Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 101)
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on Mar 25, 2015

Sion was HUGE last patch as a jungler . . . Sure, he was even better top, but he was also one of the best junglers. Which just shows good he is

on Mar 26, 2015

yeah - so ryze is feels pretty strong with the 15 dmg buff. Very annoying for liss anyway. Suggest giving him a go again if you have not.  Think he'll be seeing some more play. 

I'm an awful zilean, but he does feel more useful. I think he still needs some additional buffs, though.  During laning as a support, its relatively easy to land at least the initial q.  I still find it a little bit more difficult to land his 2nd q for a stun though. Mid/late game it certainly feels more and more difficult to land his qs.  In short, they just don't feel as rewarding as I think they should. Or if its a huge pain in the butt, well I'd hope any time I'd land a stun, it would result in a kill.  But the stun duration is underwhelming (if I'm thinking of it right).  The skill cap to use that stun properly is MUCH higher than that of the common supports that provide more utility and longer stuns.  That said, I'm incredibly far from being even decent with zil.  It stands to reason that one could slow someone and should be able to land that 2nd bomb, but the mechanics require you to make yourself a bit of a target to pull that off.  He could be played as a more passive, behind the adc support and that would increase the probability of hitting his cc and dbl bmb, but that's not ideal.  Maybe you could do that crap with an urgot zil lane... smeh. 

As a mid, he benefits from all the buffs (even more so), but isn't really that great a pickup imo.  Or at least I can't think of a play style that can justify running a mid with that ult over... oh... just about any other mid. 

re: sej, I think I might be wrong (and the stats seem to say I am), but I didn't find her super overwhelming even with such a high win % last patch.  She never really reach ban status to me.  Maybe I just don't regularly encounter good sejuanis, but I find her kind of underwhelming - but her stats are great, her ult is great, etc.  Just - I don't know why but I don't think she's that good.  Anyway, on this patch, the nerf has hit and obviously lowered the power of her ult and her aa after w dmg.  We'll see if that brings her win rate down.  Just never been personally terrorized by a sejuani in any game ever. 

on Mar 26, 2015

oh and I was goofing off last night playing the ap shaco top crap as seen on reddit.  It was teambuilder and pretty big mismatches both games.  Game 1 my team was crap and folding left and right.  I was vs sion in top lane.  I got fb (if I remember right) thanks to a jungle gank.  My bot lane and mid completely folded, though.  I kept sion with me top consistently and tp'd myself for a kill here and there, but unfortunately, sion just kept bulldozing and pushing top, so I couldn't really get setup to solo him (the build/playstyle relies on "traps" with boxes and poke with shiv.  You can't setup traps if you are constantly pushed to tower.  Sion would just, over extending on top lane, consistently being under 100 mana, but there was no chance at a kill without the jungler.  Jungler visited top twice, we got 2 kills.  I can't just say it was bad jungle awareness because our other lanes were just awful, but I can say there were many opportunities to snowball top and free me up to get more done by going after an overextended sion without enough mana to ult over 5 minute windows. 

Game 2 - it was just dumb comp city (including me playing shaco top ofc).  I played against a vayne and eventually got the best of her, though it was an annoying matchup. 

on Mar 26, 2015

If her team isn't any good, she's not really that terrifying.  She's got epic CC though, easy to land and hits from a long range.  Without a good team that just means she can engage and die.  If they can follow up on it, 3+ in her stun is pretty hard on a team fight.  She then follows that stun with a knockup, both of them doing high aoe damage, then does more aoe damage with a percent max health addition, applying frost to slow them.  She's got CC on par with Leona, and way more damage.

on Mar 26, 2015

yah - it all makes sense - I just haven't come across a good one.  I've played her and I see the potential, but haven't seen it acted out. 

on Mar 26, 2015

pretty sure Karl finds that insulting

on Mar 26, 2015

if he's played more than 5 games of sejuani in the past 2 months, I'm impressed.  If he's won more than 2 of those games w/ her I'm also impressed.  I just don't think he plays her much.  Anyway, I haven't seen ANYONE all that good w/ her which is what makes me wonder whats all the hubbub w/ her win rate.  

on Mar 26, 2015

Jungler visited top twice, we got 2 kills.  I can't just say it was bad jungle awareness because our other lanes were just awful, but I can say there were many opportunities to snowball top and free me up to get more done by going after an overextended sion without enough mana to ult over 5 minute windows. 

Even Sej noobs like Karl know that if you get an AP Shaco ahead it's GG.

Sej wasn't amazing until the patch where she was permabanned.  When a champ I like gets permabanned, I tend to stop playing them since... they're permabanned.  When they make it through bans, someone on my team or the other team often tries to pick them up.  When they make it to me, I'm out of practice because why practice a permabanned champion?

So my guess is that you have a low opinion of Sej because you tended to play against the "Sej didn't get banned, someone pick her!!!" crowd.

on Mar 26, 2015

possible - just tried out elise. Missile speed on cocoon feels ALOT better. 

on Mar 26, 2015

That's probably it, since she's banned so much at the higher levels.  The guys down in bronze and silver hardly ever ban her, and she wrecks a lot of games she gets picked in.

on Mar 27, 2015

man - I kind of suck at this game lately.  Specifically when I go support, my IDGAF powers have been coming on line.  But kind of bad in most places.  Still able to jungle relatively well I suppose.  Anyway, hopefully that will pass soon and I shall return to ass kickery of a sort.  

OK - so I played a few games w/ elise jungle to get a feel for her again after the latest buffs.  I choose some goofy itemization due to crap going on in game, but some interesting things came up.

1 - her spiderlings have some bugs now (hue).  Perhaps its skin related, but I  think its new SR map + new jungle creep related.  Say you are coming from base and you choose to repel over the wall to gromp camp - when you land, its literally 2-4 seconds before your spiderlings start attacking.  I also found that while they are in that state, they are difficult to get to tank for you.  I think its something with gromps size + the wall, but it def seems bugged.  It's fairly minor and only kind of painful when you do your 2nd gromp clear as you are still alittle bit squishy and are forced to tank a bit of gromp damage.  Spiderlings do enable you to run scaling armor runes pretty safely, though, as you generally can have them tank like they used to.  Its also QUITE difficult to get your spiderlings to tank (where they tank and you don't take dmg) if drag is in its default starting position.  It's best to aa or use a spell in human form, back up to pull drag back a bit, then attack (especially if soloing).  

random interjection - aatrox can start dorans blade or even long sword + pots when jungling.  Not sure you'd want to do this, mind you, but he can sustain it out easily and have decent health after a clear.  

back to elise.  So, if the person you are ganking for does not have hard cc, its ideal, though not always possible, to gank in human form and try to land your line cc.  IF you manage to land that, odds are you will get a kill with your damage combo.  It's easier to hit now wit the missle speed increase, but it still is a skill shot and cocoon isn't a very wide ss... also its a line shot, so you have to have a window where there are no creeps blocking.  Anyway, that's the ideal ganking pattern, but difficult because you don't use your gap closer until after you'll dished out some dmg.  

The more probable ganking pattern is in spider form and closing gap either via q or her rappel ability - then changing forms and trying to land your cc + additional dmg.  The downside here is that you don't have your gap closer post flash or dash, which means the odds of escape are higher.  

Anyway, so she has the tool to clear the jungle fairly easily and in good health, but her cc isn't as good or reliable still.  She's actually probably reasonably balanced and I can only imagine she'd start being pick up more in her current state if they gave her a bigger power spike.  If they changed her cocoon to only hit champs, I think that would make a big enough difference and move her more towards OP but requiring skill still.  Don't think that will happen.  Anyway, it was fun to play another jungler, but she excels at ganking less mobile targets... in a time when mobility/dashes are still very common.... which often negates her cc.  In short, I don't think she has a kit that fits this meta and instead belongs in a different toolbox when diff champs are used.  

more jibba jabba soon...

on Mar 27, 2015

starting to see more zacs.... yay....

Let's see - eve is more fun to play as, but still underwhelming in comparison to other junglers.  She can still snowball lanes early if she pulls off some successful ganks and there are more opportunities.  She does feel much better late game over all. Just the comfort level of dashing in and out goes way up to the faster stealth time while you are waiting for a good initiation point.  She fills a niche role and isn't as good as other junglers imo.  Completely fair to say I'm not using her optimally, but the ganking pattern's pretty much the same post buff.  

also holy crap hunnybadger net... smeh.  Seems like its getting worse and worse.

also brad wong appeared and got in some games w/ us last night.  School has made him a little rusty here and there.  Good to catch up though.  

I added tenzig last night - it will be a week or 2 before I can gift.  

on Mar 27, 2015

Well he hasn't officially "won" yet until Sunday but it would be nice to see mystery gifts start flowing his way. I will keep track of who has gifted him already. Please let me know if you sent him one so I can add you to the list.

People who gifted Tenzing for winning the Fantasy LCS league:

  1. TheGame0fThrows - Rocket Girl Tristana

Pending people that need to gift:

  1. KraziKarl
  2. Pacov
  3. Hedige
  4. Brad Wong
  5. Hunny Badger
  6. Bosshound

I also plan on running another league for the summer split once it starts please let me know if you have an interest in participating again.

on Mar 27, 2015

i've sent friend requests already but he hasn't accepted \:

on Mar 27, 2015

He hasn't gotten on much lately but I think he is coming over to my house tonight so I can get him set up with friend request if he does.

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