Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 197)
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on Jun 19, 2016

That was a good format. Would be cool to see league of legends do something close to it instead of the baning phase.

on Jun 21, 2016

I played through the recently released DOOM (single player only).  It was hands down the most fun I've had with a game in years.  If you haven't checked that out, I really recommend it if you enjoy FPS.  It was a real treat.  I really enjoyed the story and pacing as well.

Anyway, this got me thinking about playing some older version of doom.  I had the doom 3 pack or w/e from a steam sale sometime back.  Only like 2.75 gigs for doom 3 and doom 3 resurrection.

Doom 3 was a bunch of fun.  It has so many jump scares in it along with a PDA system that forces you to use it and read along to get ammo/better weapons.  The story was fun and immersive as well and the game was a reasonable length.  Doom 3 resurrection was... well more doom.  It was fairly short, added a few new weapons (which were fun), but the story was just kind of lame and it ended really abruptly, which made the expansion feel very tacked on (which it was).  All in all, Doom 3 was a bunch of fun to play through, but the expansion was kind of smeh.  

Anyway, after that, I fired up LOL and was pleased to see they enabled champ mastery on ARAMs.  I wasn't in the mood for rift games, so I just spammed some ARAMs and had some fun.  

on Jun 22, 2016

Cow's on vacation after tonight I think he said.  I'll be playing some LOL for a bit tonight w/ whoever wants to play.  F about normals or arams are fine with me.  

on Jun 24, 2016

Currently enjoying taliyah top or mid.. which likely means she's border line op.  She's genuinely fun to play for me anyway.  love her w/ thunderlords and really enjoy her ult.


Finally caught up w/ boaz again.  He was on for a bit last night, so hopefully I catch him again soon.  He's been busy, but it sounds like things are going a lot better for him now.  Says he's enjoying the 75 degree weather in alaska.  


Played a bit w/ madcasters again last night.  ol soup hit me up with an invite for a normal, which was what I was in the mood for and saw LT, naiya + some new fella.  MC games are still pretty much what they have always been.  Downside was we couldn't get soup and I on carry roles w/ our crew, so it kind of fell to me to do so out of top, which I needed to do much harder as things were not good elsewhere.  Ended the night doing a few arams with em after I decided no more SR w/ em - I had my fill.

Looking forward to some gaming tonight - long week.  Basement flooded yesterday and to sort that for most of the day.  Pretty tiring stuff.

on Jun 27, 2016

That feeling when you get home after 5 hours of driving and are looking forward to a couple games of LOL only to find out the its tardo DDOS time again.  Went over to LAN and played a few.  Ping over there is up quite a bit from what it was for me (90-110).  Ah well - looking forward to some proper nerding tonight.  

on Jun 28, 2016


I'm pretty sure I'm a Diamond Overwatch player, so this will be easy.

on Jun 30, 2016

And I was banned from overwatch for boosting Karl.  Oh well, was fun while it lasted.


You guys see this yet?  One of the many new things you can do with the updated ryze ult:


on Jun 30, 2016

Hey all,

i won an Ashes of the Singularity key. All my friends either aren't interested in the game or don't have a computer that can run it. If you have a nice computer and are interested in an RTS game, let me know and i'll send it to you. i'm posting this to a few places so i get to choose favourites (muahaha), but, realistically, you can probably have it if you want it.

on Jun 30, 2016

Good guy hedgie.  


Just picked up RUST on steam sale - kind of fun.  Pick it up if you want to play some w/ me fellas.  $10 on the sale


on Jul 01, 2016

So... I spam played RUST and will probably do so some more.  Really enjoying my time.  Here's a quick run down on the game, what you do, what's good, what's awful.

So, you start out recovering from being unconscious on a beach.  You have a rock and a torch and are naked as a jaybird.  You are injured, hungry and thirsty.  Survive.

So, you find some wild mushrooms to eat.  Chop down some wood and stones.  Immediately you make a spear to protect yourself.  You make a crude hammer and pickaxe from the wood and stones.  Now you can more quickly harvest wood/stone and you start to have a little more security.  Did I mention, if you die, you lose all your crap and spawn at a random location on the map?  Eventually you get enough tech and wood to build a house after you find an ok spot for it.  You build small because you need to get a shelter in place ASAP.  You build a furnace in your house and use it to melt down some ore you found when you were mining the stones.  You build a sleeping bag (which is a spawn point in the game) and place it in your house.  You create a lock and key and call it a night.  Your house is still really weak and could be broken into, but its all you could do.  

Anyway, there's a bunch of progression.  You explore and build a proper base in a better spot, you hunt, you find spots with blueprints of guns etc and build them.  You group up with folks if you can find some that don't try to kill you.

Onto the bad stuff - folks say the community is straight awful.  Like camping spawn points and shooting you, taking all your crap, and verbally taunting you while they do it. So, you literally can show up naked with a rock and a torch and a guy with a machine gun levels you.  Or an organized group appears with c4, destroys your house, kills you and takes all your stuff that you invested hours into.  

I chose a very low population server to try things out so I haven't run into many people, which I really like while I'm learning the game.  I find it really enjoyable overall.

Still $10 - give it a try if you want and I'll let you know what server I'm on, etc. They have a nice system where you can have your pals spawn in your base so its easier to get going if you are already established.  Games seeing updates weekly and I guess they are working on a level up progression system.  Its fun as is imo.


on Jul 01, 2016

also - thunder - any thoughts on this?  Watchin now


on Jul 01, 2016

Re: GP Coaching

- I'd advise not using the mana regen runes.  There is only one high level GP that I've seen who uses them still.  Out of ALL the people who play GP from Korea to West EU, only one.  The coach himself has moved away from them as well now that he's not smurfing 100 games to Diamond videos and is actually playing on his high level accounts  again.

- Barrel on the dome defense is great and harassing lane bullies with Q is great but kinda one of the reasons I got demoted back to Gold III.  I've been a little too aggressive trying that stuff out.  Kinda getting the hang of which bullies I can win trades with and harass safely and what situations I can get away with but there's been a learning curve for me since I was super passive in most lanes up until I saw that video last week.

- Ulting for my own kills, ulting my own lane's wave to reset, ulting to steal kills.  All good shit.  I was really trying to force my ults before and wasting them a lot.  Or worse, baiting my bot lane into getting double killed.  Selfish is better most games at my level anyway.

- I like his style of CD sustaining in lane but I prefer Ghostblade after Trinity to achieve it.  I just feel that pure crit is a noobstomp build for top lane.  It works much better mid where you have an easier time farming up and less bad matchups.

- Not sure if he says in that video or if it was on his stream why GP isn't played competitively.  Can't really handle 2v1 lanes at all and needs to hit level 13 to be worth a damn so he's not viable in LCS.  So keep that in mind next time you want me to swap down to bot lane.

on Jul 01, 2016

All really good feedback - thx!


- I'd advise not using the mana regen runes.  There is only one high level GP that I've seen who uses them still.  Out of ALL the people who play GP from Korea to West EU, only one.  The coach himself has moved away from them as well now that he's not smurfing 100 games to Diamond videos and is actually playing on his high level accounts  again.

I think I'll use the mana regen setup as training wheels briefly.  Tried it in a custom and it felt really good for the amount of sustain provided.  Felt like I was spamming a bunch and still had plenty of sustain even w/ harassing w/ q primarily early.  I see Neacy is running an arm pen setup ATM, so I'm guessing he's done w/ the setup like u said.

I think if I can figure out how to properly keep that barrel on my head thing I'll be sitting ok for laning.  Working on the triple barrel combo - getting better, but I can see you prob just need to spam a bunch w/ him eh.  

on Jul 03, 2016

2 more copies of rust available - agree to play a bit and they are yours - eme223 on steam - pm me here or elsewhere if uwant in

on Jul 04, 2016

I think I'll use the mana regen setup as training wheels briefly.

Yeah, I don't think they're bad at all.  Just going to be good in some circumstances and not good in others so just keep that in mind if you ever struggle against a Panth or something.  Moving on even though I know you love when I talk about rune setups.


Working on the triple barrel combo - getting better, but I can see you prob just need to spam a bunch w/ him eh.  

The triple barrel is important and can win you games when you pull it off.  One barrel can get a full health squishy low enough to finish off with your ult which can be game winning when you do enough damage.

That's why I gave up on the Tankplank build.  Losing out on enough damage that you can no longer threaten to erase the other team's squishies is kind of a big deal.  It might be worth the trade off in some circumstances but until I see other top players using it I'm going to hold off.

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