Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

I've locked/archived this thread/blog and have started a new discussion over here:

Please join me if you like.






Am I streaming



Well, I started a thread  back in August ( that's seen a lot of activity and actually had quite a few good bits of information for new and old players alike.  I figure it's time to start a new thread and perhaps keep the OP up-to-date with useful information, etc.  Feel free to use this post for any LoL discussion, etc.

Super fast background:  I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust.  Back in August 2011 or so, I started getting heavily involved in LoL and folks have been kind enough to chime in with tips and links to various sites that have been quite useful to me.  In addition, I've been able to keep up with folks that I've played Demigod with in the past and meet some new folks that play LoL and frequent these message boards. 

Here's some of the things I've learned in the previous thread:

 New Player tips

  • Play the tutorial.
  • Consider picking up the starter bundle.  It's 530 RP (that's about $4).  You get 8 champs unlocked, a 4 win IP boost and a 10 win XP boost.  It's a pretty good deal (used it recently on an alt account).  You can find it in the game store under bundles.
  • Riot gives you 400 RP as soon as you hit level 5.  It's enough to buy some skins, a boost, or a cheap character. 
  • Learn to last hit!  Last hitting is simply landing the last hit on creeps.  If you last hit, you get gold for that kill.  The number of creeps you have killed is tracked in a value called CS.  You can see this number in the top right hand corner of the ui or by pressing tab.  Here's a really simple tutorial re: last hitting if you are brand new -
  • Read some guides on any character you want to try out.  The recommended builds (what you see when you go to a shop) are not optimal.  The guides include item suggestions and skill orders.  These are very useful in learning decent ways to build characters
  • Use the rune combiner to get level 3 runes prior to level 20 if you like.  You will need 375 IP.  Buy any tier 1 rune that costs 15 IP.  You need to purchase 25 of these.  Click on your rune page.  In the bottom right hand corner there is a button called the Rune Combiner.  If you place 5 runes in there, you can get a random rune that is 1 tier higher (eg if you have 5 tier 1 runes, you will get 1 random tier 2 rune.  Anyway, the math works out such that you spend 375 IP ( buy 25 tier 1 15 IP runes) and you get 1 completely random tier 3 rune.  Some of the quintessences are 2k IP, so if you luck out and get one of those, you just won the lottery.  You can always keep the random tier 2 rune if you end up with something good and don't want to trade it out yet.
  • Consider setting aside IP for tier 3 runes (available at level 20 and above).  You can't purchase them with real money - only IP.  Keep that in mind.

Great site I visit every day for LoL related news -

pacov's misc info

Here's a guide I made

pacov's Guide to Improving at League of Legends and Moving Up in Elo

k - so I'm just going to put down some of my thoughts.  I'm not amazing at this game, but I do certain things that improve my odds of winning in ranked and so far its panning out just fine (bronze 5 to gold 5 in about a month or so).  We all have varied skill levels, so some of this might be useful and some not.  Caveat complete.

Prerequisite- you need to know how to play every single role.  You don't have to be a god at every single role (more power to you if you are - I'm certainly not).  You need to be able to play at a serviceable level in every single role and excel at least at 1 role (preferably 2).  In my case, I'm good at support and adc.  I'm not great, but have serviceable mids and jungles and so so tops.  Knowing what you are good at and bad at is very important.  If you don't know, I can probably tell you - but you really should know...  Anyway, you need to have enough champs to make solid picks in any role and you need to be able to cover any role if it comes down to it.  I'll talk about how to get better at specific roles in a bit.

Champ select advice - Don't be the "fill" guy unless you really feel like you are awesome in all roles.  Call your preferred role immediately when you hit the lobby.  Say "adc pref."  Do this as soon as you hit the lobby.  Some people believe that if you call a role you magically get it.  This is stupid, but if you call something out, folks will often accomodate your request.  If you are feeling wishy washy for whatever reason, call out multiple roles in order of what you want to play - "adc/mid pref."  In my experience, you generally do not want to call support.  It's a very important role, but you want to be in a position to carry every single game if possible.  If you aren't calling out a role, you are hoping that other players can carry you.  If you are hoping that folks will carry you, you don't deserve to win.  You need to know your best roles and you absolutely should request them.

Solo or duo in ranked? - Well, my 1st thought here is that you should solo.  If you solo, you have to rely on yourself.  IMO - its a much bigger test of skill to play solo and win than to duo.  Do you want someone to carry you or do you really want to know that you are actually good?  That said, provided you have the right duo partner, you can increase your odds of winning quite a bit.  The simple math is that instead of having 4 teammates as unknown quantities, you only have 3.  If you have a good duo teammate, you know what you can expect.  When you duo, you get the most bang for your buck by having complimentary roles.  Support/adc is good; jungle/mid also works.  Even if you don't have direct symmetry in roles, if you are an amazing mid and I'm an amazing adc, our odds go up quite a bit if we both get those roles.  Our odds go way down if we can't get those roles and are forced to play out of positions that we are weaker.  For example, Bryff is a good mid.  If he duo's up with me, the only way he will get to play that role is for me to call mid, take it myself, and then put myself into a position like support where I can't carry out of (I'm always 1st pick, Bryff is always last pick when we duo)... that and I have to show the mid I'm picking at the start which means Bryff gets hard countered.  In short, we can expect that we will be a disadvantage when duo queuing.  Now, if Bryff queued up with someone at a lower elo than himself that was solid, he'd likely be 1st pick and be able to get mid and have a better chance of carrying the game.  Anyway, you need to keep in mind where you end up in pick order when duoing if you aren't looking to go adc/support.  If you want that, you can usually get it. 

How do you get better in roles that you are not good at? - Well, here's what I do.  And this is really what I do on a regular basis.  I think about what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.  For instance, I realized that I don't play any hyper carry ads.  So, I read up on hyper carries like vayne and kog maw.  I look for guides on how to build them (most adcs are the same btw ), I look for vids on how people play them (eg how do I all in with a specific champ - is there a combo - when do I all in - what's the best way for me to burst - how should I behave in lane with this champ).  Then, I fire up a custom game and try out the mechanics of whatever champ vs AI.  Usually I learn a few tricks during that custom on how to position myself, etc.  Then, I'm off to normal games where I'll request the role or character I'm trying out.  Now, people still report your for being awful in normals, but it really is where you need to try out characters to see if you are any good or not as the bots are useless for proving your skill level to yourself.  So, fire up that normal and ask to play a role (again - after you've tried out the champ against bots).  If you don't know anyone you are with and you are quite awful, I suggest muting everyone at the start of the game.  Then, do your best.  Continue with this until you feel like you have a serviceable skill level in whatever role.  And keep in mind what you need to work on.  For me, I noticed I didn't really have alot of mids for ranked, so I started practicing some with gragas against and karth.  That way, I'll be able to get the job done if I need to play mid.  The next thing I need to do is put more time into being better top lane. Again, because while I prefer adc/support, I might need to play top for the team.  So, best to be ready for it.  Put your time in and practice roles. 

One last thought - there are certain things you can generally expect in ranked.  1 - if you are 1st pick, you generally can call whatever you want.  Common knowledge, I'm sure - but I'll add - CALL WHATEVER YOU WANT.  2 - if you duo queue, you generally can lock down both adc and support.  It works best if your adc is 1st pick, ofc.  I've bumped into like 10 random dedicated supports in all of my games of LoL.  People generally aren't going to call support. So, if you are 1st pick and duo'd, just call adc and then your duo partner can almost always get support.


Lol King profiles for ranked tracking

I'm not going to update this regularly, so just consider it a snapshot (I'll add a date when I update them).  Anyway, I enjoy seeing folks progress through ranked and keeping tabs on that sort of thing from time to time. 

Snapshot updated 05/28/2014

 Character guides

Mid Ziggs by cow -

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on Apr 15, 2013

I've been watching some high level Jayce play to get some tips cause I'm not quite ready to give up on him yet

I'm curious if you've learned anything from this.  In my experience, its always - he's great if you are steam rolling.  Not if you are not or are even.  It could mostly be that we need to build him more like a bruiser as you'll very likely need to be front line (even though you can do crazy damage at a distance).  I think there must be some team comps that he would be great in.  Obviously, a poke comp could work.  He would likely work great with a gragas ult if you could split the enemy or a j4 (you could spam and dive in for more damage during the ult).  Probably would work with a trundle.

on Apr 15, 2013

OK - so I came across something that I think will be super useful to everyone and is likely worth the time it takes to set it up.  If you are like me, you don't always remember when baron is going to respawn, etc.  So, you look up the timer in chat.  The downside is that depending on how much has happened since dragon/baron were ready to spawn, it can be difficult to find that text.  Well, with some editing of 1 file, you can change it so that that message sticks out.

I'll be making this change and suggest you do as well.  They even provide code to suppress messages you don't care about, etc.  Anyway, worth it to be able to quickly figure out the dragon/baron timers.  You can even make the text larger for certain messages.  Looks like you might be able to change the tips messages as well (start of game tips stuff).


also slick - here is a link for a stat overlay. This runs in the background and you can pull it up during the load screen -


on Apr 15, 2013

I'm curious if you've learned anything from this.  In my experience, its always - he's great if you are steam rolling.  Not if you are not or are even.

It's rare that I'll see any sort of "non poke" build on him, but it does happen and seems to work fine for people going back to more of a mix it up style Jayce.

There was one game that I was watching where an Irelia was beating the crap out of a Jayce but he still built poke, and became much more of a force in the game later than she was.  He rushed a Murumana before BT I noticed, and it seemed like the changes to it's damage type helped him quite a bit once he started attacking the AP Mid, Support, and ADC.

on Apr 15, 2013

Pacov stream insists on being 1200p+.  Unwatchable

nobody on the team died win before 20

on Apr 16, 2013

Fair warning - I'm going to leave the archived video of my stream from yesterday up on twitch, but I was looking at some pretty graphic and disturbing pictures from the boston marathon bombing... at least one of these pictures I'm quite confident you do not want to see.  Anyway, if you like watching the archived streams, I'd suggest either avoiding this one completely or just skipping the last hour or so of the video. I might just delete the vid altogether later, but don't have access to do so from work.

Back to the less disturbing world of gaming... really looking forward to the next patch.  Likely we'll see the new map, the aram queue including re-roll, a new champ, the trundle changes, the sej/trundle visual changes, all in the next 2-3 weeks tops.  Should be a good amount of fun stuff.  

Wish we had enough people to pull off an in house yesterday - we were really close, but needed 2 more people.  Hopefully sometime soon!


on Apr 16, 2013

Some new cool stuff on PBE - take a look

New tutorial at least - I'll prob take a look at that tonight.


oh and thresh is getting a slight change up. His extra dmg bit (you know how you slowly build up dmg for an AA?) will be moved from Q to E.  The goal apparently is so that q=control, w=utility, e=damage instead of mixing q/e.  The effect, ofc, will be a weaker level 1-2, but it makes more sense imo to make the change (eg if I want to max damage, I'd prefer to have 1 skill in particular to max that isn't also a hook). 

on Apr 16, 2013


Wish we had enough people to pull off an in house yesterday - we were really close, but needed 2 more people.  Hopefully sometime soon!



I hate getting home right when you guys go to bed  

On the brighter side of life, I have been having quite the run on league.

on Apr 16, 2013

good for you!  Where are you at in rank now?  I think, of the people we play with the most, hedgie now has the highest rank (I believe he's gold 3).  Hunny and I are both gold V (I'm 1 win away from promoting to gold IV, but still kind of not all that into ranked and am just playing when someone requests atm). 

re: ranked - so hunny and I did a ranked game yesterday.  Now, I'm best as adc/support, but mr hunny wanted to do a mid/jungle duo combo, so I spent a little time working on my mid characters.  Anyway, he goes naut jung and I go ryze mid.  We do pretty well all said and done.  As I'm a mid with a snare and burst and he's running a jungler with good cc, its a decent combo.  Plus it enables us to provide a good amount of cc and cause the enemy team quite a bit of trouble.  Our bot lane did well.  I did so-so early/mid, then great mid/late.  Our top was a very bad and mostly useless kha'zix.  Anyway, both I and naut were able to initiate and tank, so our composition worked pretty well all said and done.  I think a combo like ryze/naut would work well jayce as well, though I'd still think kha would be a better pick than jayce there.

re: ryze - so, I build ryze pretty much the same most games - I just vary the build order as I think appropriate (sometimes making better decisions than others...).  Anyway, I read a few different things and I'm not really sure about the following and would like some feedback/thoughts.  I build tear and eventually build it into that apish item that when evolved gives me a shield.  From what I've read, alot of people choose to go manamune over that item.  Anyone think 1 item would be better than the other?  The shield item lets me tank pretty damn hard and absorb a ton of damage, but my build is generally pretty tanky at that point.  I'm not sure if the damage on manamune would be worth it or not.  Any thoughts?

re: my "interesting" support picks last night - some thoughts/feedback of my own.  So, #1 - naut is very strong for the level 1-2 initiates, so a big plus there.  I think he was quite fine during the laning phase over all, but certainly not as useful as other supports.  So, really, the main thing he brings to the table is that early kill potential.  Outside of that, early/mid game, a standard support would be a better pick.  So, onto mid/late game.  Well, I'm able to provide a decent amount of cc and disruption, but I certainly didn't play that exceedingly well.  Also, I can't really go full tank and I need to do that to be a solid initiator (if I'm going to be front line and use my passive).  So, if I do go front line, I'm going to get burst quickly.  Anyway, he still provides useful cc, but just falls off a ton when you can't be front line effectively.  So, I think all said and done, he's a smeh support that only really works if you are playing well as a team.  I suppose I could try to build him a bit more tanky, but that takes away from useful team items, which, while I could play more of a front line, would also hurt the team. 

re: nasus support - well - the thing that was making me crazy was that hunny was bitching quite a bit about having nasus support when we were up like 4 kills.  And then mr hedgie had to go and leave me to die for crazy reasons   Anyway, a nasus/trist lane was rough vs cait/sona.  I think a lot of the problem was hunny going on about how the only thing we could do was go all in.  So, he'd ignore opportunities for poke that I'd setup, and then instead choose to go in after my abilities were already spent. We just didn't have good chemistry.  pretty sure we could have made it work, though.  re: nasus as a support over all... well... I don't know.  Kind of rubbish.  His cc is one of the best in the game imo, he's great at protecting towers if he needs to (wither on enemy aa'ing tower + burst clear).  He's a solid initiator in lane, but definitely better with an adc that can poke or damage (eg outside of being able to position easier for her ult, trist /nasus is a dumbass combo)... just think about draven/cait/ez/urgot + nasus.  Any of that would work fine and enable the adc to just pound the crap out of the enemy when withered.  On the bad side, weak dmg output due to no q charge.  An ult that isn't really suitable for a support unless he's going front line.  I'd try him again sometime, but with a more appropriate adc.  5 seconds of cc is a long time to put the hurt on an enemy adc in lane. 

also - hunny was a crazy, sloppy sob yesterday   how many times did he ult someone to safety or go wander off during engages.  He was on his own planet a bit.  Also, we didn't get to play with bryff. 

on Apr 16, 2013

Re: Tear Upgrade on Ryze

Looks like people are still upgrading it into both, though it doesn't seem to be a priority rush either way.  My guess is it would be a case by case basis?  Need more mixed damage and tower killing, go Murumana.  Need a panic button and more AP, go Seraph.


Re: Nasus Support

I think you're overestimating the mid game strength of Support Nasus.  The issue might be that you personally feel strong and useful mid game, but your ADC who wasn't properly supported early game might be behind which wouldn't make it worthwhile.  The way I see it, he falls into the category of almost every kill lane support out there:  Strong early and if your enemies are morons and feed you, it will work.  If they play safe, you and your carry end up more useless than Tom Cruise in a whorehouse.  If you want someone who gets early kills AND has some utility and supporting aspects to his kit, just play support Gangplank.  

You're right though, Nasus and Tris would have been one o the worst combos.  Maybe you'll find a combo that works, but I'm not sure I see the potential. 

tl;dr Thumbs down.  And this is coming from the guy who thought Support Urgot might be viable.


on Apr 16, 2013

Looks like people are still upgrading it into both, though it doesn't seem to be a priority rush either way. My guess is it would be a case by case basis? Need more mixed damage and tower killing, go Murumana. Need a panic button and more AP, go Seraph.

yeah - that's probably all there is to it, I suppose.  It's usually my 2nd to last item.

You're right though, Nasus and Tris would have been one o the worst combos. Maybe you'll find a combo that works, but I'm not sure I see the potential.

Well, I won't put hunny through in again for a bit, but I still think there's very nice potential with other combos.  That said, I can easily admit that a true support would be better than mr nasus. 

on Apr 16, 2013

Since they changed Muramana into Physical damage, it's a lot weaker on Ryze. That change was directly targeted for those weird APs that were using Muramana instead of Seraph (Cass, Syndra, Ryze), and because currently Muramana-users have low win rates with binary scaling (Jayce, Khazix, Corki, Urgot). 

The biggest advantage of Muramana now is that it helps you kill towers better. 

on Apr 16, 2013

The biggest advantage of Muramana now is that it helps you kill towers better.

true - so what do you think overall - just skip it on ryze?  I feel like i'm becoming much better with ryze, but still so so with roam.  I say that because of the following statement:  muramana MIGHT be good on me because most games I have times where I can wail on the towers.  Most games as ryze, the enemy mid tower stays up for quite some time and I get about 2 attempts to fug it up solo.  

@bryff - a smidge of this would probably be best kept to a pm, but not the entire thing.  You're a really nice guy and I enjoy playing with you.  I absolutely hate it when I'm bitching at you as I've noticed it to be a trend lately.  So, I guess just keep in mind that I like playing with you and I'm aware that I've been a little bitchy lately and am trying to keep it down (so-so results).  That said, I do think you are smidge below the skill cap of most of our pals, but I actually see quite a bit of potential for you to be on par with us, so hopefully that's not bothersome.  Honestly, there's only a few things I'd tweak about how you play.  If you work on the following, I think you will be an asset in most games.  I'll ramble a bit, but cover the stuff (off to bed soon...)

OK - so 1 - I love that you are working on other roles and getting better.  IMO - this is huge.  Think about things from other folks POV - if I know that bryff can only play mid, then that means I can never play mid.  And if I have someone like hedgie that loves playing mid and bryff likely needs to play mid because its his best role - well, the team is actually weaker as a result of having someone that is limited to 1 role.  You've been working on your adc and appear to be doing pretty decent.  I dig it.  You have 1 MAJOR problem as an adc.  If you work on it, you will be much better.  ADC are money whores.  You get that.  You know that if you farm that a champ, you get better items and can kick the shit out of everyone.  That's perfect.  Where you fail is in your tunnel vision when money is involved.  You often wander off where you should not to get money, or, tonight for example, I'm solo tanking a tower and you are able to kill it quickly, but instead focus on cs.  You just need to learn to better determine where you should be and what you should be doing.  For instance, if I make a call (as adc) that I should farm bot, 2 things should have happened.  1 - I actually should be making a good call (eg if I decide to farm bot and we lose objectives or a tower, I likely fucked up).  2 - I should quickly communicate with everyone that I am going bot to farm, please hold back.  Remember, at least with our team games, you have voice chat.  Being crystal clear that people need to back off is very helpful.  I screw up with communicating quite a bit, but its something to work on.  Last - I haven't really paid attention to your cs, but here's what I recommend - spend some time working on cs.  Host a 1v1 bot game for starters.  Go bot, weaken, but don't initially kill the ai, and see how well you can do with cs.  Your goal is to have as close to perfect cs as possible AND still have enough mana to be able to go all in.  Last adc advice - try to be very thoughtful of your mana.  Having mana available when an all in moment is great. 

Onto your mid stuff - well, here's my quick thoughts about me actually.  Different mids have very different roaming setups.  For instance, I'm not a great mid, but I roam a ton with some and others, like ryze, I don't quite roam as much as I probably should.  I'm working on it.  That said, if you take a champ like eve, you absolutely need to be roaming like a boss or not play her.  Literally, her entire thing (eg inv passive) is to roam.  You need to follow your lane and actually push lane and roam often.  Or don't play her.  You actually seemed to get really good with roaming on kass.  And I'm better roaming with mobility champs also.  Its just a different beast with champs that can't cover as much ground as quickly.  So, if you want to go eve, just try to work on moving around more.  If you always feel like you need to stay in lane, just stop playing her or try to figure out how to quickly push your lane.  She doesn't have an amazing clear, but its fairly quick.  Perhaps you just need to better figure out when you should push and roam.  A tip re: eve (my super best mid...) - if you are up against a mid with a strong clear or heavy poke damage, take some time and MAKE SURE you are hitting creeps with your abilities to reduce their HP.  You should only roam when the enemy mid is gone or your lane is "kind of" pushed.  If you are weakening the creeps while someone is fast clearing, its easier for you to finish the wave.  Which frees you up to roam and puts the pressure back on the enemy mid. 

blahblahblah.  Going to bed.  Thanks for all the games tonight fellas - I had fun!  Hopefully catch u all again tomorrow, etc.


Oh - and I talked to pete - he said he will hopefully be on earlier tomorrow - he just popped on at 11PM my time and I was already done for the night.  HOPEFULLY tomorrow pete returns. 


on Apr 16, 2013

""true - so what do you think overall - just skip it on ryze?""

i don't see  Tear as being a super high priority upgrade on most champions to begin with. Though obviously Ryze benefits more than others, and looking at Elobuff it's a proirity upgrade (at Diamond level: 95% buy rate RoA, 51.8% Tear, 35% FH, 26% Seraphs, 21% Muramana) so it's pretty much always a 2nd item upgrade there.

Ryze builds a lot of resists, he can really use the shield and he does a fuckton of damage. Plus, eventually you'll want to build a Void Staff which scales much better with Seraph's than Manamune. 

The rule of thumb "might" be Muramana when you're ahead, Seraph's when you're behind. You won't be killing too many towers if you're locked in your base and the shield is better when you're being dived. Muramana might also be better if you have better initiation.


re: roaming.

As i'm sure you know with Ryze... When you're learning a new character you are focused on playing mechanics, what items you should build, hmm what skill to level next, omg this autoattack animaiton sucks i can't last hit, wow this ability costs so much mana. 

All of that detracts away from killing heroes and roaming. Forcing yourself to roam - even on very good roaming champs like TF and Eve - can very easily backfire if your mechanics are lackluster and you're struggling to do the right thing in lane to begin with. 

Just something to think about.

on Apr 17, 2013

Re: Bryff

Yeah, he was doing good when I was supporting him that one game tonight but does have to work on what you said... but then again, seems like we all fall into that greed trap when playing ADC.  Something about the role, I swear.  Anyway Bryff, like he said:  You are the tower slayer, it's part of the ADC's job description.  When you're attacking the tower, and theres creeps around you gotta just lettem go.

When we play as a group, I guess we just gotta be patient if someone is learning a new role or champ.  I say that as I cringe from the memories of playing top a night ago.  Sorry bout that guys... all my S2 top champs and builds suck in S3 and it feels like I'm starting over from scratch up there, thanks for you patience.

Hedgie makes a good point that a champs mechanics come easier in the lane than when roaming.  If you don't have your guys abilities dialed in you might do more harm than good trying to gank for other lanes in some situations.

One thing I will say... Bryff doesn't use ideal early game runes for his AP mids, and you need to take into account that if he's against an equally skilled opponent with equal jungle pressure, he'll be somewhere between slightly behind... or totally fucked, so roaming won't usually be easy for him.  Once he's mastered a champ like he has with Kass, he'll do better coping until his runes actually kick in later in the game.



on Apr 17, 2013

ugh... early morning install for me and then late night work... methinks I'll be taking a nap today... hopefully not at work.

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