Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 10)
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on Jul 01, 2014

Worth a read if you have not checked it out yet - patch 4.11 forecast stuffs:

I will probably hit up PBE tonight to get a feel for the new quill item on junglers and run an HP stack.

on Jul 01, 2014

I would have to disagree on the Nidalee running Teleport.  

I was an avid player of AD Nidalee since season ~1-2, and still run ignite, even with the whole Teleport meta.  

I was watching some of your stream last night pacov, you missed a lot of free harass opportunity on Irelia, but I'm not saying that would have made your lane all that much easier. 

I've been in a couple Irelia vs Nidalee match-ups and even if I was fed (3/0/0), because it's Irelia and she has that massive gap closer and CC, she proves to to be an issue.

Anyone with gap closers and hard cc in general will be a difficult match-up for Nidalee, so you need to take any chance to harass that you can.

And in addition to the Hunt proc, you don't always need it in order to engage. Simply leaping in to E auto Q combo is sufficient enough in chunking the enemy, the only reason I'll ever need to land a spear or trap for the Hunt proc is if I need to gap close for a gank or for free harass.

Nidalee doesn't have too great of team fight potential in comparison to a lot of champions, so roaming midlane during lanephase for ganks would be advisable in addition to just pressuring top to pull the jungler top and alleviate pressure mid and bot etc.

But yeah, for Nidalee in general she's one of those champions where I'm hesitant on running Teleport, any other top laner I would prob run tele.

on Jul 01, 2014

I don't think you are going to be able to sway folks one way or another re: tp tbh.  I still like it on certain champs in top lane (including nid).  These fellas are pretty firmly in the TP mofo camp. 

re: my play as nidalee and top lane in general - oh, I have no idea as to the best most proper play style, what posture I should take and when - I'm just figuring out things and will get better with repition.  I agree that there were alot of missed harassment opportunities for me in the lane.  A lot of that stemming from me trying to figure out the best way to mitigate her dash + slow.  For instance, with other top laners, I could get away with a quick dash in the other direction.  With her setup, she gets the dash, her slow, then an aa or so.  I get crapped on in the trade and my opening appears to be after she does that - which is what I messed up not knowing the best thing to do...

so.... I'll put it to you.  Irelia is full hp and you are down to say 80% of your hp.  She dashes at you (causing dash to go on cd) and slows you.  How exactly would you respond to that trade?


on Jul 01, 2014


Alright time for a fun discussion. I am curious of what everyones favorite league of legends moment has been. Was it a penta kill? An amazing outplay? Some thing peterdumptruck did? Lets here it! Ill tell mine after a few people have shared theirs.

Playing bot lane with Hedgie and having this amazing outplay when we fought off a gank and got a kill.  It was back when we'd lane together quite a bit so we both got pretty excited with the perfect target switching and coordinated kiting it took to get ahead off what could have been a double kill for the other team.  "How long Thunder?! How long have we been playing together?!"

Honorable Mentions:

-Last night was slumming with one of my friends I'm trying to get out of Bronze and got a Penta as Swain.  It was a 4v5 cause our MF's Dad was "Being a ****" so she bailed, but I was fed off Bronze II players so no worries... until my team wanted to do Baron.  I've played with Pacov enough to know that a bad Baron call may or may not end up in catastrophe but letting your team try and do it without you pretty much guarantees PAINFUL AGONIZING FAILURE.  So the four of us try and do Baron without an ADC and the enemy jumps us near the end and steals the Baron while killing my team.  I got a good Nevermove on most of them while Zhonya ulting when Baron was still doing damage, so I got a Quadra and then used my new red buff to chase their Alistar almost to their mid inhib tower.  PENTAKILL!  He made me earn it so I gave him honor after the game.

-An enemy Leona was going to wall flash but I predicted it and sent out the chain while facing where she was but aiming where I thought she was gonna flash to.  "Get over here!" but then I went over there and realized I didn't use the right quote but dropped a lantern for a friend and said "Get over here!" and we killed the bitch.  I felt like Scorpion woulda been proud.

-Got a Penta with Irelia in a Ranked game I carried from start to finish.  The game was still up in the air and we dove top inhib tower and I got the Penta without even realizing that I was even getting kills... I think this was more of my faceroll in teamfights stage of playing her.


on Jul 01, 2014

My favorite moment was my first real penta kill. I was playing Karthus mid and just died in a 2v2 with my support still fighting 2v1. I killed the Irelia with a Q and channeled my ult while I was dead. I did it to kill the guy my support was dueling but little did I know that there was a 2v2 in the river on top side between the junglers and tops, and a 1v1 in the river on bottom side between the adcs. As my ult dropped there was no DOUBLE KILL, TRIPLE KILL, QUADRA KILL, just an instant PENTA KILL notification. I was like WHAT JUST HAPPENED and I got to watch the replay. It was redicilous timing. This was back when the meta had like zero assassins; leblanc was a troll pick, zed, fizz, and talon didn't exsist, and kassadin was literally permabanned even more than now.


There was also a Peterdumptruck ARAM that was top tier. There was a guy on our team that would just move and taunt the whole time as singed so I proceeded to do the same with Darius and Peter did the same thing with fizz. We taunted the enemy players into getting pulled and flipped and just annhilated them. We would purposely take shots from them to just later grab them and instantly kill some one. Peter was practically crying with laughter.


OH and I forgot a really funny disappointment:

I had a teamwork ribbon for about 2 days. I got it and was like AWESOME FINALLY GOT ONE AFTER LIKE 200 TEAMWORSK! Then 2 days later it magically diappeared. Riot is an excellant troll or I was just trolling to hard the games after I got it.

on Jul 01, 2014

Hrm, so apparently the inactivity warning thing bugged out on me.  I got the 9 day warning for inactivity on Thursday of last week.  I got demoted today.  That is not 9 days.  Yay Riot!

on Jul 01, 2014

i mean... aatrox turns into a jet in the new skin...


edit - uh... sorry to hear that karl.  ><

on Jul 01, 2014

Ah, more jungle changes.  And of course, they make no fucking sense.

Riot's stated goal is to help out tank junglers with pressure from people like Lee Sin, Pantheon, and Kha (all champions they listed).  Then, they make insane Machete changes that just contradict that.

The problem is that Machete is losing the 10% damage buff to monsters.  Well, junglers like Lee Sin, Pantheon, and Kha will actually be getting that damage back because their skills will be hitting harder since the damage on Machete is going to AD and they have skills that scale with AD.  But tanks don't generally have skills that scale with AD.  They have skills that scale with AP.  So its just a flat 10% nerf to tank camp clear speeds.

So tanks clear SUBSTANTIALLY slower early on, while the "problems" that Riot explicitly lists clear at probably about the same speed.  Um, so how is this supposed to help tank junglers with early pressure again?

It just means that you bad better not be playing an autoattacking champion (they just got wrecked pretty good), and tanks are going to get pressured even harder earlier.  I haven't played too much with the other new jungle items, so maybe they are OP enough to make up for it.

on Jul 01, 2014

it's +10 autoattack damage. They basically just converted it from magic to physical (technically slightly worse since jungle monsters have 0 or negative MR).

There is a tooltip hotfix already on PBE.


on Jul 01, 2014

Oh, so Riot patch notes were just wrong again.  Thats nice too.

on Jul 02, 2014

so much for me doing a run though of the new jangle item on pbe... oddly obsessed with crappy games on LAN tonight.  Just wanted some low key nonsense I think.  Back tomorrow for normal fun.  Night all!


Don't forget to chime in if you have any comments related to cow's "what's your fav moment" question!

on Jul 02, 2014

Peterdumptruck Starring in "Sugar Piss" is definitely my favorite of your videos. I wish I could of been there for it live though

on Jul 02, 2014

Yah - quite a few good pete moments, eh. 


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