Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 127)
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on Jun 23, 2015

These forums allow us to see the edit history of posts if we want (there is a little button for it under posts).  So it doesn't need to be reposted if you don't feel it was necessary.

on Jun 23, 2015



including what you are calling 101 stuff.

My point was not that what you're saying is wrong...and you pointed out that part of your relevation is, well, you don't play a lot of solo lanes But i massively prefer to play Solo lanes.

i guess you sort of have "goals", right, and WHAT those goals are is very simple (CS well, win lane, win teamfights, maintain and deny vision control, control objectives). HOW you do things is the hard part. And you can't actually do it all. Killing scuttle crab means you're giving up CS. Upgrading Yellow means you won't have Red. TP'ing bot can win botlane but cost you toplane.

Since trading and proper lane posture (passive vs. aggressive) going to talk about trading:

With regards to trading there's FOUR necessary steps to winning EVERY TRADE EVER ON EVERY CHAMPION:

  1. Get from a point of safety to a point where you can attack.
  2. Do your damage.
  3. Somehow avoid their damage.
  4. Get out to safety.

(i would say step 0 here is "make sure the jungler isn't waiting for you in tribush and kills you the moment you go in").


Step #1 is very simple in melee vs melee matchups toplane. But very complicated in mage vs mage matchups midlane. And even more complicated in mage vs ranged champion. If Fizz's QWER and Ignite are all off of cooldown you "probably" shouldn't autoattack him as a squishy mage.

Rule #1 also changes rapidly. While a champion is locked in on an autoattack for a cannon minion, your safety range gets VERY LARGE for about 1/4th of a second. Similarly, if Blitz misses pull, your safety range is HUGE for the next 10 seconds. If your lane opponent uses their maxed skill on creeps while being in range of you, you have 2-3 seconds where you can pretty much auto-win every trade.

Most champions can either do #2 really well OR do #3 really well. Some do both "okay". Renekton with a full rage bar is SUPER GOOD at all four steps. He can:

1. E into ranged champs

2. WQ, auto (also you heal a little in case they autod you)

3. they are stunned and can't punish you

4. E away

Against melees he can just WQ and save his E for any retaliation.


Step #4 is an important part for cooldown-limited champions, but not that useful botlane where autoattacks rule.



on Jun 23, 2015

such patch notes.  

runeglaive on udyr?

UNIQUE PASSIVESpellblade - After using an ability, the next basic attack is converted into magic damage and deals 75% Base Attack Damage (+0.3 ability power) bonus damage on hit in an Area-of-Effect around the target and restores 8% of your missing Mana

on Jun 23, 2015

oh my guuudd

on Jun 23, 2015

anyone have any good yasuo tips?

Also, lots of good posts - will go back through em tomorrow. thx!

Tried to get a game in with a few of ya early but folks were afktown.  I've been playing on one of my alts with yasuo so I can practice against not plats that will stomp me.  As it is, I'm having good moments where I do ok, then awful, awful mistakes.  Getting a little better with him now tho.  

on Jun 23, 2015

Time your block against an incoming shot instead of just dropping it for cover, don't burn your mobility playing with cs against a skill shot caster, and don't ult the guy under his tower, after you already dropped your wall.


Never played Yasuo, but when I spank them with Zyra, it's because they do such things.  Another thing to avoid is going all in on something you can't kill.  After you burn off your mobility and skill shot blocker, you're kinda fair game.

on Jun 23, 2015

Holy crap am I getting pumped.


riotlyte re: ranked teambuilder: 

"We've changed a couple fundamental things in the new Team Builder experience that addresses this problem too.

1) Players will only have to choose 2 Positions (i.e = Top or Jungle), and we'll create a team based on players' preferences. We're still playing around with whether 2 positions is the right number.

2) By popular demand, we're introducing a new "Fill" position for players.

3) Players will no longer need to choose a Champion before entering the new Champion Select.

These are just 3 of the tweaks to the new Team Builder experience that make it a much faster, much more streamlined experience (and still fun and understandable to new players in League). We'll be talking about some of the bigger changes to the actual Champion Select in the near future. We hope that players prefer this experience to every other queue when it comes out!

As a side note, because we're already deep into the new Team Builder experience, we're not going to backwards patch or fix "Team Builder Classic" and will just leave it as-is until we replace some of these older experiences with the new Team Builder."



How cool is that?  you pick 2 roles for ranked or you can fill if you like and queue up even faster. And you get into a lobby before you have to lock down a champ.  Curious how that last bit works.  

on Jun 24, 2015

oh and I don't think I ever mentioned this, but I tend to make posts when I'm playing without replying to comments - i skim the comments and then read em all later in detail and reply.  Just saying that I'm reading em all and dont be put off by my rando posts here and there.  thx!

on Jun 24, 2015

Super busy work day.  Did get my 4k monitor.  Did learn that league is trash for handling 4k monitors.  The rez works, its looks great, but its unplayable due to small health bars on you and minions - not to mention some jacked up scaling.  They simple don't have the code in place to handle resizes to certain rez.  I am able to play up a few rez's from what I had at least and see some improvement in fov.

on Jun 24, 2015

Ah fun! I have been video card shopping since I have the same cards from Demigod Even if everything else is much newer. 


Was certainly thinking of a 2k or 4k monitor... any tips, etc?

on Jun 24, 2015

Well, I really can't say a heck of a lot outside of first impressions atm.  I did a bit a research before i decided on a specific model, though.  Got the PB287Q-28in asus model.  a little under 600.  

I highly underwhelmed by the implementation and content of 4k vids atm.  Youtube actually seems to have the best implementation I came across.  Amazon is shite.  Netflix you have to shell out another $5 a month just to try.  More in a bit..

on Jun 24, 2015

For 4k, wait.  Too many things that don't like 4k, too much hardware needed to run it, monitors over 28 inches are extremely expensive, and the selection is crap.


If you want a 2560x1440, 28 inches is a good size as long as you've got decent eyes, and good ones can be picked up for around $500.  I've got a SyncMaster SA850, Samsung's PLS monitors are quite pretty, if you don't mind a somewhat slower refresh rate than you can get with the visually inferior TN displays.  The selection is very poor if you want a fast monitor with a high color gamut, particularly a non 60hz version.

on Jun 25, 2015

I tend to run a pretty beefy machine, so that too much hardware bit doesn't really seem to apply.  I haven't seen any degradation on anything I've tried it on as of yet at max resolution.  Running an r9 280 for graphics with an i7-4790k cpu atm.  

As far as size goes, I've been running on 2 28s (well a 27 and a 28, now 2 28s) for years.  So, while > 28 in monitors are more pricey (kind of what you'd expect, though, right?), also not really much of a factor in deciding to get a new updated 28.  

60hz seems to be pretty much the standard at this time and it looks great - granted I've been running at 60hz on my previous monitors as well, so zero diff.  I will say that out of the box my new monitor was config'd at 30hz (took 2 min to change up) and let me tell you - 30 mhz is god freaking awful - probably on any modern monitor but very certainly on a 4k one.  Make sure w/e you get is at least able to do 60hz.  Also, be wary of the dimensions when shopping.  There as some monitors that are in a crazy widescreen format that's kind of off - eg like really wide and not as tall as it should be.  

I can say that the image quality is great and its a night and day comparison between my old monitor and this one.  Things are much more crisp... but again, you'd expect that at higher rez.  Worth it?  well, I mean, if you need a new monitor, sure.  I like this one, to be sure.  Didn't really need a 4k, but its nice.  

on Jun 25, 2015

Yeah i'm not super sold on 4K (i've heard about games not handling it super well from various sources) but figured 2K was pretty reasonable and a nice jump up

You're happy with the R9-280? Gonna pick up a the R9-390 that was just released.

MSI has one with great one that has supposedly fantastic cooling. And it's partially overclocked so it's only ~40 MHz slower than the 390X (and missing 10% of the Stream Proccesors and TexUnits). But giving up < 10% performance (and only in newer games with a lot of textures/particles/shaders) for a 33% reduction in price seems pretty sweet.

An NVidia GTX 970 "might" be better for the type of gaming that i typically do (eg, 1080p where 8 GB of RAM isn't very useful), but the GTX-970 (same price as the R9-390) supposedly starts falling behind once you play 2K or play the brand-newest games. Going up to the GTX-980 is much more expensive and would only give small increases at 2K.

i generally keep with smaller monitors (been on a 24.4" since the Demigod days). But definitely looking at picking up a 2K... supposedly FreeSync is supposed to fix a lot of the issues when you have > 60 FPS on a 60 Hz monitor or < 144 FPS on a 144 Hz monitor. But the FreeSync monitors are like $500 \:

So probably going to wait until Black Friday for the monitor, but this one looks pretty sweet (i don't like Acer for anything but monitors but have loved them so far):





on Jun 25, 2015


You're happy with the R9-280? Gonna pick up a the R9-390 that was just released.

yeah - I'm happy with it.  Can handle everything I've thrown at it and overclocked quite well awhile back when I was got in a "testing crap out" mood.  When I'm out to buy a new card, I typically research what's coming out and read the reviews of what is out - including searches for things like "card name crash" or "card name gray screen" or "card name overclock" and see what I can see.  I usually use tom's hardware as my goto place to figure out what card I want.  They do a best buy for X month every month or so - worth a look if you don't use it already.  Very good site. 

I had an acer laptop years and years ago - was a POS.  Nothing against their monitors anyway  I can say that the biggest wow factor for me years ago was bumping up the size of my monitor.  28in w/e is going to pop for you.  This 4k stuff is neat and all and I can see it become the standard, but its not overwhelming. Still - one does tend to have monitors for awhile - no issue dropping some extra dough for a good one if you want to

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