Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 112)
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on Apr 27, 2015

patch is coming out this week.

Check this out if you haven't seen - riot art contest - folks designed a map - kind of sick



on Apr 27, 2015


I am back from my trip and pretty rusty. I felt really awkward playing league last night. Its funny how a week off can really set you back mechanically. Anyways I should be around very frequently again.

Glad to have you back man.  Nice that you got to get back in time to catch a rare Nades/Sharpie sighting!



 It will be interesting if C9 will stay close to the top in NA with a roster swap after being together for so long.

Hai was the shotcaller on that team right?

on Apr 27, 2015


Hai was the shotcaller on that team right?

Yes, they will have extreme growing pains I feel because of this. 

on Apr 28, 2015


Yes, they will have extreme growing pains I feel because of this. 

Yeah for sure.  Their superior shotcalling/macro level/whatever helped set them apart.  But it wasn't just Hai who made them trendsetters.  Seemed like everyone on their team were innovative in their own way.  Except for maybe Balls.  If Cloud 9 was the Beetles then Balls was Ringo I guess?


Re: Rust

You seemed like you were playing as good as ever the other day.  Just wait until you get on the wrong side of 30.  Then everything goes to shit when you stop playing for... like two hours.

What really trips me out is how good Sharpie is after like... two years off.  She was laning with me bot one game and was doing great. Gotta talk to her about rushing Ruby SS but as far as mechanics go, she's solid.


on Apr 28, 2015

Samsung White legacy skins in the store on May 14


Ash rework live on pbe

Looking interesting-  passive now causes all abilities and aa's to slow - ashe does more damage to slowed enemies.  bonus dmg increases with critical strike change.

Lots of changes - see article for details. 

on Apr 28, 2015

prob back on NA whenever the patch lands.  got up to level 20 on my acct there.  Running with a few NA folks. 

on Apr 29, 2015

well.. I ended up against a challenger 1 player tonight with my level 15 pals.    His buddy was willing to chat with me and I figured it out, though.  So, matchmaking on LAN will pretty solidly put you up against low level accts if you duo with a low level pal.  For instance, if I was plat on LAN and duo'd with a brand new fella, well.. we'd have a longer queue time, but I would up against brand new folks.  From what i looked at, there is pretty much zero effort to pull in someone else. Perhaps it would match us if there happened to be another challenger on.  From this fellas history, any time he duo'd with this guy, he'd be in ROFLSTOMPS.  I was up against challenger 1 - rank 36 in LAN...and handled him as a support.  Kind of clear we couldn't win though.  He's main acct is diamond 3 on NA to give you an idea of what challenger 1... rank 36 is like.  So... I fought the number 36 person in lan today... woo... 

on Apr 29, 2015

From what i looked at, there is pretty much zero effort to pull in someone else.

There better not be.  I'd be pretty pissed off if I queued up by myself in a Normal game the matchmaking system made me waste my time in a sub 30 game to 'balance' things out. 


I imagine that not many Challenger players enjoy low level games, so I doubt they queue up with their pre-30 friends that often.  When it does happen, it sounds like the system does the best it can to compensate.

From what I know about the matchmaking system, this is what I think is happening:

Pacov shows up in LAN and makes a new account.  He starts stomping beginner players from Costa Rica.  Great win percentage, huge KDAs, good fun.

Oh no!  The smurf detector notices this.  He's now registered as a smurf.  The matchmaker don't know if he's Gold V or Challenger.  Pre-30 games are a total crapshoot so it's really hard to tell.  So when a level 30 Challenger enters a Pre-30 game, the system says "What the fuck?  Well... This Pacov guy is pretty good.  He might be Challenger too for all I know.  Let's see what happens."


If you were curious, hopefully that clears up a little of the mystery.

If you were complaining, keep in mind that the actual beginners who are learning the game don't want to play with you.  Riot doesn't want you to play with them either, so if you're ending up in games full of NA smurfs then everything is working as intended.

on Apr 29, 2015

I was mostly curious and figured out (thanks to the challenger's buddy) why I ended up vs the number 36 guy in LAN.  Also thought it might be interesting to know that 36 on LAN = diamond 3 on NA (guys main is on NA).  Anyway, the matchmaking system that allowed that also put a diamond 2 against a brand new, level 1 account... which is just odd.  I'd think the overall population is bigger than that in LAN. 

Really, though, 'm mostly interested in figuring out how matchmaking is working and not looking to destroy level 1, new players... which happened like 1-2 games in total I think - which is good and exactly how the system should work in my mind.  I don't want to play with or against roflstomp teams.  I mostly like playing on LAN lately to spend some time outside of voice chat just fing about (and I oddly still really like leveling accounts... ocd or something)...

oh and I figured out an AWFUL way to go into "offline" mode so you appear invisible to folks on your pal list.  The downside is it also kills lobby chat... which means you can't communicate in the lobby, but can still in game. It's just pretty much changing the text file including the chat name address and restarting the client.  Not something I'm really interested in doing, but I figured I'd mention in case folks out there are like me and enjoy disappearing/ducking folks from time to time.  There actually used to be a program did it perfectly, but riot seemed opposed. 

on Apr 29, 2015

so, kinda of a big change for morg if you haven't read about it (reddit found anyway).  I think what riot has done is actually fix something that has been broken for some time.  With morg's spellshield, previously you could block cc even if dmg was greater than that of the spell shields value.  Eg my spell shield is worth say 20.  If I fire a cc at that spell shield doing > 20 dmg, the spell shield pops.  Previously, though, the cc would be stopped even if the spell shield was popped.  NOW, cc will not be stopped if the shield pops. 

This seems an appropriate change, but does impact the fairly large amount of flexiblity you had with morg previously.  For instance, I could get away with my goofy GDM before - now, without added ap, it could make a bigger difference for shields.  Additionally, it will likely become more important to level up that ability earlier which reduces kill potential on upgraded q's.  It's also probably worth doing the math if you are fighting against a morgana so see how much damage is needed to pop those shields.  For instance, how much dmg do you need for a thresh hook to go through the shield.  If you can have that damage at level 2/3 due to runes, you can swing a lane... especially as folks will see the shield, think they are safe, and then get destroyed. 

on Apr 29, 2015

Yeah that has always been an annoying thing about morgana's spell sheild especially when shes played mid. She was nearly ungankable because of it. You had to go through a full spell rotation to remove the shield and to get rid of it you most likely used your CC.

Anyways I see this as a huge nerf and expect morgana to fall out of popularity because of it. She will still be good at creating picks but the safety net that she provides ADC's is going to be drastically lowered. Shes needed a tuning down for a while now though.

on Apr 29, 2015

I think I might start favoring ziggs over brand again. The mana changes to athene's REALLY seems to have helped him. I have played him 4-5 times now with the new athene's and he feels way better than he used too... If I had to compare the two:

Brand experiences 3 power spikes:

  1. Sorc shoes + haunting guise for mid game
  2. finishing Rylai's
  3. finishing both rylai's and liandries

After that he sort of scales boringly and I don't notice WTF I DO MORE DAMAGE with each item purchase.

Ziggs has 1 huge power spike:

  1. Athene's + Needlessly large rod

At this point in the game ziggs scales through the roof. Each new item just adds so much more damage to his kit and you really notice in team fights when you hit a cluster of 4 people with a Q and all of there health bars drop by 1/5.

I think brand is much stronger early and mid game than ziggs and brand can snow ball completely out of control during these parts of the games. Ziggs on the other hand needs games to go into late game with good farm and or money from kills/towers so he can hit the big items. If he gets there his wave clear and team fight presences are greater than brands.

Ziggs also has strong zone control for taking objectives and very strong tower pushing abilities.

I think brands biggest check mark over ziggs is hes very inexpensive item wise. If you get your liandries and rylai's you will always be a problem for the enemy team. These items make him scale with the opponents tanks because brand will be doing a lot of precent health damage from his passive and liandries. Squishies will die the entire game (unless they purchase defensive items) by a full rotation of his spells.

I think ziggs is a better pick than brand right now but not by much. I think team comp wise they both sort of fit into the same kinds of team comps although I think brand is better at brawly team comps than ziggs is. Brand can also create picks since most people do not respect the range of his w + q stun combo. I have caught people dozens of times when they reach out a little to far. 

Anyways the are both fun champions with tons of outplay potential with the way there kits are designed. Some of the funnest moments is getting ganked 2v1 with these champions. The both have ways to get out of these situations with possible kills. Ziggs is safer but brand has higher double kill potential.

on Apr 29, 2015

riots says the morgana thing is an error

In the recent 5.8 patch, an unintended change for Morgana's spell shield was added - the change made it so the CC effects of a hostile ability to go through if the ability is strong enough to totally eliminate the shield where as the intended behavior is the shield will break but the CC effect will still be cancelled.

Riot Riscx has confirmed the unintended change and noted team is working on a fix.

"We're working on putting out a fix for this. Was not intended."
on Apr 30, 2015

I'm kind of digging some of the aram changes.  The snowball spell is great (currently worth mentioning it when you hit the ARAM lobby as folks don't all know its there yet - "Oo snowball").  I like that you can ff at 15... though, frankly, I don't play enough arams that I'd ff often... kind of think the games either over because it has literally ended or its not and probably could go either way if someone is a dummy.  That seems like an appropriate change.  Not really sure how much of an impact/how worth it was to change the minion health/scaling, though.  I do like that I can build warmog's now.

Anyone try the new BC out?  Anyone notice a major diff on BotRK?  I got BC on urgot... but that was only an aram. 

Anyway, I think I've just about had my fill of LAN.  I think I'll probably try to get FWOTD semi regularly for now, but transition back to NA. 

Last, I'm looking to change ISPs and am a little concerned it will have a negative impact on LoL... which is kind of a big deal to me anyway.  Riot worked with my current ISP and now my ping is between 60-85 somewhat regularly.  No idea what I'll end up with, but I'm currently looking at AT&T uverse.  Anyone have that or have had it and they were poop? 

oh - and if any of the folks I play with regularly want to, hit me up with a mystery gift swap.  Do so and I'll send you one back.  I think I've got 2-3 worth I can swap. 

on Apr 30, 2015

Here's what I'm thinking of playing Mid:

Sharplet: Top

Karl: Jungle

Gotnades: Mid

Thunder: Kalista or feed.  And feed to be honest.  

You're the groups Support now Cow.  You're stuck bot lane with a dumpster Kalista whether you like it or not Cow.  Welcome to hell bitch!  Muhahahahaha!


Seriously though?  Seems like Brand and Ziggs fulfill similar roles.  Not that I'm an expert on either or mid at all but it seems like Brand would win out in this meta cause his tank killing edge.  In Plat+ games, they seem to counter and be countered by similar champions.  The one main exception that I saw was Cho. Ziggs bends over for Cho while Brand usually beats Cho..


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