Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 137)
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on Aug 25, 2015

Ping went from 135 down to 75 now. Which is funny because that is the same ping I remember having 4 years ago when I first started, no clue what happened during that time.

on Aug 26, 2015

random topics when i get a chance


  • competitive play (ranked recap - end of season goals)
  • karl's mic
  • league of no lag
  • resolution
  • impact of both 
on Aug 27, 2015

41 -> 77 ping the time I checked 

on Aug 27, 2015

Ping went from 135 down to 75 now. Which is funny because that is the same ping I remember having 4 years ago when I first started, no clue what happened during that time.

The servers moved from LA to Portland. If you live somewhere in around Texas that is semi-equidistant to both Chicago and LA, but far from Portland, that could explain it.

on Aug 27, 2015

Sometimes for fun I fix hedgie's quotes hoping that it confuses him

on Aug 27, 2015

The servers moved from LA to Portland. If you live somewhere in around Texas that is semi-equidistant to both Chicago and LA, but far from Portland, that could explain it.

I live in Virginia, but my ISP probably routed traffic through Texas. That would explain the jump in ping.
on Aug 27, 2015
  1. competitive play (ranked recap - end of season goals)
  2. karl's mic
  3. league of no lag
  4. resolution
  5. impact of both 

1 - still don't super care about ranked atm. I might take a shot here in a bit, but I'm not feeling like all that stellar a player atm.  If I'm normally a plat, I'm playing at gold and actually mostly exhausted lately when I get on to play... works been... busy.

2 - karl won't turn on his mic and I hate him.  

3-5 - All kind of together for me.  I'm actually looking into going back to a standard resolution - have been playing at 2560Xsomething.  I notice I'm missing some really easy skill shots as a result.  I might try turning indicators on, but its really messing with how I'm perceiving line shots - that and the ping.  

I'm having trouble adapting to the improved ping currently.  Most noticeably on last hit canceling.


on Aug 28, 2015

One of my favorite movies of all time.  A little description of it for you kids who've never seen it.

on Aug 28, 2015

Well failed my series to diamond 4 again. Carried the first game and won, had to play top the next tried to carry was 4-1 at one point but had zero help from all other lanes, an AFK caitlyn for a few minutes at a time, and a morde was on the other team. Last game got mid and played vik. My jungler nid decided it would be a good idea to jump onto annie when she hit 6 and fed my lane a free kill. Nid dived annie under turret two minutes later, I was dumb enough to sorta follow and akali+annie killed me as I tried to escape. Annie is now 3-0 in a span of about 3 minutes. All other lanes also lose pretty hard as well do to nid being extremely stupid she also decided to AFK after she thought the game was over. 

on Aug 28, 2015


One of my favorite movies of all time.  A little description of it for you kids who've never seen it.

ha - yah - I watched that the other day.  Never really saw it that way (like everyone else ofc), but yeah.  Dan's the jerk.  

on Aug 28, 2015
  1. ping stability
  2. at&t not partnered yet?
  3. updated resolution
  4. less ham supporting
  5. shot call poo town


1.  I've noticed that the lower ping is actually much more stable for me.  By that, I mean the previous ping would have fluctuations on and off since I changed to At&t.  Those fluctionations probably contributed more than anything else to difficulty playing (higher, stable ping is more predictable - 90 ping that randomly jumps to 130 and back down multiple times in a game... pretty frustrating).  

2.  From riots peering list, it sounds like they may have ironed out things with at&t and are in the process of implementing.  That said, whatever issue I had before with that ping fluctuation seems to be gone.  So far, its pretty stable around 38MS without spiking.... which means that once I get used to it, I should become more solid with last hitting, etc.  

3.  Well, I think I'm done handicapping myself by playing at the higher resolution.  That higher rez + the ping spiking made last hitting even more difficult (the minion health bar is smaller as you increase resolution - this actually gives me a smaller window for reaction time as I have less data.  Throw in some spiking and now what I perceive as the correct time becomes not, and cs is lost.  Just going back to the lower resolution increases my reaction time window as I clearly see the creep health bar... and now its an accurate depiction of the current health as there are no ping spikes.  Bottom line - I've just got get used to and then I should be all set.  

4.  Felt pretty good about my supporting yesterday (1-2 hambone moments still though). In solo queue my mentality had been disgust for my adc if I give them a great setup and they are picking their butt and miss it.  Or they just do dumb things and get themselves chunked for no reason.  Yesterday I kind of slipped into the support mindset again and went alot more protect my adc and made decent decisions, for the most part, along those lines.  Still had some bone head things (1 roam mid that accomplished nothing and left thunder holding his d a bit, and another glorious jinx save play).  

5.  w/e - we can try cow doing some shot calling - even that mute all but cow concept.  But don't ping shite and make nonspecific comments/directions.  Use your pie hole and say clearly what you want.  It's best if you can say a specific person followed by X in many cases. Or even everybody back, etc.  Some problems with positioning if I get a good 3 man setup and we can't do anything with it.  Anyway, games were fun last night - thx!

on Aug 28, 2015

Also... this week... I've put in 70 hours so far.  And my in laws with their babies are visiting now.  So very tired.... still.  It's Friday and I'm on call... so I've got that going for me. 

Hoping we can get some more ranked in soon.  Good times - also nice that bad wong is with us a bit again.  

on Aug 28, 2015

In solo queue my mentality had been disgust for my adc if I give them a great setup and they are picking their butt and miss it.  Or they just do dumb things and get themselves chunked for no reason.

The two go hand in hand for me.  Sometimes I'm too tunneled on CS or am out of position or just don't have the mechanics to capitalize effectively on your setups.  You end up a lot more poor when laning with me instead of Danknee which sucks.

But also sometimes you see 'KILL OP!' where I see... something different than you.  

In both cases you get really bummed out and are vocal about your disappointment.  This brings out Tilted Thunder, who is always in position and focused on being ready to follow you up ham style but playing with zero regard to his own safety.


Yesterday was awesome though.  You played extremely well and it felt like we were on the same page.  Sorry you're life is a bit overwhelming right now but I'm going to enjoy playing with the more chill version of you while it lasts.


on Aug 28, 2015

I really think we could have brought that last game back, but we lost the moment everyone tilted.


I also believe that if someone feels like they are about to tilt they should probably just mute their mics, I know when I played with a group of friends different from you all I was pretty toxic and would tilt often, which usually resulted in losing perfectly winnable games because my friends decided they would just rather not continue the game with me, which is what I feel happened in that last one.


I don't really care who we pick to shot call, but having 2 people trying to call out orders just confuses everyone else.


On another note, I really liked Malph top and will probably try to stick with it from now on. I feel like I can contribute more with him than either Garen or Darius, I will try to learn a bit more Lissandra as well.

on Aug 28, 2015


I really think we could have brought that last game back, but we lost the moment everyone tilted.

I don't really care who we pick to shot call, but having 2 people trying to call out orders just confuses everyone else.

Agreed.  Tilting is bad.

I'm fine with multiple shot callers.  It usually works out better than it did in that game.  But when there are different ideas on how to handle an issue, I feel Cow's opinion needs to trump everyone else.  He's a Diamond player.  It's his team.  We need to go along with what he decides and be positive about it and not constantly second guess his strategy.  There can be time after the game to decide if we made the right calls and need to change strats if we encounter the same issues in the future.

Loved your Malph B-Rad.  But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.  I won't feed a Diamond Vayne every game we play (I hope!) so don't give up on Garen forever.

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