Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 7)
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on Jun 24, 2014

Also... holy crap... I'm just going to go to bed next time I feel like doing a vlog... so freakng tired today - oh well. 

on Jun 24, 2014

More thoughts from pro type players about the adc item changes:

Worth a read imo.  The article is all about the power spike you get based on build path (for instance, there are certain points where certain adc's hit power spikes - one of those is with a BF, then a BT purchase.

on Jun 24, 2014

Thanks for linking that Pacov, was really insightful.  Thought it was pretty funny that the Lucian build you used that you thought lost the game was actually pretty close to how this pro thinks he should be built nowadays.  I thought I remember you doing really well in that game, so not sure why you thought your build to be rubbish.  Also, that pro put up a broken link to Doublift's vlog on the subject, so here it is.


Re: Jungle Timers

I'm gonna vote For.  I realize that there is a balance between making this game streamlined and making it easy, but I'm for almost every change they could make like this. You could pretty much make an argument for everything in the game that they've improved or will improve and say that it benefits lazy players.  Well I'm lazy as hell so good.

They're segmenting the health bars on Dragon and Baron to make it so you don't have to click on them to know more or less where their health is exactly.  Good!  Clicking on them and having to keep an eye on the exact number counting down is a pain in the ass!  "It takes advantage away from the higher skilled players."  Maybe, maybe not. If you're planning on jumping into the Baron pit for a steal with Lee Sin, having to watch the UI countdown to know when to go is a pain in the ass simple as that.  It actually gets in the way of epic Lee Sin maneuvers IMO.  If you're the team's jungler who is doing Baron, having to watch that tiny little number (I have my UI smaller for more usable game screen so maybe just me) while trying to fight off the enemy just sucks.  I don't feel like it's rewarding when I pull off that bit of multi-tasking, just annoyed.

So let's undo all of Riot's changes that make the game better- I mean easier for nubs.  You can hover your cursor over the smite icon to know how much damage it does right?  Screw that!  Learn to do math nubs.  You can set the items you like to buy for certain champs in advance, so you can purchase them quickly right?  Learn to remember better nubs.  They have smart pings now right?  Learn to type nubs!

on Jun 24, 2014

That's how I ended my gaming night anyway.  Fast aside - hedgie (or anyone) if you are really wanting to play a specific role before playing a game, just let me know via pm.

i just didn't want to listen to Cow bellyache about Fizz even though he "chose" to go mid after the Fizz was picked. At least Velkoz + Quinn would have been fun while we fed botlane 3/15 in the first 8 minutes and the game would have been over soon.

Not to mention he was already being grouchy about our teamcomp and being judgmental so i was just not going to deal with it.

on Jun 24, 2014

Yah - but if you are really just in the mood to play a specific role, I certainly don't have a problem of saying - hey hedgie wants to mid this game.  Just saying - let me know if you like - no big deal at any rate.

re: that lucian build that I was doing that is apparently "proper" when I considered it crap - my problem is adapting to the power spike I normally had on a champ like lucian.  The problem is in the disconnect in my mind where I expect to be at X strength when I am not.  For instance, if I have the old BT, I have a REALLY good understanding of how crazy I can go to get a kill right away.  Take that power spike out of my lucian game and I need to adapt my playstyle (which I'm having trouble doing). 

My immediate conclusion on champs like lucian is that I personally am better off sticking with my pre 4.10 build even with BT not being as powerful.  that's not because its better or optimal, but more of a decision based on what I'm more comfortable with... which means I'll likely still dominate with my normal adc playstyle on lucian.  I probably should keep experimenting with builds/play styles on lucian, though. 

thx for the link re: dbl's blog - going to watch that later tonight methinks. 



on Jun 24, 2014

well, my internet died. sorry about that.

on Jun 25, 2014

happens - no worries.

on Jun 25, 2014

So, I watched the dbllft vlog yesterday that thunder linked:

He fleshed things out quite a bit and his thinking is really in line with mine.  The lane powerspike takes much longer as an adc now - and that powerspike is actually the fun part of playing adc imo.  The change reduces the potential dmg output and places more emphasis on drawing the lane out to farm.  idk - I'm still trying to find some balance.  I feel like I need to put in a bunch more time as adc before I head back to ranked sadly.  Probably going to have to break off from the group here and there to do so as I've been lumped into support roles quite a bit lately... which does nothing to help me in ranked as I'm pretty competent in that role... pacov needs some reps. 

on Jun 27, 2014

OK - so, I'm good/decent at adc/support/jungle.  Soso at top and typically crap at mid (experience as a mid - 8% of total games played there at most).  I've been mystery gifted every fing fizz skin in existence now.  So, I decided I'm going to put in some time playing fizz.  

So far so good.  I've unfortunately had very little competition as of yet (only 2 recent games).  I amazingly did fine in a bots trial run (imagine that).  And I did really well in a normal with pals (19/6/6).  That said, it looks like I was up against a scrub team somehow.

Anyway, all that said, he feels like a really strong champ.  The all in power on him is just crazy imo.  Not to mention survivability going a heavy dmg setup.  Going to put more time in as possible and keep working on him, but I really felt like a major carry in the last game and my champ specific mechanics can only be so so at this point (I did watch a few streamers play him to get an idea though). 

Anyway, you can see my build here (now anyway):

I get lich bane, but I don't rush it. 

on Jun 27, 2014

Current Steam Summer Sale haul:

  • Batman Arkham Asylum    4.99
  • Batman Arkham Origins    7.49
  • Batman Arkham City         4.99
  • Trine 2 the complete story  2.49
  • BattleBlock Theater            2.49
  • Darksiders                         
  • Darksiders 2                       11.99 for both
  • The Stanley Parable              6-7????

Total spent:                                     41.44


Wouldn't mind doing some co-op with some of you peope if you have battleblock theater or trine 2


on Jun 27, 2014

I've got battleblock anyway

on Jun 27, 2014

I've got both Trine 2 and BB as well.

on Jun 27, 2014

Pro Fizz Tip #1:  Don't try and farm creeps with his Ult, doesn't work very well on them.

GL in all your fizzy endeavors!

on Jun 28, 2014

So, question - how important do you fellas think getting early dragons is now?  Been watching the lcs games there seems to be a ton of focus now at taking early drags including strats with a roamer. 

Q2 - worth taking jungler that excels at dragons/drag control early for the extra gold? 

on Jun 28, 2014

um, there's two big things that are different about LCS:

1- 4v0 meta is completely and totally different than how we play

2- Supports and Junglers are chosen specifically for the early dragon rush, and they know how to juggle the dragon aggro to take no damage. This means stuff like Thresh and Elise.


The 3:30 dragons that they do are no way relevant to how we play now.

Now, if you want to have "real talk" about 12 minute dragons... i mean even then the 4v0 meta totally warps that. Do you have 100+ CS at 10 minutes on your ADC every time? Combined with a really well farmed midlaner?

It's really not the case.

In soloqueue, you're much better of only doing dragon rotations after getting kills or if you know you just forced mid/bot to base. We don't have the CS'ing ability that pros have -> lower levels, lower items -> takes longer + we don't juggle aggro correctly -> we take more damage -> we all die.


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