Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 199)
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on Jul 21, 2016

Tomorrow (Thursday) I think I will be around earlier to play some league. I have been hella busy with getting ready to move/seeing friends/vacation/acquiring study material for qualifying exams/writing a story/other games/teaching my gf how to drive (she passed)/ looking for a car for my gf/looking for an apartment.

on Jul 21, 2016

Edit: Deleted drunken rambling.  Down to play today Cow if you're around.  Is today Thursday?  My head hurts.

on Jul 21, 2016

the real question is who wants to carry me thru my first 10 ranked games so i can slide into gold ezpz Gotnades style

on Jul 21, 2016

My MMR on my main is way too high right now Hedgie but I got a Silver Smurf account that's ready to go!

on Jul 25, 2016

Well, I'm in scenic Oklahoma City for the next few days. It is very exciting.  I kind of feel that this hotel lied to me about "high speed" internet access.

on Jul 26, 2016

heh - not much to see there, mr karls?  Also, I believe karl is a sentient tornado.  Been going ape shite in RUST lately.  Decided to start up a thread for that stuff so as not to clutter here (I think I could write quite a bit on that).  Looking forward to some more league in the near future though - things are just getting nuts on my server in RUST atm.  Anyway, if interested, I'll be discussing over here:


on Jul 28, 2016

Finally got back to playing some League last night.  Played 3 ranked games w/ Bryff.  We lost the 1st due to just a god awful team (I did OK with GP - was holding my own but every lane got steam rolled (#chogath mid vs anivia (them), lux support (us)).  Just god awful comp.  Game 2 I crushed it hard - heavy carry out of me and the jungler. Game 3 I was crap but Bryff carried like a boss. Was quite a bit of fun. Been missing league.  

on Jul 29, 2016

 Bryff carried like a boss.

I got some of that Bryff freelo the other night.  I got dumpstered by a Riven cause I forgot that some of them are actually really dangerous.  Specially the ones with the hoodie skin.

But Bryff didn't care.  He just put me on his back by getting a Pentakill with Vayne.  Of course he did have a lot of help from me.  Not with like damage or anything cause I died pretty early in that fight but with encouragement!  "Kill them Bryff!  Kill them all!  Get that guy!  Yeah, good job!  Oh... yeah him too!  Get the penta Bryff!  GET THE FUCKING PENTA!!!"

on Jul 29, 2016

So the most random thing happened today.  I was getting some easy LP by queueing up with Booster Buddy Bryff and our Support asks if we know Game Of Throws.  So that was a bit of a trip.  He says he went to school with you Cow?  Know anyone who goes by the name Whatsasightstone?

on Aug 01, 2016

That's a fella i went to school with in college. Kind of an odd guy. Disappeared randomly half way through a semester only to reappear later. Also didn't shower often enough while we were in school haha.

on Aug 01, 2016

I am all moved in at my new place in Hancock MI, but still no internet. Sounds like Thursday I should have it, but I'll be taking a trip back to Wisconsin for a few days. So I will still be pretty MIA for most of August. Well probably the next 5 years. Sigh.... My poor elo....

on Aug 10, 2016

Well, I'm finally over my GP love affair.  Pretty tired of playing him.  Also, still kind of suck with him a bit, so I'm over it.  Started goofing off and playing darius a bunch.  Holy crap can that be fun if you go off. Anyway, mostly just playing for fun lately. Pretty well over rust as well.  

on Aug 10, 2016

learning curve is rough apparently


on Aug 11, 2016

So rito just said this re: when is Yorrick rework:


"Soon! Yorick will be sometime between now and the next new champion."

Also, chromas will ALL be 2k ip each apparently with an IP sale on all chromas pre aug 2016 in late aug

on Aug 26, 2016

So... kled.

Currently my hands down fav champ in the game.  Top lane pref.  I can see how he'd be a decent jungler for ganks.

2 fav things about him.

1 - skarl is like a zac/aatrox passive that isn't poop.  The best part of all is that it teaches you to be VERY mindful of your health as you lose skarl if you drop below 50% hp.  So, you adjust your trading stance and so on to keep skarl up.  It also, once you get good at it, give you an a really good way to bait all ins if you've already lost skarl and are properly restacking him.  

2 - his ult is freaking amazing.  It has its weaknesses, but holy crap - the beast mode gank potential is insane.  Particuarly with how your team can follow right along with you.  So, if you get a jungler to stay near you, you can do a very quick gank to any lane - instant 4v2 on bot lane or 3v1 on mid.  And with skarls mobility, even if they flash, you can still likely lock them down  It's particularly brutal with a vi on your team.  Folks don't really utililize the team aspect of this super well as peeps aren't used to.  I can usually get my jungler to tag along for a gank somewhere with a ping + stay near me.  Folks figure it out with that and boom - instant beast gank.  Also hey - cc immune during ult.  so... there's that awesome fact as well.

runes/masteries - I think I do a fairly passive setup.  some AD, health, amr, and mr.  5% or so AS.  Masteries - ferocity 100%.  I run 18/0/12 with a point in the thing that gives you added healing.

Build - I've been toying with quite a few setups.  You start with sword + pots if you can.  If you can't then you can go cloth 4/5 if needed or doran's shield.  Doran's blade is fine, but if I feel fine getting that, I probably feel fine with my preferred sword/pots start.  

Unless I'm getting crushed, I RUSH tiamat.  After that, I adjust heavily based on what's going on.  My fav build (that I can't do every game but I straight up love) - ravenous or titanic hydra - phantom dancer - black cleaver - w/e you need (defensive, etc).  That build is just pretty well sick.  W/e boots you want is fine, but I don't bother with the CDR ones.  

I'm getting a pretty decent amount of time in with him out of top and learning quite a bit.  I find him fairly easy to use but quite fun.  


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