MadCasters... on TeamBuilder... well, you're not going to be tearing shit up when you queue with Cow/Hedgie/Karl and end up playing Not Shaco Support.

I don't know, but I don't think you've been throwing all your time into the latest OP Reddit Thing That's Already Nerfed On PBE, so maybe it's just you're learning to play with Pete again and it's been throwing you off a little?  

I don't know what it is but all studies seem to show that getting in shape should improve gaming performance, not take away from it.

on Dec 08, 2014

I'm pretty sure that Lissandra is going to get nerfed soon.  If not this patch, then the next one.  High solo queue winrate + high pro status is a nerfing pretty much every time.

on Dec 08, 2014


I'm pretty sure that Lissandra is going to get nerfed soon. If not this patch, then the next one. High solo queue winrate + high pro status is a nerfing pretty much every time.

hence my happy feelings... fuggers really have to start playing her in tourneys...

that said, her cumulative win rate in ranked is 50-52%.  And that win rate stays relatively consistent in low and high elo play.  Pick rate is up a bit after the tourneys, but, of course, skill cap is still low.  Kind of wish there wasn't the tourney exposure. 

on Dec 08, 2014

i don't think you're going to have a huge problem. i was away so i didn't have time to comment on Lissandra, but i did like the idea of Lissandra when you first started playing.

Anyway, part of her success in the tournament, i think, was that she's a great counterpick against Fizz, Maokai, Gnar.

i think that Top and Bot have a problem: there are really only ~3 "good" champs in the lanes:

ADC: Graves, Corki, Lucian

Sup: Soraka, Janna, Thresh

Top: Irelia, Gnar, Maokai, Rumble


A lot of people are blowing bans on top laners (even though Gnar had a very medicore showing and not sure why he was 100% PBW). Lissandra is kind of like old!Trundle who devoured champs like Mundo and Shyvana. So i think that's part of the reason...

on Dec 09, 2014

Here's an Imgur album of some picture. The pictures were really blurry for whatever reason


We got pretty cheap seats ($60 for two people for two days) that were on the Early Bird Discount. Unfortunately, they rearranged the stage slightly and they became "Low Visibilty" because we no longer had a clear view of the stage. The screen had a pretty great view, luckily, and that's mostly all that mattered! We could see about half of the stage, but since the players are behind monitors anyway... it's really not that exciting. There was also a LOT of bass! Everytime anyone used an ability or got a CS, there was a huge reverberation. Maokai in particular basically rocked us in our chairs.

Unfortunately, our section never got broadcasted on screen. Our half was a bit empty, and they favored the other half. However! During the "game starting in 15 minutes"... we were RIGHT below the Roccat label. We joked it was kind of like Mike Wazowski because we were trying to get into the movie and then when we finally did, there was a huge label over us!

The Intel Demo section was interesting. It had a bunch of games and really flashy computers. They had a cool phone that could slide into an 8" tablet? That was super nifty. Then some really expensive computers i tried my best to ignore. They also had a tiny Ultra-Micro computer that was basically the side of maybe 5 decks of cards on top of each other + slightly wider. It was running games and stuff. That was crazy as well. The only piece of hardware i really liked was the Roccat keyboard + mouse setup they had. It was a really cool mouse, really comfortable and the buttons were in nice spots.

View from seats:

View from top of stairs into the stadium:

People on our left (the popular side):

Right Side:

View from "the pit" if you walked into the Demo Section:




on Dec 09, 2014

Yay - thx for sharing and all the pics.  -busy at work pacov...

on Dec 09, 2014

Some cool fuzzy pics bro.    Oddly, it never occurred to me that they would demo intel things at IEM.  Good price anyway on the tics for 2.  Kind of sucks you can't see the people perhaps.... I guess at lest you get to enjoy the atmosphere with all the fans though.  Sounds like you had a good time.


Maokai in particular basically rocked us in our chairs.

that's cool. 

Didn't get to watch all the games myself, but I enjoyed what I saw.



So, last night diamond 3 darius took my lissandra to the woodshed after I crapped all over his top lane urgot.  Fun to play against him at any rate, but he got a wee bit gigantic...

on Dec 11, 2014

reksai is out - new sale live now. 

Hoping to get in more games today - got a little busy yesterday. 

on Dec 11, 2014

in case you didn't see re: new "gates" in base


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