Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 114)
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on May 06, 2015

Been watching this a bit today.  It's a coaching session with a challenger player showing someone how to adc.  It's like an hour and a half long.  Lots of good tips, theory, etc.

on May 06, 2015

champion mastery is live on NA now. 

on May 06, 2015

If that guy is really in silver, his luck is worse than mine...

on May 06, 2015


If that guy is really in silver, his luck is worse than mine...

He probably is Silver.  I think most people are 'stuck' where they're at cause they're inconsistent, not because they're stupid and don't have any dexterity.

I guess one of the things I take away from videos like that are "Play like a Challenger player is watching." all the time.  His concentration and effort was at 100% during the lesson so he was playing well would be my guess.

on May 06, 2015


I think most people are 'stuck' where they're at cause they're inconsistent, not because they're stupid and don't have any dexterity.

Yeah - I tend to think the same sort of thing.  Grants, its more difficult to pull yourself out of some places than others in my experience (I think silver was more difficult for me than gold for instance). 

I particularly liked the specific things he was calling out regarding auto attacks and spacing with supports.  Re: aa's on graves, he said you pretty much always want to go for AA > q >> AA instead of another pattern.  A little tip like that is common sense for some of us, but when you think about it and really prioritize pulling that off, your dps goes up.  And we were are talking about winning trades, that means a bit.

re: spacing with supports, he also made a fairly obvious point, but again, when you think about it and put it into practice regularly, it makes a ton of sense and is helpful to always keep in mind.  Try to stay parallel with your support (ex draw a line up and down, put your support at one point on that line and you on the other).  Try to keep that symmetry as possible.  There's a bit more to it than that as you and the support, while staying on that line, should move that "line" left and right in response to the creeps and the enemy - BUT, proper positioning with someone like graves means that you don't have to dash in to catch up and do damage... you can instead burst a champ and then use the dash to follow for a kill get.  Anyway, I'm going to make a go of things and try to keep even with my support or with my adc and see how that plays out.  The principal makes sense (be close enough to be safe but also always be close enough to respond to a play). 

on May 06, 2015

Horribly inconsistent could do it I guess, I can't really see that guy being below gold though unless ADC is the only thing he can do.


Every bad ADC I support for has the same problem, they don't trade and they can't last hit for shit, he did both better than I can despite doing it wrong and not leading with AA's, and I nearly always win lanes when I ADC because it's literally retard ville down here.  160 cs in 20 minutes without a lane opponent is probably an optimistic goal for most.

on May 06, 2015

level 2 bard here - I'm kind of a big deal.  hue.  Anyway, here's what I learned.  I played 2 games, 2 wins with decent stats both games and kda.  1k + mastery experience per game.  Game 1 where I had a 7.5 kda gave me a rating of A+.  Game 2 where I was a bit worse with a 4.75 kda gave me S (S is the highest rating).  Not really sure why that was exactly.  I was matched up against a diamond 4 support, so maybe that... no idea though.

I looked at someone that lost a game as a champ.  His mastery is at 200 pts total for a loss. riot's faq indicates that:

  • We expect players to take 15-30 games to level through the first set of levels (1 through 5). We’ll be unlocking additional levels later.


So, the general poop truth of the matter is that likely everyone will appear to as a champion "master" even if they are poop provided they play enough games.  As longs as points are not deducted, its kind of a silly grind - fun... but a little more on the pointless side I'm thinking.  Nice to know someone played a ton of poppy i suppose.   Less nice to learn that my master adc is an awful adc.  No demotions or decay are planned.  

on May 07, 2015

Here's a really good kalista tip that I did not know. I know thunder is kind of into her right now, so this should be useful.  Its a quick guide on setting up the spirits so they map a big loop providing very good vision of dragon and the possible gank routes.


on May 08, 2015

oi - let's knock out our remaining ranked team rewards for the season.  3 tiers. I'm at 36/45 points for tier 2. I'll play w/e role is needed.  

I'm guessing we all dig the rewards and aren't really concerned about the elo itself.  So, why don't we knock out a few a week?  Or at least 1.  I'm not sure, but I think we are pretty close to knocking em out.  

Side note... I'm changing ISP's on Sat, so I'm hoping things don't become awful.  

on May 08, 2015

Id also like to play some team games. Its been a while. I am also in a bit of a slump mid lane so I would gladly play else where for 5's.

Champion mastery: So far I find it pretty silly. It seems the points gained are pretty much a flat rate on a win or loss with a champion. I carried really hard as brand in a game last night and I got 13XX points and Brad had a rough game and ended up with exactly the same points. So basically it boils down to did I win game? I did ok heres 1000 more points than you get when you lose.


on May 08, 2015


I did ok heres 1000 more points than you get when you lose.

yup... that sounds about right.  kind of smeh

on May 08, 2015

It should really be calculated on stats such as KDA, creep score, Kill participation and objectives taken and have nothing to do with the outcome of the game (or very little maybe a few hundred bounce points).

This would make a lot more sense and actually make players want to play better in losing games since they would still be getting a reward toward there champion mastery. The current formula has far to few variables in it contributing to the total number of points.

on May 08, 2015

Riot missed a golden opprotunity with this one and I hope they higher some physics majors to make better equations for them.

on May 08, 2015

Pretty sure they have plenty of computer scientists who understand basic linear algebra and matrices just fine

More likely the issue is that the people who designed the system were psychologists and marketers.

on May 08, 2015


Pretty sure they have plenty of computer scientists who understand basic linear algebra and matrices just fine

More likely the issue is that the people who designed the system were psychologists and marketers.

I think that even a lot of psychologists nowadays would look at a problem like this and say "hey, we could do something similar to a PCA".  The kind of psychologists who work at Riot should do stuff like factor analysis and the like.

I think its more likely that they did the analysis and found that there wasn't any good way to correlate whatever linear combination of stats the analysis came up with all that closely with winning.  At least not in a particularly causal way.  So they probably just gave up and based the mastery points on winning.

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