Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 9)
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on Jun 30, 2014

"i really really really disagree with this statement."

I was talking for our group of friends what a "winning team comp" looks like. Not what a winning LCS team comp looks like. So in terms of jungler synergy with a mid lane for us usually revolves around Karl landing a stun and me or whoever following up on it. Coordinating anything more than that is currently above our heads.

on Jun 30, 2014

we appear to have a live one here.  Good! 

I'm not really looking to personally critique folks in the context of my pacov = serious, easy going, etc. That said, yeah - I guess I really dislike it when I get a chance to play a role I want after running support a bunch and now its time for cow's gangplank in X role.  

I guess that bothers me for the same reason as cow  - I think its become some sort of trollish game when someone makes a pick like that.  But - I don't go to the same extreme and say, oh, we have a quinn top, gg.  I really can't remember the last game we played where I tried to do something hard out of the meta, though.  I'm not super worked up about it at any rate, though.

Don't have time to write much more - but yeah - me being able to dish out criticism and then not take it is a pretty huge problem that I want to address/resolve faster.

on Jun 30, 2014

i wasn't talking about LCS. i'm saying that just because mid lane might boil down to "Karl hits a stun and then follow up on it" at our skill level, doesn't mean that mid lane is somehow completely isolated from all team comp issues and you can just pick whatever. When midlane is actually the most impactful lane. Even in bronze, there's a huge difference in how the first 15 minutes go if you have a Fizz versus a Ziggs.

on Jun 30, 2014

I think that picking B vs A/S tier champions is no big deal.  At our level of play, the difference between picking a B tier champion and picking a higher tier champion is pretty small (with one or two exceptions at both ends of the spectrum - don't start playing Urgot just to prove me wrong please).

The bigger problem is team comps.  Cow has already covered one way in which team comps can be bad.  It's best to be somewhat unified in team idea and not scattered all over the place.  I generally greatly prefer to play teamfighty comps since other team comps are much more difficult to coordinate in my opinion.  I greatly dislike splitpush comps because I think they are way too hard to coordinate.

Another thing that has caused us occasional problems is scaling.  We have to be careful not to take too many champs that start off slowly, especially if we go nuts on scaling runes (cough).  I know that we had one game where we had our ADC/MID/JUNGLE combo as Kog/Kass/WW into something like Cait/Ori/Lee, and that ended up being a bloodbath due to scaling problems.

on Jun 30, 2014

i don't think that anyone here is claiming that you must pick A/S-tier champs only. i've always been a strong proponent of Cow's Brand and i mean there's Anivia.

My point was more: you can't complain about other people picking weaker champs if you-yourself are picking a B-list.

i do think you're going to have to get more used to slower-scaling botlanes though, Karl. Riot is pushing the hyperscaling ADC paradigm from Season 2 (luckily without the insanity of the Holy Trinity). And it's not as if Kass/WW are weak after level 6.

"Weak" lanes that lose the 2v2 or 1v1 might not lose a 3v3 or 2v2 even if the enemy jungler comes.

on Jun 30, 2014


My point was more: you can't complain about other people picking weaker champs if you-yourself are picking a B-list.

Ahh I usually only complain about picks that I feel don't work with our current direction as a team comp. So picking a tanky bruiser top like voli bear over say a jax I wont complain about since they both fulfill the sameish sort of role as far as we are concerned. Its more of the every-lane-picking-squishy-champs games or we-have-zero-cc comps that drive me up the wall. That being said I can see where I would get annoying to play with.  

on Jun 30, 2014

Oh, I don't have a problem with weak botlanes at all.  In fact, I kind of like weak botlanes who sit at their tower since I like ganking bot now that its not warded all the time early on.

So I don't have a problem with a weak lane - I just don't like having two weak lanes next to each other if the opponent goes with two strong lanes.  That leads to problems since they can then choose to make a large number of plays that we simply can't defend (many of which involve screwing over the jungler).  I mean, if I'm playing Lee in that matchup, I'm thinking to myself "cool, WW doesn't get at least half his jungle for the first 8 minutes!".

I'll generally try and not play WW (for example) if I see lots of weak lanes, but its something we all have to keep in mind.

on Jun 30, 2014

I only pick B champs and win every game ever. 

on Jun 30, 2014

a wild swan appears! 

on Jun 30, 2014

on Jun 30, 2014

So yesterday I had a game on a level 5 LAN account with a intentionally feeding Latin American udyr.  That was nowhere near as exhausting as the last game of the night with teemo.  It's like 11PM and I'm calling it a night.  hurpderp. 

on Jul 01, 2014

Alright time for a fun discussion. I am curious of what everyones favorite league of legends moment has been. Was it a penta kill? An amazing outplay? Some thing peterdumptruck did? Lets here it! Ill tell mine after a few people have shared theirs.

on Jul 01, 2014

I don't have a favorite, per se, but I did make a bunch of fun clips during our many adventures - the link goes to those short fun vids I made awhile back:

Peterkill was a good one...


And this one is one of my favs:

on Jul 01, 2014

Onto other stuffs - so, I'm still digging nidalee out of top lane.  Holy crap did I get a lesson on why I need to take tp, though.  While an unfed irelia having tp shouldn't guarantee a triple kill (read that with some emphasis, eh), the only moment where my ignite would have been a good call was destroyed by voli making a last hit on irelia that wasn't needed after I died like a goof.  That said, I'll continue the thought process a bit...

So, nidalee in top lane has some pretty strong burst, but that burst is directly linked to your hunt proc's.  The irelia was actually really, really good early at avoiding getting proc'd, so my dps were much lower than I needed.  That said, if I do land a proc around level 3-4, with ignite, I'm pretty well guaranteed a kill vs just about any top laner imo.  I just, unfortunately, did not play well enough to do that.  At that very specific point, ignite became a very, very bad summoner vs tp.  I preferred the ign vs irelia setup for that reason, but me not having the tp really bit us int he arse... specifically when irelia tp'd early and got like a triple kill... snowballing her.  Anyway, I'm going to work tp into my nid build - at least vs specific matchups.  I always personally prefer ignite for the adding kill potential early/mid, but agree that tp is better for the team.

on Jul 01, 2014

it wasn't a "free" triple at least. i think we had gotten a double (maybe a triple if TF had teleported as well?). The TP just converted a 2-0 into a 2-3

i def understand that the Volibear top "anti-ganked" you. Dying while you have Ignite v TP in an early gank is ... catastrophic. Still a "team resource" though

One problem with Nidalee is it is pretty hard to gank for her. This was also true with AP Nid mid (and one of the reasons that lane is considered so weak until first dragon fight). You've got no CC (unless they added a slow somewhere in the rework), and her burst damage is attached to hitting a spear or trap, so it's somewhat inconsistent.

Ignite does make it more possible to gank for the Nid lane, and Volibear is certainly a gank heavy jungler.

What i mean to say, perhaps, is that there are several good reasons to go ignite. Most of them are kind of contingent on you being at least a B+ top-laner? While you're probably going to do fine against Silvers/Golds as a Plat player, i don't think you're going to be a "B+ top-laner" in the platinum so when you face those kinds of players you'll be in trouble.

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