Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 45)
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on Oct 13, 2014

I doubt they will release the new SR until worlds is over and the end of season 4 happens (Nov. 11-12th???).

on Oct 13, 2014

I doubt they will release the new SR until worlds is over and the end of season 4 happens (Nov. 11-12th???).

Well atleast that is what I would do if I was riot.

Sorry for double post but stupid joeuser wouldn't let me edit for some reason.

on Oct 13, 2014

ramblings continued - I don't think I've told you about my (former?) pal dxtrick.  If you recollect, he was someone I met in team builder and we worked exceptionally well together in bot lane (him adc, me support).  Anyway, we decided to play ranked, crush it a bunch, and have like an 80% + win rate together in ranked.

Yeah, think you told us about him in a post before.  Said he is a Plat-Diamond skill level with a Gold MMR right?  Sounds like you guys had a good run, too bad he seems to be prone to rage.


on Oct 13, 2014

I'm thinking they might release it sooner than later instead of popping the new map out with all the preseason changes.  We'll see.  That mod is nice though and works.  I do find it a little bit harder to last hit on the new map sadly.  The jungle is going to be fairly interesting. 

Yeah, think you told us about him in a post before. Said he is a Plat-Diamond skill level with a Gold MMR right? Sounds like you guys had a good run, too bad he seems to be prone to rage.

yah - that's the guy.  And yah... nothing to be done really.  Shame - could have gotten him up to plat pretty easily I think.

on Oct 13, 2014

Ello good peoples of the internet, its been a long time.

on Oct 13, 2014

This has been a visit from synnworld - good day

on Oct 13, 2014

This has been a visit from synnworld - good day

Yesh, and he is still trying to get ya to come over to the Smite side!!!!

on Oct 14, 2014

I don't even play other games that are actually good (hue), so playing smite prob isn't going to happen.  I did give it a go awhile back but didn't really enjoy it.

My playing awfully series is continuing for a bit.  Think I've finally got the whole playing blitz thing out of my system at least.  I really just don't have the patience for playing him.  Maybe I could make it work with a really solid adc, but probably not. 

So, did a bit of team builder like that as support. Only 1 win when I went a carry-type build on zyra.  Trying to put in time on supports I don't normally use to add some out of the norm variety. 

Best moment of the night was when I was playing zyra.  My team starts out a fight in drag pit.  We pick up several kills.  We have like 4 of us there.  3 people on my team go to chase rammus around while I'm still as support in dragon pit, righting the drag with like 1k hp.  My team abandons both me and dragon in the hope that they can catch rammus that already has a lead on them.  I die in dragon pit assuming that 1 other person might have the sense to stop chasing rammus and finish the incredibly low hp drake giving money to the entire team.  Nope.  The look on my face was probably quite funny as a stared in disbelief.  I seem to get that crap quite a bit in team builder lately. 

This next bit was probably on me a bit, but I'm honestly not completely sure.  I play a game as draven.  I do well enough, but I end up in choosing to take objectives and split off here and there.  Anytime I go anywhere else, my team engages.  We take baron - there's a huge wave top (triple wave even), I go to clear rolling off baron.  My team steam rolls, not full hp, immediately down mid and gets wrecked while I'm clearing a wave.  I suppose you can argue that I should follow my team around when we obviously should be backing and not looking to fight.... I mean, you'd be wrong, but you could argue. 

A less clear example is me choosing to split push when I see a good opportunity to get turrets + potentially an inhib.   My team is grouped mid and stalling out on a team with incredible peel (annie, orianna, rammus (kind of ok peel, but not really).  I take 1 turret, I take the inhibitor turret - all while my team is at mid keeping the enemy team there.  But they end up not being able to hold.  I get 1 very important objective (inhib turret), but the cost is my team getting wrecked when they are unable to peel off (more likely they tried to engage again without me though... ).  I probably should have just been like screw objectives and follow them around like a puppy once I saw the tendency to go nuts (guessing our annie support would open up with some cc and everyone would lose their crap and go all in without paying any attention to my location.  Ah well...

on Oct 14, 2014

RRAAWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR made and appearence last night.

on Oct 14, 2014


on Oct 14, 2014

what mmo is he sinking his life into atm?

on Oct 14, 2014

I mean, you'd be wrong, but you could argue.

I do love to argue, so I'll take the bait.

You love to split push.  You do it a lot.  I'm not an expert, so I don't know if you're usually making the best play or only sometimes, but I do know that you do it so often that it is impossible that it's always or even almost always the right call.

(guessing our annie support would open up with some cc and everyone would lose their crap and go all in without paying any attention to my location.  Ah well...

Well, I'd hazard a guess that you're not as experienced as all your pals are when it comes to playing with split pushers.  We all consider ourselves experts in the field so let me point some things out.   

If you take half your team's gold to go off to split push, asking your team to defend towers without your ADC 4v5 isn't as easy as you might think.

I mean who knows, maybe your Annie thought that initiating a 4v5 was a fantastic idea or maybe it was a desperation play because the tower was getting too low to defend and she wasn't confident in the team coordinating a retreat and wanted a fight while the tower was till alive.  If it was the former, what do you expect?  If you're the most fed on the team, you might also be the most skilled player on your team.  There's an art to defending towers so maybe you should be helping your team of Silvers/Golds pull it off instead of PvEing alone.

on Oct 14, 2014

TBH, that's actually not really the situation - or maybe it was one of the situations and there were actual multiple times pacov split top against a massive wave.

The actual situation (in which Rammus called you out - after already asking you to group a few times) was this:

1. The enemy had just gotten dragon, not your team

2. Your team was fresh from base, the enemy was not, having just tanked baron and presumably wanting to shop.

3. You walk top, to get a pretty huge wave. You ult dragon to see if the freshly baroned enemy team was there. Your ult doesn't hit anyone, but it also shows your team that no one is directly around dragon.

4. Your team starts up dragon and gets it, but then gets collapsed on (4v4?) against a stronger team and dies.


Your team was trying to make a play. Timing is always difficult when the enemy gets baron, but trying to """trade""" baron for dragon is a very common strategy for losing teams (even moreso once the dragonbuff thing comes out), because just sitting in your base isn't how you're going to win. Let's compare it to the patented "suicide split" for an inner or outer tower (i am going to disregard inhib/inhib tower suicide-splits since those are usually responded to much faster due to homegaurds and thus are much harder to pull off successfully):

You are almost certain that you are going to die, you "might" get a tower. Best case, you delay 2/3 people and waste a minute of baron. Worst case, your team gets dove under inhib tower and die 4v5, lose the game.

Generally the losing team is able to secure the dragon. Best case, you get the dragon and escape with zero deaths, effectively getting the team 1,000 gold and denying the enemy 1,000 as well. Sometimes someone dies, but not always. Worst case, your team dies 4v4, and you lose the game.


That's actually objectively better than a "suicide split" because it's possible to get a much bigger reward (a 2,000 gold swing versus a mostly "useless" T1 or T2 tower worth 500 gold). Even though it's possible to get near-aced and then lose the game from there, dragon is the only time your jungler/support is going to get any gold for the next 3 minutes while pinned inside your base against the baroned up team. The risk is pretty much: "get gold to maybe get a comeback or lose a game we were already losing 3 minutes faster". Versus "get 500 gold for the team (maybe) and waste 90 seconds of baron for 1-2 members of the enemy team, then probably die and give the enemy ~300 gold".

on Oct 14, 2014

haha - just read thunder's 1st comment. i get back to this later... busying playing reddit shaco support.


on Oct 15, 2014

OK - had a chance to read comments.  1st - I don't mean this next sentence to sound combative - I wonder if it would be worth making a quick vid of the game in question (pacov draven, crying rammus jungle) at certain points and see what you folks think.  Not sure if I'll do that or not, but I think showing the specific situations accurately might help. 


You love to split push. You do it a lot. I'm not an expert, so I don't know if you're usually making the best play or only sometimes, but I do know that you do it so often that it is impossible that it's always or even almost always the right call.

That's fair.  For the sake of this discussion, let's toss out my idiotic support split pushing out of the way and just stick with whether or not I;m split pushing as is wise when playing other roles (eg I concede that support split pushing is a dumb and/or jerk move).  Also, I'd like to focus in on 1 particular game and discuss that primarily (I think its on my twitch past broadcasts from 2 days ago if you are interested enough to look - I should have the replay though (pacov=draven,chomethemoney=annie, some crap azir top, orianna=some other madcaster, rammus=someguy).   I'm curious as to whether or not folks think I made good calls.  Also - I don't claim to make the right decisions all the time - perfectly possible I made some wrong decisions. 


I mean who knows, maybe your Annie thought that initiating a 4v5 was a fantastic idea or maybe it was a

I don't remember 100% for sure, but I don't think my split pushing happened when we were backed up.  I don't think I was actively trading objectives or anything.  We had a team with good disengage and I really only see a problem if my team choose to start a fight.

Hedgie - your 1-4 breakdown is confusing to me - I'll just watch the replay later.  I get trying to take drag after losing a baron - I'm not remembering this right perhaps. 

I'll talk a little bit about my reddit support shaco later mayhaps

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