Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

I've locked/archived this thread/blog and have started a new discussion over here:

Please join me if you like.






Am I streaming



Well, I started a thread  back in August ( that's seen a lot of activity and actually had quite a few good bits of information for new and old players alike.  I figure it's time to start a new thread and perhaps keep the OP up-to-date with useful information, etc.  Feel free to use this post for any LoL discussion, etc.

Super fast background:  I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust.  Back in August 2011 or so, I started getting heavily involved in LoL and folks have been kind enough to chime in with tips and links to various sites that have been quite useful to me.  In addition, I've been able to keep up with folks that I've played Demigod with in the past and meet some new folks that play LoL and frequent these message boards. 

Here's some of the things I've learned in the previous thread:

 New Player tips

  • Play the tutorial.
  • Consider picking up the starter bundle.  It's 530 RP (that's about $4).  You get 8 champs unlocked, a 4 win IP boost and a 10 win XP boost.  It's a pretty good deal (used it recently on an alt account).  You can find it in the game store under bundles.
  • Riot gives you 400 RP as soon as you hit level 5.  It's enough to buy some skins, a boost, or a cheap character. 
  • Learn to last hit!  Last hitting is simply landing the last hit on creeps.  If you last hit, you get gold for that kill.  The number of creeps you have killed is tracked in a value called CS.  You can see this number in the top right hand corner of the ui or by pressing tab.  Here's a really simple tutorial re: last hitting if you are brand new -
  • Read some guides on any character you want to try out.  The recommended builds (what you see when you go to a shop) are not optimal.  The guides include item suggestions and skill orders.  These are very useful in learning decent ways to build characters
  • Use the rune combiner to get level 3 runes prior to level 20 if you like.  You will need 375 IP.  Buy any tier 1 rune that costs 15 IP.  You need to purchase 25 of these.  Click on your rune page.  In the bottom right hand corner there is a button called the Rune Combiner.  If you place 5 runes in there, you can get a random rune that is 1 tier higher (eg if you have 5 tier 1 runes, you will get 1 random tier 2 rune.  Anyway, the math works out such that you spend 375 IP ( buy 25 tier 1 15 IP runes) and you get 1 completely random tier 3 rune.  Some of the quintessences are 2k IP, so if you luck out and get one of those, you just won the lottery.  You can always keep the random tier 2 rune if you end up with something good and don't want to trade it out yet.
  • Consider setting aside IP for tier 3 runes (available at level 20 and above).  You can't purchase them with real money - only IP.  Keep that in mind.

Great site I visit every day for LoL related news -

pacov's misc info

Here's a guide I made

pacov's Guide to Improving at League of Legends and Moving Up in Elo

k - so I'm just going to put down some of my thoughts.  I'm not amazing at this game, but I do certain things that improve my odds of winning in ranked and so far its panning out just fine (bronze 5 to gold 5 in about a month or so).  We all have varied skill levels, so some of this might be useful and some not.  Caveat complete.

Prerequisite- you need to know how to play every single role.  You don't have to be a god at every single role (more power to you if you are - I'm certainly not).  You need to be able to play at a serviceable level in every single role and excel at least at 1 role (preferably 2).  In my case, I'm good at support and adc.  I'm not great, but have serviceable mids and jungles and so so tops.  Knowing what you are good at and bad at is very important.  If you don't know, I can probably tell you - but you really should know...  Anyway, you need to have enough champs to make solid picks in any role and you need to be able to cover any role if it comes down to it.  I'll talk about how to get better at specific roles in a bit.

Champ select advice - Don't be the "fill" guy unless you really feel like you are awesome in all roles.  Call your preferred role immediately when you hit the lobby.  Say "adc pref."  Do this as soon as you hit the lobby.  Some people believe that if you call a role you magically get it.  This is stupid, but if you call something out, folks will often accomodate your request.  If you are feeling wishy washy for whatever reason, call out multiple roles in order of what you want to play - "adc/mid pref."  In my experience, you generally do not want to call support.  It's a very important role, but you want to be in a position to carry every single game if possible.  If you aren't calling out a role, you are hoping that other players can carry you.  If you are hoping that folks will carry you, you don't deserve to win.  You need to know your best roles and you absolutely should request them.

Solo or duo in ranked? - Well, my 1st thought here is that you should solo.  If you solo, you have to rely on yourself.  IMO - its a much bigger test of skill to play solo and win than to duo.  Do you want someone to carry you or do you really want to know that you are actually good?  That said, provided you have the right duo partner, you can increase your odds of winning quite a bit.  The simple math is that instead of having 4 teammates as unknown quantities, you only have 3.  If you have a good duo teammate, you know what you can expect.  When you duo, you get the most bang for your buck by having complimentary roles.  Support/adc is good; jungle/mid also works.  Even if you don't have direct symmetry in roles, if you are an amazing mid and I'm an amazing adc, our odds go up quite a bit if we both get those roles.  Our odds go way down if we can't get those roles and are forced to play out of positions that we are weaker.  For example, Bryff is a good mid.  If he duo's up with me, the only way he will get to play that role is for me to call mid, take it myself, and then put myself into a position like support where I can't carry out of (I'm always 1st pick, Bryff is always last pick when we duo)... that and I have to show the mid I'm picking at the start which means Bryff gets hard countered.  In short, we can expect that we will be a disadvantage when duo queuing.  Now, if Bryff queued up with someone at a lower elo than himself that was solid, he'd likely be 1st pick and be able to get mid and have a better chance of carrying the game.  Anyway, you need to keep in mind where you end up in pick order when duoing if you aren't looking to go adc/support.  If you want that, you can usually get it. 

How do you get better in roles that you are not good at? - Well, here's what I do.  And this is really what I do on a regular basis.  I think about what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.  For instance, I realized that I don't play any hyper carry ads.  So, I read up on hyper carries like vayne and kog maw.  I look for guides on how to build them (most adcs are the same btw ), I look for vids on how people play them (eg how do I all in with a specific champ - is there a combo - when do I all in - what's the best way for me to burst - how should I behave in lane with this champ).  Then, I fire up a custom game and try out the mechanics of whatever champ vs AI.  Usually I learn a few tricks during that custom on how to position myself, etc.  Then, I'm off to normal games where I'll request the role or character I'm trying out.  Now, people still report your for being awful in normals, but it really is where you need to try out characters to see if you are any good or not as the bots are useless for proving your skill level to yourself.  So, fire up that normal and ask to play a role (again - after you've tried out the champ against bots).  If you don't know anyone you are with and you are quite awful, I suggest muting everyone at the start of the game.  Then, do your best.  Continue with this until you feel like you have a serviceable skill level in whatever role.  And keep in mind what you need to work on.  For me, I noticed I didn't really have alot of mids for ranked, so I started practicing some with gragas against and karth.  That way, I'll be able to get the job done if I need to play mid.  The next thing I need to do is put more time into being better top lane. Again, because while I prefer adc/support, I might need to play top for the team.  So, best to be ready for it.  Put your time in and practice roles. 

One last thought - there are certain things you can generally expect in ranked.  1 - if you are 1st pick, you generally can call whatever you want.  Common knowledge, I'm sure - but I'll add - CALL WHATEVER YOU WANT.  2 - if you duo queue, you generally can lock down both adc and support.  It works best if your adc is 1st pick, ofc.  I've bumped into like 10 random dedicated supports in all of my games of LoL.  People generally aren't going to call support. So, if you are 1st pick and duo'd, just call adc and then your duo partner can almost always get support.


Lol King profiles for ranked tracking

I'm not going to update this regularly, so just consider it a snapshot (I'll add a date when I update them).  Anyway, I enjoy seeing folks progress through ranked and keeping tabs on that sort of thing from time to time. 

Snapshot updated 05/28/2014

 Character guides

Mid Ziggs by cow -

Comments (Page 204)
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on Apr 11, 2013

Diamond is doing an ama on reddit

He's m5's jungler (or ggu or w/e they are calling themselves now) and quite, quite, quite good.  AMA actually has some useful info and doesn't appear to be rubbish atm.

on Apr 11, 2013

Re: Picking Teams

Sucks that it took so long... but it sucks worse wasting more time playing a stomp and then having people not amped on accepting in house invites in the future right?  If I'm going to be in a sorta team captain role, I'm going to have to insist on one person dividing up the players into two teams, and the other picking which one he wants to be on.  I'll either divide or choose, don't matter.

I just feel too awkward discussing the playing faults of my friends (or anyone for that matter) and I don't like being put in the position of saying "I'll trade you Player A for Player B" because if my team wins, it feels like it's because I essentially chose the teams in a way.  My method isn't perfect, but it's at least fair and expedient.

If that's not how you want to do it, it's fine... but I don't want to be in charge of balancing teams if it's not.


Re: Karl's Teamcomp Seminar

Karl, I respect your knowledge of the game and you make some great points.  I'm going to work on my champ selection top to try and get some more tanky people in my stable.


It's strange you put the onus of losing those games on the champ selection of the top player.  In the first game you chose WW, a tanky "second in" champ when your team needed an initiator.  Why don't you learn to play J4?  Where's your Maokai at?  Not telling you what you need to play... but... ain't that what you're doing?

In our second game we had a poke comp and didn't play it well at all.  We didn't ban a champ that could easily dive us, and we simply just didn't have the teamwork and coordination to pull it off is how I see it.  If you see it as "Jayce is too squishy" was our main issue, I guess we'll just agree to disagree.  

Though to be fair, when they were running through us like nothing I really wish I knew how to play WuKong or something...

on Apr 11, 2013

I can see why you would have trouble bring up people's faults, Thunder, but if people do not know where they are lacking then it will be difficult to improve. I myself love hearing what others think of me, but I can see why you guys might not want to broadcast the decision making process.

@Karl's teamcomp post

I see that as one of the two biggest problems I have noticed with this group. We almost never have good teamcomps, instead choosing champions we like that fit poorly in the composition. I think (even if it lengthens the time before a game) that we need to actually look at our team and decide a general comp instead of trying to counterpick and end up with an awful synergy,

The other problem being too many people trying to call the shots. We need to decide on the overall shotcaller before the game starts, and regardless of how awful the plays sound follow through with them.

on Apr 11, 2013

If you see it as "Jayce is too squishy" was our main issue, I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

but - jayce is too squishy.  I think I was 3 hitting you any time you got near me.  That means something if jayce has to be a front line champ and where you need to be is close enough for the adc to hit ya.  If he doesn't need to be front line, then hey, no worries.  I went through an I jayce phase playing him out of top lane only for awhile.  It gives you an incredibly safe lane with pretty solid kill potential - and really fun damage potential for late game.  I stopped playing him when I decided that he wasn't bringing enough to my team.  I could carry and play him how I wanted provided things we're even or in our adv.  If that wasn't the case, though (eg team is losing), ranged poke is not enough to justify having him late.  I think if you have a jayce, you actually need to have a comp that has an initiator and tank for him to work well.  But picking jayce removes the character that would typically tank.  Anywho, I actually really like playing jayce and he's fun to use, but that's why I stopped using him.

You and I should both learn how to play wukong.  I screwed around with him a bit ago.  Just need to learn how to lane him properly.  He's an excellent bruiser/tank/intiator/peeler.  I could play malph out of top lane all day... so freaking boring though... but usually worth it for the team.

re: creating teams - yah - I still really don't care how we get it done and agree with wanting quality balancing over quickest hit - still kinda wish we could do things faster - that's just me griping though - we really don't have to change anything.

@vlad - yah - I think we will all take some time and talk team composition before we play another and make sure we are on the same page.  That's really a big missing piece and we need to do it.

on Apr 11, 2013

Re: Karl's Teamcomp Seminar

Karl, I respect your knowledge of the game and you make some great points. I'm going to work on my champ selection top to try and get some more tanky people in my stable.


It's strange you put the onus of losing those games on the champ selection of the top player. In the first game you chose WW, a tanky "second in" champ when your team needed an initiator. Why don't you learn to play J4? Where's your Maokai at? Not telling you what you need to play... but... ain't that what you're doing?

In our second game we had a poke comp and didn't play it well at all. We didn't ban a champ that could easily dive us, and we simply just didn't have the teamwork and coordination to pull it off is how I see it. If you see it as "Jayce is too squishy" was our main issue, I guess we'll just agree to disagree.

Though to be fair, when they were running through us like nothing I really wish I knew how to play WuKong or something...

If you want me to pick early so that solo lanes can choose counterpicks, I can't also be held responsible when my early pick doesn't mesh well with later picks.  It is the job of later picks to mesh with early picks, not the other way around (unless people say what they want ahead of time, which people generally don't do since they want to counter pick).

Essentially, I can pick late, at which point I will pick based on the needs of the of my team, or I can pick pick early, and it is the job of late pickers to fill what the team needs.

In most games, I will go out of my way to pick early because our solo lanes want to play matchups.  In both games last night, I was picking second, well before my top lanes.  So I didn't know that WW wasn't going to work out in that first game since the pick was made early.

But my main point was that "jungler as the only non squishy" is often a fundamentally flawed teamcomp in most cases.  Basically, its asking a lot to get a jungler to do all that on a consistent basis considering that he is one of the poorest people on your team (top lane as only tank is a bit more viable, but still not ideal).

In the second game, I took a champion who is just as good as anybody (other than maybe Amumu) at being the only member of the front line.  But 4 squish+1 tank teams are usually going to have problems in teamfights.

There are exceptions to all this, like super poke teams, but that requires that the entire team is on the same page, and I need to know before I make my pick so I'm not Udyr or WW or something like that.  Top need not always be a tankier champ, but if they are going to go squishy, we really do need to know early so that mid or support have a chance to pick up some tankiness with their picks and so that I can make sure I am playing a champion that can handle that.


I'm also not saying that losses were all due to tops last night.  I'm just saying that team composition was one of many contributing factors (and really, it was a much bigger factor in the first game than the second).  Since it is also a relatively easy thing to improve on, I think that it is a good thing to discuss when talking about how we can improve team success rates.

on Apr 11, 2013

skin price changes:


re-roll for aram queue per riot - good idea says pacov


While the random element is a really fun part of Howling Abyss, we also understand there are times you simply don’t want to play a particular champion. That’s why we created the reroll feature specifically for this queue. When you’re really not in the mood to play your particular champion on Murder Bridge, you can reroll and get a different random character instead.

Here’s how it works. As you play matchmade games on Howling Abyss, win or lose, you’ll earn points you can save up to purchase a reroll in champion select. You’ll earn a base number of points every match, along with some bonus points based on the number of champions you own. While there is a cap on the number of points you can store up, you’ll be able to reroll multiple times in a single champion select if you’ve got the points.

And don’t worry about wasting your hard-earned points on queue dodgers. If someone leaves your match at champion select, everyone in the game gets a refund except the player who dodged.


edit - i'm going to play an aram game on pbe in an hour or so with the new re-roll feature.


edit edit - max of 5 health pots on live in pbe soon

on Apr 11, 2013

They re-enabled lissandra on pbe.  Anyway, I'll be playing/streaming an aram on pbe in about 10 minutes for anyone that is interested.  I'll probably be on my normal acct in about 45 min.

on Apr 11, 2013

re: in house games yesterday.

In general notes:

   - cellone was kinda erratic. In game #1 he had a ton of really clutch bindings + shields + good farm (though Morg beats Ryze). Game #2 he just kinda farmed mid lane all game, pushed to tower, farmed wraiths, went oom, recall, "waste" TP to go back mid.

Although Lux + Anivia is a pretty stale farm lane, Lux has a bit more roam potential with laser, esp when she has TP. 

  - it's hard to balance teams when people pick characters they don't play much/at all (Gotnades plays Zed, Pacov plays Ryze) out of choice rather than because of strategic bans. 

  - in retrospect, the teams may have been a little stacked (if we consider Brad and Thunder golds because they were gold last season, the winning team had 5 golds each time, while the losing team only had 3 - while i don't consider gold to be everything, there is one particular silver player in the group of 10 that is a little below the rest of us. Additionally, even though Karl is a great jungler who absorbs a lot of bans, jungle is his only 'real' role besides Taric/Chogath). 



i don't think that game was 100% a problem with team comp.

If you had decided to use Malphite, you would have had nothing to kill the Kog (Morg shield shuts down Ryze). Trist is obviously pretty awesome end game too, but she still isn't a Kog. The bigger part of it was more that our comp countered yours: 

  Lulu v Warwick

  Morgana v Ryze


Keep in mind that Malphite is also a really shitty laner now, and that you would have drawn (at best) top lane. Although Zed fed in teamfights, he did really well in lane and ended up 30 CS ahead of Darius despite losing the game. Not to mention WW + Malphite isn't really enough damage to kill people top lane ganks, you can't gank Morg, which left only one gankable lane (bot). 


Finally, even though Morgana bindings&flashult + Trundle pillar is far from the best inititiaion, it was mostly just a matter of waiting until Morg hit a binding then going all in. Malphite counterinitiating a binding on a carry would have resulted in Malphite having to ult only 2/3 people and briefly be 1v5. We didn't spend much of that game sieging, so it's hard to value a flash + ult. 



Problem that game was Gotnades afk farming bot lane, and Lux afk farming mid lane with ult + TP on CD, while Jayce took tower early and tried to roam until he fell behind.

Purple team had an awesome poke comp (Lux + Jayce + Nasus + MF + Sona is a redic poke comp), but refused to group. Although we did have hard engage with Naut and Anivia wall + Anivia R to stall i think it would have been better to group and force objectives rather than farm. 


tl;dr Gotnades didn't play that great in either game, Cellone was inconsistent, people probably shouldn't play silly champs


on Apr 11, 2013

re: increasing skin prices


i actually kind of like it. Honestly, all the (to be) 1350 skins have been on sale at least once, so if you cared about the skin that much, you should have bought it. Sucks for Zyra though. i expect that she'll have a skin really soon though.  

The target of this initiative isn't old players like us. We've probably spent a ton of money each, and we've been around long enough to easily take advantage of sales / bundles (remember that huge sale in January that put basically every to-be 1350 skin on sale?). 

It also means that new players can basically have a cheap skin for every single champ. 

There will be a much more enjoyable "staircase" of skins now (esp consider that most games cost $30-40 anyway which gives a decent RP budget, esp if you are willing to wait for sales).

You've got your entry-level 520/260 that pretty much everyone could afford.

You've got your 750/375 skins that are alright. Nothing special but it's still pretty affordable.

975 skins are pretty good nowadays anyway. It's certainly possible to insta-buy these skins when they are released.

1350 skins are basically those awesome "cheap legendaries" that are just really fun skins. Going on sale they aren't "too" badly priced, and it feels really fun to have these. It'll also lead to a feeling of exclusivity for the owner (oh man they must really like Lulu if they got Dragon Trainer). 

Legendary skins are legendaries


It's a much smoother progression, compared to today. You have some pretty sucky 975 skins (cough purple Zac), some awesome 975 skins (Hunted Maokai from Halloween). But it's still a much smoother progression that lets new players buy into the game a lot more.


The only thing i ask is either they do a huge sale the day the prices get raised (so you can buy all the currently 975 skins @ 675  if you really want as a final thanks). 

But even then... if you've been around this long and you liked a skin... should've have bought it. If it was too expensive then, still too expensive now, so it's a "neutral" for you. 

on Apr 11, 2013

also holy shit pacov you bought 11 wards that game as Ryze (though you ended with at least 1 in inventory so don't get too grumpy ).

Also Trundle is good against single-tank teams so there is that (also if you had Malphite - lol Trundle ult. We did actually talk about the possibility of Malphite when we were picking champs so).

on Apr 11, 2013

grrr... pacov goes to sleep annoyed after that last game.  looks at hedgies posts tomorrow.  night all

on Apr 12, 2013

to be fair, 3 out of 5 of them were Plat IV. We only had one Plat V at 4 LP, so might be one of those "got plat and then lost a lot".

on Apr 12, 2013

playing ultimate bravery n streaming

on Apr 12, 2013

message me in game if you want to play ult bravery w me.  link to site


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