Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 148)
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on Oct 26, 2015



Mark / Dash is a summoner spell exclusive to the Howling Abyss. It deals 「 (10 + (5 × Champion's Level)) 」true damage, over the next 3 seconds the player may reactivate the spell to dash towards the marked target and deals 「 (10 + (5 ×Champion's Level)) 」 true damage.

Notice how LB, Graves, Jinx, and Blitz were the only ones without true damage.

on Oct 26, 2015

BACK INTO PLAT III BOYS, LOL. This is such a hell hole. 400 games in ranked and I've made no progress as of date. Only if if I didn't have trolls during Diamond promos several times. Will see if I have the leisure of reaching Diamond before the season ends. I will probably end up binging Malphite Top, Diana Mid, and Zac Jungle rather than playing champs I feel like during the moment.

on Oct 26, 2015



ah - thx.  Was scratching my head on that one. 

on Oct 26, 2015

Some really good info compiled by a master tier fella.  Post explains and shows win rate % by game lengths and groups the data usefully.  Some surprising info here and there - interesting at least to me


on Oct 26, 2015

Well the physics GRE is over so I should be around a lot more. It went pretty poorly but I am not entirely sure that that test can go well no matter how prepared you are. Here is hoping for the 40-50 percentile.

on Oct 26, 2015

Good luck, mr cow!  Hope things turn out better than you think.

Karl - you got into plat 1 out of placement matches?  Didn't know that.  Anyway, I think you are right about carry junglers being the way to go in lower elos.  Carry anything, really.  Was playing a game with pete the other day and the enemy team had a jungle yi.  I pretty much knew we'd lose the game at that point as there would be enough people to feed him.  I'm actually a little surprised that you don't seem to like the carry style junglers (or lean towards the ham build vi).  Even for the sake of variety and mixing things up.  I'd almost always rather have a jungler that isn't yi on my team, but in solo queue, that's pretty big win potential at this elo.  Good luck if you decide to play some more - prob not worth the frustration.

Hope you can make it to Diamond, dan.  Diamond Danknee has a nice sound to it.  

Zilean bans are a comin... from me anyway.  He's going to see a bunch more play with the reworked passive in the near future and god if he isn't useless in lane then a huge PITA late game.  On the bright side, he's actually the closest thing we've got to a fun demigod mechanic - being able to give your teammates stuff (in dg it was items - here it will be xp).  That could open up some opportunities for interesting things, but I'm not really sure the power levels/how useful it is.  Giving a wee bit of xp to someone gives a small adv - giving a full level would be kind of huge.  Haven't spec'd it out yet.  Anyway, f zil though - juggernaut + zil = plz no.


Out of all the mechanics I've been trying to work on, I'm making the most progress with calling out flash timers.  Getting better at it anyway. 

on Oct 26, 2015


Vi is a great champ for climbing.  You know how to play Vi.  You could easily just spam Vi games and get Plat.  I'm guessing that instead, you're picking the 'right' champs and builds to fit a teamcomp that would win with good teammates.  While playing with goombas.

Ranked rewards are rewards for playing Ranked and not intended as an accurate measure of skill and ability.  You don't play much ranked so the system is working as intended.  Riot's goal isn't to quickly and efficiently get everyone to their 'correct' League as possible.  The more of us 'grinders' that are out there, the happier they are.

Their only concern on the subject of people at the wrong MMR is for when Diamond players had to start the season in Silver and ruin a bunch of games for people on their way up the ladder.



Glad you're done with that nonsense!  I'd love to take you up on your offer to give me some playing tips when I start playing again.  Or just post them here.  I'm always open to criticism. 



Sound like great choices to get The D.  The Big D.  Diamond, not anything Cow was thinking I meant when I said 'The D!'

Good luck man, you can do it.  You deserve The D.



I'm sure he meant to say Plat V.

on Oct 26, 2015

on Oct 27, 2015

Had a really sub par night of gaming last night.  Played solo all night and was pretty much crap.  Even lost an easy win aram by the team suiciding instead of killing a base (which would have been my 1 win of the night).  Some games felt like my reaction time was off and I just played poorly - other games I was spot on and tweaked, but the rest of the team was under performing.  

Still trying to maintain a big focus just on calling out flash timers - still getting better.  I've been getting a lot more games with higher elo players tonight.  I really wish we could see some mmr stats instead of rank tier stats in normals.  There are quite a few people out there that don't play ranked at all or much.  

on Oct 27, 2015

I saw something interesting over at summoner school.  Basically a guy was talking about the win rate differential based on spamming games with champions (eg avg win rate with X champ is 40% after 30 games, but jumps to 55% after 120 games).  


Here's what I think:

Playing ANY champion a large amount of times is going to yield results. All champions have fairly high winrates when you look only at players who have say 50+ games on that champion.

High skillcap champions are champions whose winrate deviates more from experienced players to novice players. Sometimes this means they have super high winrates for experienced players compared to low skillcap champions but sometimes it just means that novice players do far worse on them.

Here's an examples of what I mean:

Azir[1] goes from 35% winrate to 52% winrate over 125+ games of experience.

Cho'Gath[2] goes from 49% winrate to 53% winrate over 125+ games of experience.

Notice the winrates are very close at the experienced end but very different at the novice end. This is why I don't recommend people to pick up Azir unless they actually enjoy playing him and don't mind the rough curve.

If you're looking to invest time into a high skillcap champion that will win games in solo queue these would be my recommendations:

Riven[3] 47 -> 56% winrate

Rengar[4] 42 -> 57.5% winrate

Twisted Fate[5] 48 -> 57% winrate

Kalista[6] 46 -> 57% winrate

Bard[7] 45 -> 57% winrate

But at the end of the day you should just play whatever champion you find the most fun to play because that's the only way you're going to stick with them and after a certain amount of experience they are all very strong.

on Oct 27, 2015

I do not recommend Bard at lower levels...  He might be okay in gold, but down here in silver, people tend to blow each other's ults up...

on Oct 27, 2015

Anyone feel like they play tf at a decent level ?  Looking at pro builds and champ gG.  Champ has boots as highest win rate start.  Everyone on pro buids starts Dorans ring.   what scenarios would u look to start boots and pots

on Oct 27, 2015

Boots are mostly for melee matchups since you get "free" blue cards early game or if you're worried about being ganked early since TF has to push to be aggressive and is SUPER squish. You would probably want to go dorans against mage matchups. The boots aren't really for the level 6 teleport since you'll often be hoom/oom.


on Oct 27, 2015

thx!  Anyone else have their ping up about 20 from the norm lately?  Went from 30ish to 50sih this past week.


also new championify out -


also i suck w/ tf

on Oct 27, 2015

If you're thinking about maining TF, I hope that you stick with it long enough to find some success.  He'd be the perfect champion for you.

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