Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 17)
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on Jul 14, 2014

Sorry to hear about the demotion, cow.  I know you busted your arse to get there.  Hopefully you get back up there soon or at least enjoy a mini break if its frustrating ya.



on Jul 14, 2014

I think Riot was just making room for DanKnee to get into Diamond! haha

on Jul 14, 2014

hazmat donger is live:



on Jul 14, 2014

hey guys!  laundry is live!  Miss you guys bunches, and had fun on my bday playin' with most of you!  Still basically trying to find a place to live... money isn't the issue, if that's what you guys are thinking... still living in my dungeon atm, but definitely want to leave haha.  Hope all is well!

on Jul 14, 2014

Laundry is live for me as well! My roommate decided it would be a good idea to fill up the tub and forget about it so we had water all the way down my hall way. Needless to say every towel in the place is no longer dry and the floor is still wet... So I am off to dry some towels.... WOOO.... 

on Jul 15, 2014

Did a bunch of team builder tonight -played rango jungle.  Had alot of fun once I figured out how to play him. 

For those that don't know, here's the combo.  Before a fight, get max stacks.  Ult.  Hop to enemy and use your empowered e to snare in place for 1.75 seconds.  Wail on them with your other abilities/aa's.  You build bonus ferocity immediately after stealth, so wait and time another 1.75 second empowered stun.  Even going a low damage build, the cc is strong enough that you get a kill if someone else there.  Decent odds solo as well.  All games I went ff as my only dmg item.  Defense the rest of the way.  So, you have lower burst, but as long as you don't have an urgot top and an  afk support, you should be fine.  hue... had that last game.  On the bright side, people wanted to play it out... on the real bright side, got to play mostly fun stuff tonight. 

on Jul 15, 2014

Well I have found the key to solo queue once again. 






wait for it....






wait for it....







troll with heimer every game. I can't lose with him! 

on Jul 15, 2014


troll with heimer every game. I can't lose with him! 


Heimer is the bane of my existence in smurf games.  Pushes all day long, I can't kill him 1v1 cause you can't "outplay" even a low skill Heimer who's hanging out in a turret farm with his ult up, and the Low Silver/High Bronze jungler on my side has no interest in ganking cause turrets is scary.  Gonna run TP against him next time, that should work better.

I don't see how it's trolling playing Heimer.  Is he bad nowadays?  Pacov used to play him constantly as a support so I'm sure he wouldn't get upset if you started playing him in normals with us if you want to practice...

And don't leave me hanging man, your Heimer mid and my GP Support can get me to Plat and you back to Diamond if we Duo... if you believe it can!  Nobody will fuck with you in your turret farm when my ult is up.

on Jul 15, 2014

And don't leave me hanging man, your Heimer mid and my GP Support can get me to Plat and you back to Diamond if we Duo...

You should do that.  I will provide color commentary of your games and shoutcast.  Let's make an event of it!  I heard cow even got demoted just so the 2 of you could queue together.

edit - oh and cow has been playing donger here and there in our games.  I don't mind.  

Also, if you have any interest in all the ddos attacks and security breaches of the past, you should read this.  Very informative.

on Jul 15, 2014

Really interested read re: that "hacker." Curious to see what the outcome will be of his day in court.  Fairly happy to see that he was caught. 

Dongers primarily, imo, a troll pick only as a support or jungler.  He's ok out of top, but best as a mid.  He's reasonably strong - just has some weaknesses - his roam is smeh and his cc and non turret damage are skillshot based.  I've seen him played really well by some.  Not someone I'd generally want as a mid, but he can certainly work well. 

Tonight's my last "normal" night of sleep for a few days.  Late night work a few days in a row inbound for me. 

I'm really enjoying the full tank jungle rango.  Lots of fun to play as.  Prob log some more time with him tonight.

on Jul 15, 2014

We should revive the Donger/leona bot lane. Those were the days Thunder.


But on a more serious note Heimer is pretty bad right now. Easily countered by syndra, orianna, ziggs, and gragas who have all become enourmously popular the last few weeks. Heimer doesn't push or farm well when he can't keep up his turrets and all of those champions make very short work of Heimer turrets.

In general he usually holds his own in lane but wont outrightly win it (he can hold on vs the mention champs if you max rockets first) even against favorable match ups. If you draw jungler aggro before you have zhonya's (which usually happens atleast once) you are a sitting duck. Rushing zhonya's is a risky move because it leaves you slightly mana starved (hes not as mana problimatic as he used to be but still important to have blue buff if you skip athene's which I do) in lane so if you are getting push on say vs an orianna you will start to lose farm once your mana is depleted from wave clearing with rockets.

Late game Heimer is a monster. His team fighting is very good to almost unmatched (giving you stay in the turret range and don't stretch to far from it, similar to karthus) the longevity he has in fights if you can use zhonya's before dying and let the turrets do there job is amazing. Hes very hard to kill with his stun and teammates CC. If you buy banner of command on him his turrets basically have a buff equivalent to DFG at all times (not to mention the huge cannon minion and the buff to super minions). He has decent utility with his ult if necessary to slow/cc there team with his grenade ult.

The main problem is getting heimer to late game but if you do you shouldn't lose.

on Jul 15, 2014

I'm really enjoying the full tank jungle rango.  Lots of fun to play as.  Prob log some more time with him tonight.

With how much you dislike Karl playing WW since it "screws up" teamcomps, isn't jungler Rengar even worse?

Rengar is much better in low-level counterjungling situations, and he has "some" gank pressure (although it's pretty awful), so i'll give you that. But his gank pressure is worse than that of Skarner and Skarner isn't exactly considered an early ganker...

Level 6 ganks? WW is generally stronger (flash R is extremely powerful, esp in assassin lanes, and WW ult has a pretty short CD). i guess Rengar is somewhat better if its warded and you don't have flash. His ult does have the detection so it's a bit better against counterganks. 

Mid game, WW is just as (if not a little bit more) tanky, and even though Rengar can do a 3 second root, it's attached to a skillshot and requires correct CC-stacking (and its countered by Crucibles). Rengar has better split push, i guess, but ... ?

Things like low-level counterjungling, counterganking and split pushing are really important, that's why Rengar is used in competitive play (to ... limited... success). But in soloqueue? Warwick is going to be strictly better, and warps teamcomps much less.

Then let's not get into dps Rengar

on Jul 16, 2014

I see you have some thoughts there hedgie.    skimmed it, I'm going to bed - reads tom.  I got wrecked quite a bit tonight in team builder going that tank rango build.  1 game, easy win.  I'm like full build with stupid amts of ff stacks.  Adc leaves.  I'm left with this dumb arse build with no dmg.   Loss.  Other games, I just get wrecked.  It seems like a pick and playstyle you only want in certain comps.

1st - the pros - this guy can initiate.  It's not a malphite initate, mind you, but its an initiate.  Also, great clear options as well w/ nice jungle clear (worse after patch and fix for ff item).  Pretty decent early dragon clear solo actually. 

downsides - weak arse ganks pre 6 unless lane ganks doable.  He's a ff jungler w/ this build. That's nice late game because that's his only dmg item and he goes full tank/support tank.  That's awful because he needs to farm out that ff. 

He's someone I would very much consider picking if there were 2 lanes w/o escapes/mobility.  He goes really good with teammates that can gap close.

The main thing he has over ww is his initate.  So much easier to initiate.  Stack your abilities.  Ping, Ult, go in.  Instant fight. The question is, is that worth it in most comps?  Prob nots

on Jul 16, 2014

A snippet from one of my ranked games tonight.

on Jul 16, 2014

Nice vid dr dan!

With how much you dislike Karl playing WW since it "screws up" teamcomps, isn't jungler Rengar even worse?

Going back and reading through your post now.  Mostly it [rango] is worse.  IMO - pretty much any champ that requires team adaptation outside of the meta is generally a bad pick for solo queue unless you are going for a specific comp, etc.  So, all junglers that have weak ganks pre 6 are worse than other junglers that can pre 6.  Comparing ww directly to rango pre 6, rango is actually better because he has gank potential along with a slow and snare.  Additionally, junglers that, at best, can go and clean up farm pre 6 if a lane gets wrecked are weaker than junglers that have kill potential. 

But then you get into the "what do you get at level 6" question.  Well, with ww, you get an ult that's on a low cool down, so you generally get a gank bot for the team.  But he has limitations on how he can gank.  Rango, on the the other hand, has gank potential go through the roof at level 6.  I'm trying to think of someone with higher gank potential at level 6 and I'm drawing a blank - vi's pretty good I think with dash/ult - not as good, but close.

Late game, at least with the tanky rango build, they generally fall into the same category (though ww can often slowly solo baron), but I'd argue that rango full tank + ult is a stronger initiator than ww as he does not require flash to be successful.  It's very important to note, though, that ww's ult is superior in that it requires a lower skill cap and that there is generally no escape from the initiate.  With rango, you have to ult and make sure you land your root, which is not a guaranteed thing due to flash + escapes.  So, while rango has greater potential for those intiations imo, if ww gets into range, you are going to be suppressed. W/ rango, you will probably be rooted and killed, but not for sure. 

Anyway, I think I may have gotten this jangle rango out of my system.  Still really digging full jungle support nunu.  Finding that to be really strong. Trying to think what jungler I want to work on next. 


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