Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 103)
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on Mar 31, 2015

My bad for riding you guys then. I didn't realize that you had to wait two weeks after friending them.... Also most of the time Tenzing gets on after you guys get off so doing the gift after game idea probably wont work unless its the weekend when most of you tend to stay on a few hours later than usual.

So what are everyone's goals this seaons? Mine personally is to get out of stupid Diamond V and get enough ranked team games in to get the fancy ward reward.

on Mar 31, 2015


oOoOoOOoOoOOo a penta! Congratz! First one in ranked?


Yes and no.  I used to queue up with my IRL buddies when they were Bronze V's so I've gotten a couple of Pentas on my smurf account but they don't really count.  Had one on my main with Irelia, but that was when they used to do hard resets and I think I got it against Silver V's so I don't count that either.  Plus it was one of those mobbish clusterfuck teamfights where I didn't realize I had gotten any kills until it said "PENTAKILL!!!" after I picked my face off the keyboard.

But my Kalista Penta?  It was a long drawn out fight over Dragon that I felt I played fairly well against people at my maximum skill level, so it's the first one I'm actually proud of.

Edit: Cow, my goal this season used to be to get to Plat.  Now it's to accept that I'm a Gold player and just have fun playing champs that I enjoy playing.  Nothing but max skill cap champs that I have no business playing for now on!  I'll be Kalista Bot, Riven Top, and Lee Sin everywhere else so I can kick enemies at Pacov when he's low health.


on Mar 31, 2015


Oh wtf


yah - this is kind of why your daily bit makes meh wanna punch you.  Anyway, yins got it now - good stuff

on Mar 31, 2015


and Lee Sin everywhere else so I can kick enemies at Pacov when he's low health.

This is a better goal than plat.  

on Apr 02, 2015

I wont be around at all this weekend except maybe late sunday. I am going to see family over the 3 day weekend since my job gives us good Friday off. 

on Apr 03, 2015

decent power supply on the cheap -

mentioning as I think cow said he needed one a bit back. 


Anyway, who is still digging urf?  I somehow am.  The crazy picks some people make are quite strange to me.  Like bryff thinking vayne would be delightful - brad wongs pal going darius - like why do people think these are good ideas.  Anyway, going to keep playing it on and off while its out.  Need to get back to normals soon.

Also, skarner apparently has a pretty high win rate in urf. I wouldn't think he'd be crazy strong, but I guess he is.  hurm

on Apr 03, 2015

Darius is at a 49.65 win rate for URF.  That doesn't seem to be that bad for a game mode where most people don't take winning that seriously.

on Apr 03, 2015

yah - but I just don't get home its even fun to play darius.  You've basically got people that can spam mobility like crazy or wail on you from a distance.  Darius can miss pulls over and over again or spin w/ his q left and right.  I can't imagine what would be fun about it.  At least with like varus you could  spam you q, etc. 

on Apr 05, 2015

So far today in the LCS we have had 2 Udyr wins, a Udyr ban, a Shaco ban, 3 Vlad picks, and a double smite game with Shy taking smite top.  So thats something.

on Apr 06, 2015

Blitz is amazing on urf when built full AP with spooky ghosts


on Apr 06, 2015

Ult ever 5 seconds, pull does 1/2 there HP.

on Apr 06, 2015

chroma packs... woo. Another revenue stream that's incredibly cheap for riot to produce - I'd think anyway.  590 or 620 rp for 3 on 1 champ if I follow right.




on Apr 06, 2015

I like the sound of chroma packs! now I can be fabulously pink all the time!

on Apr 07, 2015

Haven't jibba jabbered here in a bit, so here goes.  I've been getting a little bored here and there with LoL lately.  I really enjoyed urf for a little bit.  Was a really nice, blow off steam and relax mode.  Now, I'm just finding myself annoyed a lot of the time, which is taking the fun out of things.  I'm not playing particularly well and more often than not, my team makes stranger and stranger decisions to me that just make the game ridiculously hard to win. 

I feel like generally I can do my job, get whatever I need to get done, done. And then some sort of idiotic crap will happen that never needed to happen and just makes winning the game more and more difficult.  So, doing well in lane, having proper rotations, etc, mean less and less when in 3 minutes, 4 people on your team are going to try to chase 1 person on the enemy team for 45 seconds resulting in losing a dragon and 2 towers.  Or we are ready to group and someone decides to go wander off by themselves to try to steal an enemy dbl golum camp... for no conceivable reason, etc.  And boom - now all the work done elsewhere starts to crumble, the team pisses away w/e adv was earned- and there's jack you can do about it. 

I personally don't feel like I've been playing very well lately and have been making poor decisions here and there, but its just kind of a bummer.  Worse, I find that I'm fairly quickly just being like oh well when my team does these things... and then I just make oh well decisions... which compounds the issue.  Teams can get crushed for going some dumb arse composition, and then come back to win because of poor decisions made by folks on the team and you just can't do anything about it.  And I'm finding more and more games are being drug out by these dumb plays that enable more players to hit big power spikes.  I kind of think hyper focused tower objective play is where folks need to be heading and I don't think I'm seeing that.  Eg - enjoy your dragon, we are taking a tower now. None of what I've said here and above is meant as a jab at any of you fellas anyway. 

maybe people are just playing a bit more loosely because of urf mode?  heh... also I made a dumb arse plan the other day.  Put in some reps on sej in customs and play her in normal draft.  Well... oddly its difficult to get 75% ban rate sej in normal draft. I'm not smart.  Also, this rant is stupid.  I'm frustrated because I've been playing a dumb game mode, then I've been playing with so so skilled people... and in a few instances some madcast people that I don't really like.... and so on.  So, I'm going into games generally expecting poo town unless I can carry hard... and even then, some goon is going to do something really dumb and make things more difficult and cost us a lot... which means now I have to really make some good plays happen or we are done.  Anyway, kind of bummed that I'm not sure interested in other games either. 

on Apr 07, 2015

Playing with Boaz and the like will definitely get to you after a while!

Take a break from Urf and play some ranked solo queue!

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