Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 161)
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on Dec 01, 2015

that first fight was good.  I have no idea wtf the zed and rango were doing though... 

on Dec 01, 2015

Stupid DanKnee's awesome mechanics have put MF on Riot's Nerfdar.  Thanks man.  Thanks a lot.

I've lost track of all the nerfs for her on PBE at this point.

on Dec 01, 2015

She's basically a ranged Kat, and right now she does half again the damage, interrupt the ult fast, or die horribly.  You need hard counters to survive a game against her that includes a good team for keeping her safe.  You can easily break 4000 damage on her ultimate, 1200% AD is pretty absurd.


It's not Titanic Hydra broken, but it's pretty close.

on Dec 02, 2015

There are two Pacov's that exist.  The one that hates playing 4v5 and the one that loves playing 5v4.  Will Pacov be more happy or sad if these changes go through?


on Dec 02, 2015

I like the matches where kills/deaths stay around 10-15% apart, instead of being an 80/20 blowout...  Fewer 4v5's would be nice, but the game is so thrashed right now that most games are a blowout even with a 5v5.

on Dec 03, 2015

Holy crap was thanksgiving rough.  So my wife and I get the flu pretty much on black friday (super glad I got a flu shot... I did...).  My car goes into the shop on black friday.  Comes back on black friday, but now has a new problem.  I send it back to the dealership on Monday and they resolve that and give it back (still waiting on a part for another fix sometime).  The other night my alarm system has a false fire alarm for pretty much no reason, which wakes up my wife that has the flu.  Now, if this were to happen when I was not home and my security company couldn't reach me, the fire dept would come out and potentially break into my house in response to said BS alarm.  

So, I call my security company and tear them a new one, while drugged up and enjoying the glorious flu.  I have to follow up and tear them another new one today or tomorrow as their alarm system is pretty much trash and a huge PITA.  

But today, after about a week, I'm finally feeling quite a bit better.  Yesterday went the whole day without flu meds.  Anyway, whinging aside, happy to be back.

In random boaz news, he moved into his new house on Monday and will likely reappear sometime soon.  Cow reemerged briefly and will likely be popping in and out.  We saw quite a bit more of Bryff recently - even having a girlfriend and all.  And I've been playing some more with madcasters here and there (the last game we played I went afk due to that awesome fire alarm.... so huzzah).  

quinn/mundo = super strong.  The new champ is fun on arams and pretty much so so so poop elsewhere (tentacles pretty easy to dodge at currently implementation).


Oh - and DPI settings on mice.  I started to tell karls about this them I bored myself.  Short version is its worth it to increase your DPI on your mouse (depending on what you are set to).  Muscle memory is really quick for this sort of thing, so you can typically get used to a new setting after a few games... in my experience.  Doing this enables you to more precisely and more quickly click on things, which translates to greater control.  

The longer version is I came across a some web based mouse trainer "game."  I was on 800 DPI on my mouse, which was godly slow.  The game pops up things you need to precisely click on (very small dots) and gives you a score based on how close you are (think OSU but with SUPER small things to click on).  Anyway, I'm slow as FUG at 800 DPI and I noticed I was slow even not utilizing my full screen.  Which meant that at 800 DPI, I'd do substantially worse if the small dots were further apart.

Anyway, my take away was higher DPI = faster mouse movements = faster to get from here to there on the screen = able to quickly and precisely click on things.  Now, I'm only up to 1200 DPI now, but I'll likely increase that as I better.   

Also, this makes me think that the smaller my field of vision, the faster I can click on things as well.  Less precisely, but much faster to respond if my field of view gives me the info further back.  That means playing in windowed mode with a small resolution would likely result in an improvement for me.  I don't think I'm willing to do that, but I think I'm right.

on Dec 03, 2015

High mouse DPI is definitely worth doing. I forget what mine is at but it's stupidly High. I changed over to a high DPI years ago when I was playing transformers war for cybertron heavily and have never looked back. You can move your cursor so much faster with high DPI settings I am sort of surprised you haven't checked it out earlier being the computer hardware junky you are.

on Dec 03, 2015

I've obsessed quite a bit about DPI and such.  I could write quite a bit about the subject as far as all my research on what DPI and hand grip certain pro gamers use, preferred arm position for the OSU crowd... I've gone deep down the rabbit hole!

I know you don't like to read too much so instead of writing a novel, I'll tell yah the really important thing I learned:

What is good for Aimbooster/OSU is not necessarily what is ideal for League.  I play OSU/AB at settings that I know I could get higher scores if I changed them but know from experience are harder to play League with.

on Dec 03, 2015

 I forget what mine is at but it's stupidly High.

Could you find out Cow?  I'm kinda curious about that sorta thing.  I use 1600 on a kinda grippy mouse pad.  

on Dec 03, 2015

I'll check it out at some point tonight unless I forget. Its the highest setting on the razor abyssus whatever that is.

on Dec 03, 2015

3500 is the setting I know you can adjust it down if you want by using basic Windows mouse options. There is a sliding scroll speed option if it feels to fast or awkward.

on Dec 03, 2015

3500 jebus.


You can move your cursor so much faster with high DPI settings I am sort of surprised you haven't checked it out earlier being the computer hardware junky you are.

Hardware junky, yes.  But do I utilize my toys fully?  Nope.  Wasn't really something I thought too much of, but I have the hardware to support 6400 dpi.... I was on 800.  I'm really glad that its super quick to get acclimated in smaller increments at least.  Hopefully that sort of thing is universal as opposed to something I just pick up on.  

Ah - and Aimbooster was exactly what I tried that got me thinking about this stuff.  

I think that screen size and field of view are pretty big factors as well.  Close to as important maybe.  I can almost guarantee that my map awareness skyrockets if I play on a smaller monitor or in a smaller window.  Like put your head up close to your monitor.  Now move away slowly until you can focus on everything easily at the same time.  The smaller the screen/window, the easier it is to see and process things.  Or I think anyway.

While with a larger field of view that you gain with certain resolutions, you can actually see more than other folks, but if that is on a larger monitor, you are limited by what you can actually process.  For instance, take a setup with 3 30in screens at a desk.  You step back and its a great view.  You sit down and its only as good as what you can focus on.  

Another thing - you can take a monitor of whatever size, open X resolution in a window, and get a larger FOV than you would normally get - you just won't be utilizing your full monitor space.  The trade off of the smaller screen is potential impact to CS and dueling. In your favor, team fights should be easier to process.  Some of my thoughts from my 4k resolution attempts anyway.

on Dec 03, 2015

3500 jebus.

I was on 800

Bjergson plays with 400.  He has to play OSU on a tablet because what works kinda okay for him in League just doesn't translate to success in other games.

Of course Faker plays on 3500 and he's okay too.  And WildTurtle plays 1200 but he just got fired so higher or lower might be better...


Point is that higher isn't necessarily better.  And if you change too much you're going to have to alter things to go with the new DPI like the way you hold your mouse, pivot point, etc.

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