Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 155)
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on Nov 11, 2015


Don't play ap champions.

You silly goose!  AP champions will still be great...

As Supports.  With the buffs to ambient gold, Support item gold, bailout gold for Support at 12 minutes, global bounty gold, etc... only Supports are gonna be rich enough to buy dem expensive ass AP items.  Tell you what... Big Daddy Thunder Sweets is gonna let you be his Bottom Bitch Support when he goes ADC.  Gonna get mah Brandy girl some nice things and shieeeit.  Know what I'm sayin?


And when I support I'm looking forward to playing Zyra Support again with Spooky Ghosts being put on Frost Queen.  One of her main issues was getting caught out when performing  late game warding.

on Nov 11, 2015

How are you going to have a 5 ADC team when you have an AP support?  Only 1 team can have Corki unless you are playing blind pick.

on Nov 11, 2015

One other tip from the phreak mastery video:


When you look at the mastery tree, START by looking at the bottom and deciding what you want your keystone to be.  Starting there, build backwards.  For instance, decide you want to jungle X champion, look at the final tier first, and decide what would be best if you are going for heavy ganks or tanking, etc.  He stressed the variety is pretty big, but said starting at the bottom (drake) is good.

on Nov 12, 2015

OK - so did anyone learn anything?  Specifically, any keystones feel very strong on certain champs?

Any thoughts re: itemization?

The price changes on things really threw me off. I thought everyone got an auto home guard at 20 min, but I don't think that's true (still an option to buy in the store).

Graves... omg... graves.  Pretty strong.  Tanky with high dps.  Fun to play.  His q does not go over walls I'm told... anyway, really liked getting to play a game as him.

on Nov 12, 2015

Challenger support main goes over season 6 support masteries

on Nov 12, 2015

fox drop jungle season 6 mastery guide

on Nov 12, 2015

So I was reading this:

It's about the farsight ward.  There's apparently no limit on the number you can have placed.  Its on a 60 sec cooldown.  Also the wards ONLY expire if attacked.  hurm... isn't jungling fun?

Can be done only at level 9.  But we're talking a ward every 60 sec...

on Nov 12, 2015

Off topic - I tried my hand at wood working and made a coffee table.  Came out ok.  Here's an album in case anyone interested:



on Nov 12, 2015

Sweet table bro.

I only played a few games so far so no big patterns noticed yet. ADC changes don't seem as extreme as I previously thought they would be. Anyway I'll dig into it more when I get through the new SC2 campaign it's been awesome so far.

on Nov 12, 2015

thx!  Yeah, i've been very slowly going through the sc2 campaign.  Love the story mode for the entire franchise.  Hoping to get into that a little more once the weekend hits.

re: adcs, so far I've played caitlyn and graves.  Cait is much more fun to play, but definitely did not strike me as OP.  She might actually been tuned pretty well.  Graves struck me as very, very strong, but it might have just been the matchup.  Curious to see what his win rate is sitting at after a few days.  

1300 for a BF is crazy.  

on Nov 12, 2015

I think the f u jungler message is starting to become more and more clear:

get rekt

on Nov 12, 2015

Jungling is A LOT harder now.  It was already probably the hardest role in terms of game knowledge.  You had to know reasonable runes/masteries plus routes just to not be a complete jackass in the early game.  Now you still have that, plus there is tremendous pressure in figuring out starting items correctly (if you get it wrong, you are getting executed somewhere, or taking a horrible back).

And the item breakpoints are brutal.  Before you could hit a few camps and back for 1st jungle item upgrade and a few pots without having to be any kind of genius.  Now its HARD to get the 700 gold to do that on a lot of junglers, and if you have to back before then you are at a big disadvantage.

I guess its good for me since I play jungle enough to figure this out, so I'll get an advantage over opponents who don't.  But this is going to brutally punish people who only jungle sometimes.

Hunter's potion seems to be a complete newb trap.  The only use case for it that I can see is if you want to start jungle item + flask, do 2 camps, then back and purchase nothing but hunters.  You will have a lot of sustain, but your jungle item upgrade will be very delayed.  But otherwise Hunter's doesn't fit anywhere since you don't need it after you have the first jungle item upgrade.  I mean, its super cheap and cost effective, but it makes your early clear so much more difficult, and but the time you get that first jungle upgrade, you REALLY want to start buying actual combat stats.

on Nov 12, 2015

The list of potential junglers is narrowed down to the high sustainers again too, not being able to pick both sets in a mastery tier hamstrings the capability to sustain with non-standard junglers, and the items have been gimped hard.  You have to back after blue with Kayle unless someone tanks most of gromp's damage for you, even running vamp quints wont give the new machete enough sustain to keep you alive through red, the talisman is similarly lacking.

on Nov 12, 2015

I wonder if we are going to see bot lane swap to top lane.  Honestly, that kind of makes a lot of sense to go for the new jungle camp.  Towers are already kind of squishy.  Getting that and having adc/supp top means you could potentially steam roll through tier 2.  Much more valuable than 1st drake imo - provided the right person gets the buff.  Guess we'll see on that.  Will make a heck of a lot things more interesting in competitive play, I'd think.  

Oh - and I was watching Geronimo for a minute and he was going on about graves sucking in lane... which is kind of true.  Good adcs will zone him (unlike the cait I was fighting against last night) - I still think his all in potential is MUCH higher than the old graves/leona or corki/leona combos.  I'm wondering if the best way to play him is to try to force things a bit with aggression.

on Nov 12, 2015

Except he's a total badass, all but impossible to solo, but takes 15% max health in true damage from behind while that eye is open.  Makes a two fer a done deal relatively early, but sneaking it solo impossible early on.  He also takes 35% less damage from ranged attackers, so odds are top will end up doing as much or more damage than the duo bot would.


You need the added vision to protect dragon from being taken, but the Rift Herald is too godlike to be killed sneakily without lane involvement.

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