Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 135)
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on Aug 11, 2015

Huh, they just announced that the move will happen in the next few weeks.  They are going a lot faster than I thought they would.

on Aug 11, 2015


San Luis Obispo!

Or did you forget intentionally so that i get to ramble about my favourite building again


Nah, I was just so fascinated by the story of the sovereign armed internet nation building in SLO that I looked up the map of underground fiberoptic cables to see for myself. Turns out that area is just the main hub but there are other cables running to LA and the Pacific Northwest so I wasn't sure where my connection would end up.

on Aug 11, 2015


and was at a little above 110.

oh that's great then!  Glad you aren't being wrecked.  

on Aug 12, 2015

Fun games yesterday - always feels nice to pull down some ranked wins.  Pretty excited that we'll be in the new data center in likely less than 2 weeks.  

I'm continuing to spend a bit of time on marvel heroes.  Having fun leveling, etc.  I guess there's a pretty big content release coming up in Sept as well and I haven't even scratched the surface on all the stuff you can do.  If any of you play marvel and would like to play some, let me know.  I'm buying/unlocking new characters here and there so its not a big deal to start out at level for me and pal around a bit.  Give it a try if you like.  

on Aug 15, 2015

Ranked Storytime With Thunder.  Gather around chidren.

So I make it into Gold III promos last night.  Team and myself all did really well in the game to get me in.

I'm now in champ select with two of the people who were on the enemy team the game before.  They had pretty much just given up and started tilt splitting before the FF at 20, so I wasn't that stoked to be playing with them this game.  And there was someone who called Support Singed and picked Ghost/Flash.

A little miscommunication with a switch up.  The person picking my Top doesn't have Irelia.  Or Rene.  Or Swain.  Panic picks Jax for me.  We don't have time to switch up our Runes and Materies, but at least ADC and Jax R&M's aren't too far apart.  Much worse is the fact that I don't know how to play Jax. Only played him in ARAMs.

Game starts.  Singed calmly explains that he's not feeding but trolling, because "Trolling is much more fun than feeding."  Poor Cait has to 1v2 because Singed runs into the enemy jungle to... run around in the enemy jungle.  I feel bad for her cause I saw she was in her 'set point' for Plat but no one really get's super negative.  We just all accept that sometimes you get trolled.


Their team is a wet dream for Jax.  Xin top, Varus Mid, Yi Jungle, etc.  I cheese wolves and beat up on the ignite Xin even though I have TP.  Nid helps Cait when she can who manages to stay even in farm.  The Diana mid that I beat up the game before, takes out her aggression on the poor Varus she's up against.  Everyone does really well.  And the Singed who rushed Moba Boots earlier actually becomes a nightmare for the other team.  He's ganking, harassing poor Yi, doing proxy nonsense, and when he happens to actually teamfight with us, shows that he's probably an extremely high elo player when he's not smurf trolling.

I even get a Pentakill somehow and it looks like we're going to win.  But then we try and throw by three manning Baron without our jungler and lose a couple of teamfights because we got overconfident and tried to engage without the 'Evil Otto' Singed that's just randomly running around the map.  It's fine though, cause Singed gets bored eventually and groups with us to easily kill everyone and win the game.

on Aug 16, 2015

aw... I thought that story was going to have a happy ending - nope.  

edit - pacov misread.  Thought singed cost ya the game.  Grats on the win then!

on Aug 18, 2015

pacov = God's gift to team builder... or so I must think.  

I'm trying to get out of such silly mentality, but as I notice myself getting more and more bent out of shape while other folks are generally just having fun.... well, pretty sure there's a problem with my thought process.  So, I dug through it a bit in my head.  I'm angry when folks under perform.  I quickly learn my adc is bad... bite my tongue annoyed at time wasted.  I land some setup that would have been a guaranteed kill with most folks, annoyed.  

Team builder doesn't help the mentality.  It enforces that adc/support are the highest in demand roles currently (which means folks don't want to play those roles).  When I queue up and instantly get into a game while everyone else has been waiting about - I know that I actually have my pick of where to play generally.  I don't like the composition, whatever, I bounce only to queue up to another group within seconds.  In short, plenty of power in my hands there - it also means that if today is the day I've decided I'm lemonnation and I'm support olaf... guess what... those fellas that have been waiting for 10 minutes for a support... I'm probably going to have everyone lock in without batting an eye.

Seems like the position I'm in when solo team builder support is a bit out of proportion just due to demand.  I'm clearly bouncing around a bit and sounding pompous here and there.  Sorry for that.

Anyway, my goal is to tone it down in my mind and get less pissed off if we lose.  I get mad at mistakes.... more angry if its straight up dumb/throw the lane mistakes as opposed to just missing a kill op that required a slightly higher skill level to pull off.  I get straight up enraged when I'm blamed for other folks bad decisions.  I solve that pretty easy by doing a mute all if I'm feeling "sensitive."  I feel bad when I screw up (happens).  

I tend to be able to have a more relaxed, easy going time when I try out champs I don't normally play as a support or don't have a ton of reps with.  For instance, I don't play a ton of annie support, so I tend to gravitate less towards anger when I don't feel my skill level is quite as high.  Meanwhile, if I play someone like morg/lux/blitz and my team underperforms even though I'm giving them a ton to work with, angrycov appears.  

I haven't really figured out the formula (ever... really) to being highly competitive without getting angry/bent out of shape if things go poorly.  I guess some of that ties to my perception of myself as a support.  I can't remember the last time I felt outclassed by a support.  There have been MANY times where I can be a mid or top and easily say this guy is better than me - HELP!  That just does't really happen with supports in my experience.  I think I'd be just as competitive and easily bent out of shape if I felt like I was good at mid/top, though - with 1 caveat - if I die mid or top, unless its happy whine and blame the jungler time, its because I made a mistake - that results in frustration as opposed to being angry at my team - but it makes me want to become a better player.

That said, the same problem kind of exists for me in all roles - that being, if I think I'm good, I get more angry/bent out of shape if I perceive folks on my team as under performing.  I can offset that by reducing how "good" I think I am by taking a support I don't normally use.  Then I can be pretty easy going.  If I pick one of my star supports, mad pacov if you fail.  

on Aug 19, 2015

well - I played kind of poopy yesterday so I feel like normal me again  

Hoping patch notes come out soon if not already out.  Lots of changes to read up on.

on Aug 19, 2015

well - I played kind of poopy yesterday so I feel like normal me again  

Hoping patch notes come out soon if not already out.  Lots of changes to read up on.

on Aug 20, 2015

Good games tonight people! Was fun!  

on Aug 20, 2015

Can you delete posts? >:

on Aug 20, 2015
on Aug 20, 2015

Hah - I totally lied about him being challenger.  So this thing.  What, do you have it running the entire time you are playing then?  Seemed like pretty good quality even on cell phone. Curious if you record all your games like that or just turn it on at specific moments, etc.  Does it work so you have a like a cache and you can go back X minutes and save, etc?  

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