Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 115)
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on May 08, 2015

Well, I can't connect to chat tonight.  Thats fun.  I believe that you can try and manually invite me to games, so go ahead and try that if you want.

on May 08, 2015

I had the chat error.  Just started working again for me about 10 min ago.  Suggest you relog if you still aren't connected.  

on May 08, 2015


Riot missed a golden opprotunity with this one and I hope they higher some physics majors to make better equations for them.

Nah.  Anything other than what they did would have been a horrible idea.


Give people more points or only award mastery of a champ for stats based on KDA and total CS?

People already freak out over KSing.  Riot should give them more reason to?  There are already enough people out there that refuse to group and win games.  No reason to award them for trying to pad their own stats by split pushing.


Only give mastery of champs for an individuals best champs?

I'm better at Leona than Thresh.  Because Leona is easy as hell to play.  I know that.  Don't need master Riot equationists to inform me of what I already know.  And maybe I play certain champs in certain sorts of games.  I'd probably a Lee Sin Master on my smurf account from the insane KDA I had when playing with my IRL friends.  That would be stupid.  And so would Riot motivating you guys to friend request my IRL buddies so you could stomp bad players to easily become 'masters' of your favorite champs.


Give people champions mastery only if they perform at a certain skill level for a champ?

Well, I want that skill level to be Gold V.  Pacov wants it at Plat V.  Cow wants it to be Diamond V.  Wherever you put the line at, Riot is putting a lot of effort into making a large portion of their consumer base feel bad because they can't be 'masters' of any champions.


So yeah, Riot missed a golden opportunity to raise the toxicity levels in games and alienate casual players.  Instead they introduced a fun little thing for us to show off what champs we like to play most.

on May 09, 2015

PSA failing is why you use LSA or SVD right? If Riot was really determined they could easily train a neural net. 

One thing I did read was that less played rolls tend to get more points than more played roles since people good at support are more standard deviations out? But "anyone" can get two pentakills on Akali and thus deserves an A- (voyboy last night)

on May 09, 2015


PSA failing is why you use LSA or SVD right? If Riot was really determined they could easily train a neural net. 

One thing I did read was that less played rolls tend to get more points than more played roles since people good at support are more standard deviations out? But "anyone" can get two pentakills on Akali and thus deserves an A- (voyboy last night)

I'm not sure how useful LSA would be in this case, but yes, there are a lot of options available here.  I'm not suggesting that Riot is using the simple starting point of a PCA.

The problem that I was pointing out is that they want to create a metric that measures people's contribution to winning without changing people's gameplay (to the negative anyway).

So how do you differentiate correlation and causation?  That is, how do you differentiate between somebody who has good stats because they happen to be on the winning team, and somebody whose good stats happen to cause the team to win?  My guess was that this is very difficult - after all, we've all been in many games with bad players who happen to have good stats because of the team they are good (cleanup Master Yis, etc).  Having time resolution on your numbers would help (so that you could create time based statistics, which would likely help here), but throwing too many different stats into your analysis will make things more difficult.

The other big issue is how you also prevent degenerate behavior.  Riot just posted about this, but you want to prevent people from doing stupid stuff to just whore stats.

on May 09, 2015

WTF, FNC keeps solo killing Faker.  Clearly that guy sucks.

on May 09, 2015


The other big issue is how you also prevent degenerate behavior.  Riot just posted about this, but you want to prevent people from doing stupid stuff to just whore stats.

posted what and where?  

on May 13, 2015

a few random things.  1 - I found MSI kind of fun.  Didn't watch all the games, but I enjoyed what I saw.  Really liked the goofy demacia vs nox or w/e match.  

Karl -you might be interested in this if you have not seen already.  Its a quick break down with specific hp stats showing the benefits of clearing the jungle camps in a specific order (eg attack big or small 1st).  I think most was just stuff we know, but seeing the actual numbers is useful.

also - trick2g is apparently an analyst for CLG now.  I think him being an analyst is quite stupid, but I imagine its beneficial for both him and CLG to pull in more views for stream revenue.  Trick has a decent understanding of the game from everything I've seen, but he doesn't lean towards team building strats.. he leans towards I have to carry strats... often with really dumb consequences.  I think he'd be useful at advising the jungle and advising split pushes... but I think it kind of ends there.. and stream revenue picks up immediately.  Not sure if anyone confirmed him on CLG yet, but reddit is abuzz.  


on May 13, 2015

also.. this

on May 13, 2015

I wont be around tonight at all for games. Tuesday/Wed are officially dedicated to GRE study nights. I will most likely be adding a 3rd night in there as I feel 2 nights a week isn't sufficient time. It would be nice to get some team ranked games in later this week and hopefully we can beat a team better than a gold average solo queue strength.

on May 13, 2015

apparently the t2g thing is crap. 

on May 13, 2015

apparently the t2g thing is crap. 

"If you actually thought that he was going to become CLG's new analyst, I also have some immortality elixirs that I can sell you for the low, low price of $10,000."

- Some Funny Guy On Reddit

on May 13, 2015

yeah my in depth research mechanisms were not in place as I was busy confirming the illuminanti and nickleback connection.  I bet you didn't even look at the photograph.  Usually total nonsense doesn't get so far up on reddit - just mostly nonsense things. 


I did learn something quite interesting.  I listened to this podcast (kind of dry btw):

Riot Lyte shared some info about 1 thing in particular - placement matches (ex the games you play at the beginning of the season that put you into a tier (plat 1, gold 4, etc)).  He said that any dodge in the placement series is counted behind the scenes as a loss and impacts where you'd place - BUT, it does not count toward the 10 games you need to complete to get ranked.  So, dodging during placements is a very bad idea.  It's also a very good way, however, to tank your elo if that was something you are into as the placement matches have more weight than normal games. 

on May 13, 2015

I kind of think ashes updated hawkshot is going to have some strong potential.  Probably very helpful to keep an eye on the jungler - and it grants vision as it passes everything.  If used to scout out jungler locations periodically, that could be something...

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