Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 121)
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on May 31, 2015

oh and gosu's been running a 24 hour unranked to diamond stream - worth a look on twitch to see a good adc doing work

on May 31, 2015

OK - so apparently there was some sort of discussion re: it sucking to be against someone that is good at the game that scripts vs someone that is trash that scripts.  And that's obviously not a logical conclusion or it sounded like I didn't understand that I guess

Here is a one-dimensional diagram of players "true" skill (note that this is LOGARITHMIC not LINEAR)

level 1     Bronze   Silver   Gold   Plat   Diamond V  Diamond I    Masters    Challenger     LCS    World Champs



All players are on that line. Now, how to measure "true" skill is difficult (mode, median or max?), but it's uncomputable from our perspectives anyway.


There are the two dichotomies of player skill: micro and macro. Keeping your "true" skill constant, it is impossible to improve one without giving up some of the either. If you improve one but leave the other constant, you improved your true skill.

In addition, there's a strong argument that could be made that having a much higher standard deviation of "micro" skill is better at lower skill levels, but "macro" is more important at the top. You can see that with Hai being used in C9 for 1.5 splits despite his wrist/lung injuries: because his macro was so good.


Scripting gives a HUGE benefit to your micro (auto-CSing, flashing impossible skillshots, etc), and a modest benefit to your macro (FoW trackers, ward timers). Players like the Katarina scripter, have really poor macro, but were able to catapult themselves to much higher ranks, despite completely awful macro.

Let's say that the Katarina player have a "true" skill of Plat when using scripts (this is overall true, he did hit plat in 2 weeks).

His skill rating would look like this

Macro |---|-------------------------------------------------| Micro


When playing against opponents who are scripting who have very poor macro, it becomes obvious that they have "trash" decision making. BUT they don't become a "trash" player: their "true" skill level might be just the same as yours. Non-scripters CAN have such mismatching micro/macro scores, and will deserve their rankings just as much.

However, what happens when someone like me? i have pretty decent macro, but my non-teamfight micro is not very good

Macro |-------------|-------| Micro

Suddenly it becomes this (in comparison to my old "true skill"):

Macro |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| Micro


Suddenly, i am capable of shooting up. All 50 games on the way up become trivial: i smash my lane opponent, and coordinate with my team. Since i'm auto-CSing i can even type and play at the same time! i don't look like a scripter: i look like a SMURF! Because, i am, effectively smurfing at a level of play much lower than my own.

Once i get to Diamond, because my macro was "alright" before, i might not be as obvious as more micro-inclined players.


Due to our typical "Normal Draft" skill levels of gold/low plat (mostly due to duoing with lower MMR folks), when we do see scripters, we see the ones "on the way up".  They are poor-macro players who are towards the end of their climbing, and their poor macro is really catching up to them. i'm sure if you played more SoloQ or only played Normals with Cow, you'd see more "moderate macro" players in mid-plat since they are the ones who benefit the most from scripts. Promos to Diamond V you would see even more!

That said, i wouldn't be surprised if macro-inclined players are somewhat less likely to script (despite being the ones who would benefit the most). Macro-inclined players are more likely to be "Johnnys" than "Timmys", and most Johnnys are going to see scripts as abhorrent.







on May 31, 2015

Just to put this part aside, I bluntly called scripters trash and you seemed to take umbrage with that based on the distinctions you called out... yet I'm guessing you would rather folks not use scripting... which reflects my opinion; albeit less offensively/passionately.  

That aside, I think your analysis is interesting and well put.  I tend to think that folks already possessing the needed skills (micro/macro) would be less inclined to use scripting.  So, like you said, I think you would be less likely to encounter it at certain levels of play than at others.  



On another topic, is there any champ you folks have a really difficult time wrapping your head around?  I watched a bunch of gosu's vayne only stream yesterday/today.  I have never been able to get how to use vayne properly.  I see the strengths, but I just don't really ever come online due to poor team fighting - something doesn't quite translate to me.  Not being able to team fight as a hyper carry is not really a good thing...

on May 31, 2015

Some ekko stats are out now - some 12k games in sample.

44.73% win rate mid

47.2% win rate top.  

Ban rate is going way up - 40% min 

on May 31, 2015

Just to put this part aside, I bluntly called scripters trash and you seemed to take umbrage with that based on the distinctions you called out... yet I'm guessing you would rather folks not use scripting... which reflects my opinion; albeit less offensively/passionately.

You don't seem offensive or passionate about the issue.  Only disdainful of ALL scripters ability to play the game and you seem to look down your nose at those that use their enemies supposed scripting as an excuse as to why they lost.  Which is annoying to those of us who have run into skilled players who use scripts and have gotten curbstomped.

I thought you were changing your tune with your "Look at how OP scripting is!" post but I must have misunderstood.

Of course if you think everyone who is animation cancelling their abilities is a scripter, you might understandably have a very low opinion of how much impact someone who is actually scripting can have in a game.  Here's an article that should help you tell the difference.  Ironically it features a montage of hi i'm gosu's play.


On another topic, is there any champ you folks have a really difficult time wrapping your head around?  I watched a bunch of gosu's vayne only stream yesterday/today.  I have never been able to get how to use vayne properly.  I see the strengths, but I just don't really ever come online due to poor team fighting - something doesn't quite translate to me.  Not being able to team fight as a hyper carry is not really a good thing...

Vayne as well for me so I feel you on that one.  I simply don't have the mechanical skill to pull her off perhaps. 

Other honorable mentions: Kha'Zix, Kayle, Nami, Braum, Rumble.  I've wanted at some point to play them well.  I've put in some time on each one and I keep giving up cause it just don't click.


on May 31, 2015

I've never played Vayne, but I ran Kog in S2.  That's a champ that requires an on the ball team.  Vayne is easier, she's got two escapes between the knock back and her tumble, most of the time I see a Vayne stomping, they're using them for safety in team fights, not to do better damage.  Depend on the team to drop CC unless you're presented with a golden opportunity to knock a carry into a wall and kill it without being likely to trade 1-1 as a result.  When enemy CC gets close, you just peg them, or roll away.  She's one of the safest ADC's around during her ultimate.

on May 31, 2015


Of course if you think everyone who is animation cancelling their abilities is a scripter

You decided my example was simply animation canceling.  Imagine a world where both scripting and animation canceling exist.  Now, maintain that someone could script, animation cancel, both, or simply not know how to do either.  Anyway, to be crystal clear, no, of course I don't think animation canceling, orb walking, etc are scripting - or should I say cheating (they can be accomplished via scripting though). 

Anyway, consider a person performing a combo involving animation canceling.  Who cares.  Now imagine them doing the exact same combo in precisely the same way over and over with zero instances of change.  It becomes a little suspect.  Also add in the same game that player managing an at base execute.  It's possible the player was simply "good", but their skill level in lane indicated otherwise... and their pattern of play seemed quite regimented, which actually made it easy to outplay.  It's likely not worth it, but here's a very SHORT vid showing the one of the jinx specific scripts

I say its not worth it because again, identifying scripters is crap.  You do it visually.  You guess unless some goof is playing katarina and streaming while the scripting interface is up and running.  


Good article on animation canceling at any rate.


Other honorable mentions: Kha'Zix, Kayle, Nami, Braum, Rumble.  I've wanted at some point to play them well.  I've put in some time on each one and I keep giving up cause it just don't click.

man... I was actually good with Braum for a whole minute.... I think I became quite awful once they changed the width of his q or some other nerf.  Now... awful.  I'm curious what your thoughts are re: nami.  I mean, I get she's not as viable now compared to other supports (imo at least), but what's not clicking?  I kind of blow with her ult utilization I think.  


She's [vayne] one of the safest ADC's around during her ultimate.

Not if you are me.    I just don't position myself well at all.  

on May 31, 2015

Nami is fantastic, she's just useless if your team is dense.  She's fast enough that you can run without buying boots, giving you an extra item while still breaking 400 movement out of combat running support masteries.  I run Talisman, Ardent Censer, Rylai's, and Liandry's, you've got good damage, fantastic CC, and if your team has a brain, you're an engage on par with champs like Hecarim.  The currently OP Ardent Censer doesn't hurt either, her bouncing heal has a cd of 6 at 40% cdr.  Her AP ratios are a bit of a dog, but her base damage numbers are good.


You pop your ult to hit at long range when they're grouped and either pursuing or fleeing, hit the team with Talisman, and follow the tide in to bubble the carries as they get tossed and slowed.  If the team is competent, you just wrecked a fight horribly.  The range on R is huge, you can hit them from out of nowhere, she's a pretty spanky engage and disengage champ.


What she doesn't do is cover for a shit carry, at all.  You can keep stupid people alive better than most supports, but she can't kill for squat and her harass isn't too great.  It can be extremely frustrating in bronze/silver, setting up epic team fights that turn out to be epic team fails instead.  As a result I play Zyra more often.  Less large area CC potential, but much higher damage output, and you can compensate for a fail ass ADC by zoning the enemy with plant rape.

on Jun 01, 2015

Champions I suck with or are just hard to master:

Zed -> some how never make an impact 

Alister -> headbutt + Pulverize combo to hard to master, usually just knock my target away like a derp

Other than that I just know I didn't put enough time in or any time in to learning them (kat, irelia, ahri, fizz, Azir)



on Jun 01, 2015

Anyway, consider a person performing a combo involving animation canceling.  Who cares.  Now imagine them doing the exact same combo in precisely the same way over and over with zero instances of change.  It becomes a little suspect.   Also add in the same game that player managing an at base execute.  It's possible the player was simply "good", but their skill level in lane indicated otherwise...

That makes a lot more sense and sounds like a definite scripter.  But not a very good one.  Thanks for not taking my animation canceling comments poorly.  I still learn things about this game that I should have known a long time ago so I figure no harm bringing it up just in case.

My point remains that you're not going to often play against Evil Alternate Universe Pacov Who Scripts very often since he's in Diamond.  Or banned.  If you did play against him right when he started scripting in Plat V, you would lose.  Almost every time.  It would be very very frustrating.  That's all I'm trying to say.

man... I was actually good with Braum for a whole minute.... I think I became quite awful once they changed the width of his q or some other nerf.  Now... awful.  I'm curious what your thoughts are re: nami.  I mean, I get she's not as viable now compared to other supports (imo at least), but what's not clicking?  I kind of blow with her ult utilization I think.

I like Nami.  I think she's a good Support still.  I want to be good with her so I can quote Little Mermaid lyrics to opponents stuck in bubbles.  But I suck with her and don't know why.

Braum... feel he's an extremely high skill floor champ with good not great rewards if you master him.  I'm no longer a Support Main so why bother?  If I was dedicated to the role still I'd try to learn him again so I had someone to play with Kog and Twitch.  As is, Ali/Leona/Thresh are better all around champs who fill a similar role.

on Jun 01, 2015


Alister -> headbutt + Pulverize combo to hard to master, usually just knock my target away like a derp

Riot made Ali's combo into the easiest thing to do in the game recently.

Turn your Smartcast Range Indicators on.  Turn on Activate Ability When You Press Another Ability or whatever it's called.

Hold down W until you're in range of an opponent.  Keep pressing W and press Q as well.  Headbutt/Pulv combo every time as long as you were in range when you pressed Q.

on Jun 01, 2015

Made something for ya and myself.

So, there have been various programs in LoL that have enabled you to appear offline.  The last of the existing programs stopped working with this last patch, so a new program is needed.  The now nonworking versions are superior to what I've thrown together in that they simply make you appear offline - you can still chat with people - they just don't see you as online in the pals list.  My version, however, is more of a direct block of ritos chat server.  Now, you still maintain chat abilities in game, but this change blocks you out of chat in the client completely... so, you don't appear on buddy lists.  I would only consider using this if you are playing ARAMS or team builder as the loss of chat in the client is a douche thing to do if you are playing normals or ranked imo.  Anyway, take a look if you like.  Code embedded, batch file in link.  Run batch as admin and you are good to go. Easy to toggle on and off.  

Code: sql
  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. TITLE Disable out of Game Chat - LoL
  3. color a
  4. CLS
  5. :Title
  6. ECHO ************************************************************************
  7. ECHO Disable LoL chat in lobby and client - works in game
  8. ECHO Note - run this as admin before client is opened
  9. ECHO Created 6/1/2015
  10. ECHO ************************************************************************
  11. ECHO.
  12. GOTO MM
  13. :MM
  14. ECHO.
  15. ECHO 1 - Disable lobby/client chat
  16. ECHO 2 - Enable lobby/client chat
  17. Echo 3 - Exit
  18. ECHO.
  19. SET /P B=Make a selection:
  20. IF %B%==1 GOTO DISABLE
  21. IF %B%==2 GOTO ENABLE
  22. IF %B%==3 GOTO EOF
  23. :DISABLE
  24. CLS
  25. netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="KillLOLchat" dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block
  26. GOTO MM
  27. :ENABLE
  28. CLS
  29. netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="KillLOLchat"
  30. GOTO MM
  31. :EOF
on Jun 01, 2015

I down sized the LCS fantasy league to 4 teams. There are 3 spots open. 

Hedgie, Karl, Swan seemed most interested out of every in playing. I hope to draft over the next few days before week 2 starts.

on Jun 01, 2015

Looks like I might be the only one on earth with proper appear offline currently.  Did some coding and just figured it out.  The proper way means you simply appear offline - no downsides.  Not sure if I'll code/release something proper - we'll see when i get some time.  As someone who appeciates buggering off from time to time, I cannot tell you how much I like this functionality.  Anyone have any thoughts on why such a basic thing isn't included in the game?  Trying to think of any real downside to a release.  

on Jun 01, 2015

anyone know if you get an icon or anything cool for playing through hexakill?

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