Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 23)
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on Jul 27, 2014

Made a new/updated out of game page. 

on Jul 27, 2014

Hi everybody!  I love/miss you.

on Jul 27, 2014

Been watching a bunch of LCS today.  Audience is super annoying.   Obv a bunch of younger folks attending, but I'd think they would be able to at least ask the folks not to cheer like twats when wards are taken or anytime "balls" is on the screen.  Would like to punch 1 guy in the throat in particular...

on Jul 27, 2014

Been watching a bunch of LCS today.  Audience is super annoying.   Obv a bunch of younger folks attending, but I'd think they would be able to at least ask the folks not to cheer like twats when wards are taken or anytime "balls" is on the screen.  Would like to punch 1 guy in the throat in particular...

BUT HIS NAME IS BALLS!?!?!?!?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLoLolololoo oh.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

on Jul 28, 2014

Anyway swan update?  He popped on yesterday in the afternoon for a min, but apparently had a really small window where he could play.  So, you sort out where you are staying, etc?  Anyway eta on when you will reappear again?

on Jul 28, 2014

lots of champ changes in this upcoming patch.  Read up here:


on Jul 28, 2014

So I open a pack of cards in Hearthstone and check before I flip the cards what they are, cause I like to open the rarer ones last right?

2 Commons, Rare, Epic, and a Legendary.

The Rare was dust, Epic was a Hunter card that I don't use in my "I have a thsseeeeecret!" deck.  Oh well.

But the Legendary!  My first gold Legendary... and it was...

wait for it...


on Jul 28, 2014

omg lol. The Millhouse really does plague us! i got Prophet Velen - hard to say if that is better or worse than Millhouse. 

That said, Millhouse will be better once Loatheb comes out since if you play Millhouse then Loatheb, all enemy spells cost 5 and you get a 4/4 and a 5/5 for 7 mana. Not to mention Millhouse is a super-good tech card against super-aggro decks. Soulfire already costs 0 mana!


on Jul 28, 2014

Prophet Velan got dusted a minute after I drew him.  Millhouse is at least so bad, he's swaggy.  As the kids say.

That Loatheb combo would be fun and if 47.4% of all decks are Zoolock right now, he could be pretty sweet.  And as soon as I craft my Loremaster Cho, he can be the golden king of my ultimate troll deck.  Loremaster, Millhouse, and King Mukla all in the same turn.  Free nanas for everyone!



Re: Patch Notes

I wonder if the new Rylai's will be good on Swain.  He don't like getting bursted... we'll see though.  

Also, I really really hope that this is the new way of doing things and not a patch before championships special occasion.  Seems like commons sense that you'd just make sweeping changes to a lot of champs all at once, especially when you have a PBE sandbox to test things out in.  I think every champion besides Urgot and Poppy and anyone else relegated to Useless Till Reworked status will at least have some secondary adjustments.  Your favorite jungler not buffed?  Oh yes he was.  FU Lee/Elise!

on Jul 28, 2014

WOOO BRAND GOT BUFFED! TY RIOT (rylai's indirect buff) 


Anyway swan is going to be on in 3 hours. 

on Jul 28, 2014

i think that they are going to have one more big patch like this, and then 4.15 is what is going to be used at worlds (so it's going to be damage-countrol for any really broken OPs that are created in 4.13 and 4.14). i also don't think that there will be many competitive games on 4.14 (if any), and so that means that there should be some big surprises at worlds!

After that it's pre-season so there will be a few big patches... i think it's safe to say a good 75% of the remaining patches for the year are gonna be big 'uns. Oh, and Urgot is getting buffs in 4.15!

i think that the new Rylais is just so good. The huge hp was nice, but, it was just so frequently overkill on HP if you weren't Rumble or Elise. But all the other Rylais users tend to be more heavy on the AP-stat side of things, and really just bought the item for the kiting potential (Vlad, Cass, Karthus, Brand, Velkoz, Swain).

Velkoz might actually be really good next patch assuming the assassin meta doesn't come back full-force. The range buffs are pretty huge! And his level 2/6 has always been incredible if you can hit stuff (highest damage potential for a mage at both those thresholds except a 20 second Annie bear, 7 second Viktor or 5 second Rumble).

on Jul 28, 2014

oh, and i, for one, am really excited about the WereYordle! i'm hoping it'll be like Rengar and Fizz Stitch!

on Jul 29, 2014


re:brand - rylai's indirect buff

Glad you added that.  I was like - wut.. how'd he get buffed. 

also - missed swan again if he did show up tonight.  sad panda

@hedgie - i think you are right re: patches.  I think braum is going to be at an ok place after this patch and people will slowly remove him as ban worthy.  Lucy's prob close to sorted as well.

Played games with MC folks tonight.  Just a few mixed skill cap games.  Anyway, I had fun.  Super long day.  Had a leak in our upstairs bathroom shower and had to have a plumber come out to sort.... which cost a bit of scratch and pretty much ate up 80% of my day off after being on call.  Ah well.  Night all!

on Jul 29, 2014

I think that Riot might have been drunk with this whole Gnar thing.

I mean, you can read their description of Gnar's weaknesses.  Supposedly Mega Gnar is weak against ganks when in lane.  Um, Mega Gnar is supposedly really tanky, has a ranged AoE slow on his Q, a stun on his W, an untargeted dash/slow on his E, and a knockback combo'd with a slow/stun on his R.  In what world is that a "considerable vulnerability" to ganks?


Then there is just the overall design.  Gnar looks to be fairly low damage, but he has a TON of slows, quite a bit of movement speed, and some % max health damage.  Thats a kit to counter immobile, tanky champions.  Why the hell do we need a champion that counters that introduced right now?  Immobile, tanky champions are marginally viable AT BEST right now due to mobility creep, but Riot introduces a champion that gives them the middle finger.  Really?

I guess that Riot has decided that the only choice is to play high mobility, high damage champs, and if you don't you are just wrong.

on Jul 30, 2014

Patch notes

Forgot to read yesterday...

I think the elise repel change will be fairly punishing.  Graggy's sustain/wave clear's taking a hit.  That should tone him down a bit in top lane, but not a huge amount imo. 

I think the lee changes cripple (hue) him a bit.  No more AS slow is kind of rough.  Don't really care that much about the shield duration drop.

olaf = still crap

I don't really think shy needed a nerf, but she got one.  dps output down. 

lulu changes seem appropriate

I dig the lux buff to passive

Velkoz buffs are decent.  Nothing super changing, but good changes.

Yasuo nerfs are good... enough to get him off cow's must ban list?  prob not, but I think this is going to hurt him pretty hard.  Also, more counter play possible due to reduced shield duration.

ziggs nerf is dumb imo.  less ults are possible now on a ss ult. 

graves burst potential is up a bit, which is something he needed. 

jinx change is kind of wierd.  I'm fine with it, but I don't know why that seemed necessary (passive procs on destroying an inhib).  Good potential to get in and out or to reposition for kills in the enemy base.  Just don't know why she needs the buff on that exactly.

kog nerfed for early/mid game.  Nothing much.

The lucian change is welcome.  He can no longer remove slows with his dash.  This is very welcome, but lowers the skill cap a little bit when playing against him.  For instance, early/mid, you had to time when you'd use exhaust to make sure he just couldn't remove it.  Now, you don't.  I think the increased cooldown will start to move lucian back into a consistent nonban... once people get used to it. 

trist - nerfed a smidge

Varus got a nice buff to his ult related to CDR (at level 3 it shaved 20 seconds off). 

sona - rework info:

braum - more nerfs. Think he's pretty close to a good place after this.  Still think it would have been best to add 1 more hit required to proc his passive.

janna - minor buff

nami - minor nerf

sizable thresh nerf - shield only shields thresh + target.  his ult can only dmg a target once


change to team builder

  • Players can now unlock new role-themed summoner icons by playing 5 games in Team Builder as a specific role

other thing

Fixed an Undo feature bug with activatable items



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