Pacov's place to enjoy the show.
Published on December 18, 2011 By pacov In PC Gaming

Just thought I'd get this going and then weigh in sometime soon.  I picked it up and, so far, absolutely love it.  My first character is a Sith Juggernaut Warrior.  I love how its really story driven and the huge amount of voice acting.  I also dig how crafting is setup.  Anyway, all the time I'm going to put into this post for now... back to playing

Thought I'd update this with some useful info instead of having to dig through the thread.

Clan info, servers, etc.

Many of us are on the Kass City server - includes many SD staffers + folks from the community

  • pacov (pacov)- Bounty Hunter - mercenary (dps) - level 50
  • pewpewpacov - Imperial Agent - sniper (dps) - level 30ish
  • ryat (ryat) - Bounty Hunter - power tech
  • carbon (Ryden) - Sith Assassin
  • seamw (Ahblaka) - imperial agent

Ryat has several other character on Hyperspace Cannon server:

Ryat - Sentinel
Ryata - Gunslinger
Tayme - Sage
Zachy - Commando


Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 27, 2011

  Current grip with game:

Everyone I know is one a different server.

So I either keep playing on Kass alone, or make X amounts of alts for all my gaming pals to play with them.

Or...I use the force to convince everyone i know to play on 1 server.

on Dec 27, 2011

Same boat, Carbon (though you should have just accepted that wait on that one day and joined my server.  I haven't had a single log in delay since that 1 day.. go figure). 

Anyway, I'm still a bit obsessed with my current character (eg haven't touched LoL in at least a week).  I keep thinking and wanting to start a new character.  And if I do, I'll very likely jump to your server.  Its just a matter of whether or not you decide to jump over to mine before I jump to yours.

on Dec 27, 2011

I'm on Kass City.  Find me on there and we'll add you to our guild. 

I'm on as Talax.

on Dec 27, 2011

bastard... now i have to join kass... sob

on Dec 27, 2011

smeh - level 1 bounty hunter named pacov created on kass city - will be my new primary.  add me.


on Dec 28, 2011

Adding now. If you want help just holler, I could use the combat experience to better my chain of skills timing, and I wanna easedrop on your story ^^

And Frogboy, Ive added you also.  Hope to catch some yall online in the next day or so

Anyone else I need to add who is on Kass City?


EDIT: Couldnt add you Frogboy under the name Talax (says it doesnt exist)

on Dec 28, 2011

I guess I should build an alt on Kass City. Maybe tonite. Maybe.

on Dec 28, 2011

You should boy, After all your the one who hype it up to me. Make sure you Empire I'll tag along with you also if your on, for story sake

on Dec 28, 2011

Okay then... just for tracking:

Kass City

  • pacov - Level 1 Bounty Hunter - Empire - will likely spec healing and fill that role - in game name = pacov
  • carbon - level 13+ - sith inquisitor assassin - in game name = Ryden
  • seanw - level 17+ - imperial operative - in game name = ?
  • Frogboy and sons - level = 19+ - sith marauder - frogboys user name = talax

Frogboy apparently has a guild setup there.  Question - what's the big deal with a guild?   Eg what do you get out of being a part of one?

Anyone else I missed that is on Kass City?  As you can see, I'm just starting out a new character, so if anyone is looking to switch to Kass City and play some with a lower leveled pacov, let me know.  Going to start leveling my character after work.

on Dec 28, 2011

If we get more and more folks on the Kass Server, I'll move that list to the OP so its easy to see. 

So - crafting question.  I've spent A LOT of time crafting on my level 24 sith juggernaut.  I'd craft an item, break it down, then recraft over and over until I'd get plans for an upgraded item.  Then, I'd do the same with that as I built up better and better items.  Anyway, I noticed that at certain levels I'd start crafting prototype stuff.  Now for these, it would often say I need like a grade 2 power crystal.  So, I'd send my companions out get some grade 2 power crystals... only they never bring me back the type of crystal I need.  So, I'm wondering if there is an easy way to get some of the more unique items (that apparently your companions can't or only rarely acquire through missions).  In my case, I ended up paying like 1k credits just to get a crafting item I needed through the galactic trade network. 

Also, anyone else using the galactic trade network a bunch?  I love it. I just started selling some items last night and I'm curious to see if they've sold or not.  I bought some great upgrade items through it.  For instance, I only had 1 implant all the way through level 24.  I just didn't see them anywhere.  But when I came across it on the network, it was an insta buy for me.  Also, items you post for sale only stick up there for like 1 day, so there's always new stuff coming in. 

on Dec 28, 2011

Ive not touched crafting yet, nor really even crew skills/mission/etc. I assume that its all tied to crafting stuff but Im been busy getting combat down, the global cooldown is killing me. Do skills que if you press them during the cooldown?

My issues maybe related to my Charter Internet, its been wonky for about a month, random drops...lag spikes...or just good old fashioned slowness. It like a tide, it comes and goes.

Anyhow, so crafting requires you to send crew members on missions to get stuff which you make then breakdown, wash and repeat?

I didnt play WoW so my exact knowlege on alot of stuff is well limited by what iver heard people discuss and the few random question Ive asked b/c something peaked my intrest. And since all Ive heard is this is WoW in space (the nuts and bolts of the game mechanics that is) figured I dont quite get it yet.


on Dec 28, 2011

I just learned the crafting system here - didn't really do any of that in my brief jaunt in wow.  Here's the gist.  Your companions get 3 crew skills (you can see this menu by pressing N).  There's a main crew skill.  Based on the main skill you pick, you can create armor, or weapons, etc.  Then, the other skills you get are typically used in support of that main skill.  Take for example my level 24 sith.  I choose my main crew skill of artifice.  This enables me to craft lightsaber parts along with shield generators.  I picked this crew skill because I use lightsabers and I use shields, so its quite useful.  If I didn't use lightsabers, though, I don't think it would be exceptionally useful.  Anyway, I choose treasure hunting and ... - can't think of the name right now).  Both of those support skills create missions for my companions.  So, I send them on missions and they get me the parts I need to use my artifice skill.  So, they bring back the parts, I craft items.  I can then reverse engineer the crafted items and before too long (by repeating), I'll get a new blueprint for an even better item to craft.  Anyway, that treasure hunting skill is even more useful, though.  With it, you can search for companion gifts and more importantly, lock boxes that include items or gold, etc. 

Anyway, the more you use any of your skills (and if they are successful), the more experience you gain in that skill.  So, if you do it a bunch, you eventually get access to better crafting recipes and better missions (for instance, on my level 24 sith guy, I can get very good level 3 lock boxes that often include some VERY good items). 

Anyway, that's the basic overview.  I'd suggest googling it to find out what might be the best combination for the character type you are using.  I'll be doing that with my bounty hunter as soon as I get my companion. 

on Dec 28, 2011

I might come join you guys on Kass City when I make a Sith.  

on Dec 28, 2011

Well, have introduced me into another world of intrest.

Ive spent all my cash on doing a few new items.


I went Biochem, for stims and health packs...b/c I use them ALOT lol. and who doesnt like stims and health

on Dec 28, 2011

Well, it can be even more fun and profitable as well.   You can sell the things you craft on the galactic market as well.  Just make sure you check in on the biochem trainer as you level.  They sell you recipes (and they are really cheap starting out).  As you level your biochem skill (by crafting), you be eligible for more better recipes.  What I do is stop by the skill trainer (bio chem guy for you) and then instead of just clicking on trainable, click on all and see what level you need to hit to get your next recipes.  Then, just pop in again when you get to that level.

Another really cool thing I saw - when you are in a party, you can look at your teammates schematics and learn them (if its something you can learn, anyway).  That means if I chose bio chem and had some recipes that you did not, you could learn them - I think at no cost.  Anyway, anytime I'm in a party, I always check to see if there are any schematics I can grab.  I think you right click on their portrait and its an option towards the bottom - might be through a sub menu.

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