Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 43)
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on Oct 09, 2014

Especially nunu.

on Oct 09, 2014

The adults are talking about perceived advantages based deviations and the value of analyzing those things.  Only poppy is OP all the time though. 

Also, SION TODAY - I suspect he will be OP.  Karl, you should absolutely try sion jungle.  Really fun to use... also when he starts charging, everyone on the map hears it.  Delightful.


Grats on PLAT!

on Oct 09, 2014

Ty bud.  Hopefully can get some games in with you guys soon and that legendary poppy+nunu duo lane

on Oct 09, 2014

OOOOoooooooooooooooooooo plat swan!

on Oct 09, 2014

Re: Plat Swan



Re: Picking What You Love vs Trying To Pick Secret OP

Let's be fair, Pacov's Ranked record with Nunu speaks for itself and the champ is one of a kind in a jungle that's had almost nothing but DPS all season.  Dah Meta can shift which makes champs get better or worse without any changes.


Nunu is a champ Pacov used to play and one that's not too mechanically difficult to pick back up again.  I don't see a 7-1 record with Lee Sin that was taken advantage of before he was nerfed, y'know what I mean?  Also, Pacov was Plat last season so seeing what got him back there after he got "fugged" in placements and put into Silver isn't much use to me. As someone who is pretty much stuck where I was last season, I'd be much more interested to see what champion pick strats he uses to get to Diamond.

In other words... how did you do it Swan?  Help me improve my ranking... I am ready for your wisdom.

on Oct 09, 2014

Prove It

Usually the burden of proof is on the person who is making the conjecture, not the person who disagrees with it. Changing your platform to a bunch of generally-truisms wasn't what you were originally arguing before. Everyone is going to agree that PBW champs are typically stronger than normal, and it's always good to get on top of the bandwagon a few weeks before everyone else does. That's just common sense. We were contesting your actual, specific examples.

If you really want to be "nerdy" about it, you need to do something other than opening up LoLKing and sorting by Win Rate. You should be taking notes in your own spreadsheet. For champs that you don't play often, you should be taking note of why you won/lost. When you play Nunu do you just happen to get consistently lucky with matchmaking and your team just autowins every lane every time? Or was Nunu's unique strengths and powercurve exactly what you needed in order to win that game?


on Oct 09, 2014

a.  I didn't duo

b. when i play solo i don't talk to my teammates... 'cause people tend to be overemotional about this game

c.  don't support ever. 

d. don't pick lee sin because apparently gold players don't know that he'd much rather w back to you than die

e. overall don't rely on any of your teammates ever, just carry as hard as you can and pray

EDIT: Also drink Soda Shaq... the only drink for champions.


on Oct 09, 2014


Usually the burden of proof is on the person who is making the conjecture, not the person who disagrees with it.

Its actually a bit stronger than this.

He is claiming the existence of specific statistical trends in Nunu.  I claim that they don't exist.  He is then asking me to prove the non-existence of such things.  In general, proving the non-existence of things is logically impossible:

Anyway, the main point is that a lot is being made about changes of 2-3% in win rates.  But, the day to day fluctuations in a champion's win rates tend to be about 2-3%.  Now, this doesn't mean that you can't distinguish a real, systematic change of 2-3% from noise, but if you are trying to do such a thing on short time scales, you should know a bit of statistics.

I'm kind of a crappy statistician, but if I were writing a program to do this, I would take data from the last n days, compare it to some baseline data (say the last n+m days) via some kind of location test.  Maybe a Kruskal-Wallis test, but I'm not sure if thats the right location test to use here.  But that should tell you if the last n days are statistically different than the baseline.  If you had access to the data and a reasonable language like R or a program like Mathematica, you could probably write the program in about 5-10 minutes.  Then you'd be finding things as quickly as possible and people like me wouldn't be telling you that you were imagining things.

EDIT - Mathematica seems to automatically like Student's t-test more than Kruskal-Wallis here.  Whatever.

on Oct 09, 2014


Usually the burden of proof is on...

yo mamma. 


Kruskal-Wallis test,

heh. Sweet nerd crackers, batman.  I'm fine with imagining things.  I know I'm being a little bit of a putz here, but I don't really care to research the timing of my outlandish claims or develop mathmatical jabloney (I made up that word).  It's ok - totally fine with you not believing me. Don't really care.  Just talkin.


on Oct 09, 2014

 Don't really care.  Just talkin.


When you're talking about researching trends and win % as something that's fun for you, that's great and more power to you.  We all have our different ways of having fun in that way.  Some people like to specialize or "main" one champ and play that champ every chance they get, some people specialize in a role and try and learn every champ they might need in every possible situation, some like to be prepared to fill in best they can, some like to play only their pet champs that they like to play, so on and so on.

The thing is though, when you're the type of person who has strong feelings about what champs other people should or should not be playing... well, when you bring up your thought process between how the optimal way to choose what champions to play is, the logic behind your thinking is going to be discussed more than easygoing people who don't care what their allies play.

on Oct 09, 2014

@ Swan

I've been doing it all wrong.  Like... all of it.

- I've played Support a lot this season.  And most of the time I've played LoL, I've been a Support main.

- I've Duo'd quite a bit.  My current Duo partner likes to play Tankmo Top.  (sigh)

- Lee Sin used to be one of my main Junglers.

- I get sucked into arguments with trolls easily.

- I have no access to Shaq Soda. 

I'm going to be forever Gold...

on Oct 09, 2014

Here you go thunder:

Also this:

I've heard about this drink before, and I was wondering where to buy it. I live in CT and I went to a few 7/11s, to no avail. Does anyone who lives in the area know where to buy it? Like a specific 7/11 or something?
Best Answer
  • Dana answered 7 months ago
I always see them at 7/11, CVS, other gas stations, walgreens, corner stores like that. Maybe they're just really popular and always sold out. Good luck!

Also, if you're super desperate you can find them online.
on Oct 09, 2014

Thanks Pacov, but the shipping charges for $3 worth of soda is apparently $50.

My strawberry cream flavored dreams of getting to Plat are as good as dead... even Shaq can't help me.

on Oct 09, 2014

Pm me an address and I will guarantee you will never lose another game due to beverage choice.

on Oct 10, 2014


Thanks Pacov, but the shipping charges for $3 worth of soda is apparently $50.

I'm embarrassed you are even considering not paying $50 for shipping.  Not all that serious about the game apparently. 

Idea - Buy about 400 cans.  Hit challenger.  Open a store that sells ONLY shaq soda advertising that you are the challenger player Thundercleese and this is how you hit challenger.  Make 3 million dollars.  Retire from league.  Pay teenagers to run your store.  Become friends with Shaq.  Retire. 

$50 dollars for shipping seems really high now, doesn't it?

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