Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 55)
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on Nov 16, 2014

let me be more clear - I think its bad if you think EVERYONE you get whooped by is scripting.  I really think its good to have perspective on how often it happens.  If it really happens every other game, then I'd think fuck this... why bother.  To be super clear - I'm not disagreeing with you at all!


But my experience is that this ACTUALLY happens 1 out of every 1,000 games currently.  That's not an exaggeration, but exactly my experience.  So, I'd just say consider the volume of your games where you are experiencing this and go from there.


That said, it sounds like you are doing exactly what I do.  Suspect a cheater, look at their stats after game.  Now, go the next step - open a ticket with what you experienced, a link to them, and some replays. I, for instance, KNOW that everyone I've reported of scripting/botting this way has been banned. For me it's 100%.  Just don't expect a ban immediately.  Open a ticket, provide the evidence of the cheat (research the cheat by googling bot of legends... hint - this indicates exactly how the cheat works) - profit. 

Just keep things in perspective - it doesn't happen every game.  Sucks when it does, but it does... I just was fortunate enough in demigod to be able to get every shite that was dumb enough to cheat in front of me banned... but even that was because I very much understood how the cheats work and could prove people cheated.  There's a big difference between suspecting someone of cheating and being able to prove it.  In my experience with LoL, game history is sufficient evidence as long as you can specifically explain how the cheat/exploit works. (eg this guy has high win rate because of BotRK exploit.  Exploit released on X date.  This guy had huge win rate boost on this date using X items tied directly to this exploit.  He actually is on a 10 game win steak now buying items that use this exploit... he's buying the items on champs that normally would NEVER buy the items.  That's actually a pretty good summary of reports I've made... and again - these are all reports made OUTSIDE of the game.  Google riot support - open ticket.  Night bro!

on Nov 16, 2014

Here's a link that I think is applicable to this discussio


on Nov 16, 2014

I've actually had a game where I dodged skill shot after skill shot and just stomped all over a Thresh, and I suck.  Probably not observant enough to notice that someone is using that evade hack, I'd just chalk it up as either smurf god skills or on a roll.

on Nov 16, 2014


Here's a link that I think is applicable to this discussion

The article goes into some explanations on the scripts out there, but the conclusion and comparisons he makes are kind of silly imo.  While it is kind of dumb to get up in arms about curse voice, its disingenuous to compare that to scripting.  Also, probably because he doesn't care to make an actual point re: that comparison, he misses that the only issue real issue with curse voice afaik was that it provided jungle timers only to people that were willing to install the program (remember that whole people whinging in demigod complaining if folks used the enhanced ui mod). 

Last, he questions why riot won't even acknowledge scripting, etc.  Again, I think if you think about it, it kind of makes sense why they act the way they do. 

And no... i am a hacker is also incorrect, I am a script kiddie.  Glad he at least acknowledges that trash players using scripts "destroy[ing] the competitive balance of the game game mode."   Fuggers that download things, install them, and click buttons... hackers indeed... probably consider themselves hackers for installing an AOL disk from the 90s...

Anyway, riot's in a position where they only publicly address exploits when they have a high level of visibility and only then when they are being looked into.  That makes sense.  But I still maintain that it isn't super common.  As things become common, we see more and more posts on reddit complaining, etc... it also stands to reason that riot SOMEHOW knows where these sites are that provide programs for the "hackers" and have people that are able to figure out what can be done and what cannot.  But there really is no automatic mechanism to pick up on every type of script/exploit as its created. 

on Nov 16, 2014

oh and speaking of that botrk hack... apparently not fully fixed atm... sounds like they made the fix item specific but didn't resolve the main problem...


on Nov 16, 2014

Goodness.  So one of the developers of bot of legends (this is what most of the "hackers" use (read - jagoffs that installed a program)) leaked over 130k accounts that have used their program from 2012-2014.  One of the devs installed something very magical into the source... code that tracks the league of legends account these shites used the program on.  Oh... and their IP... and the region they are on... and date/time they used the cheats... this is just blowing up right now (as in just happened)... as in if riot can verify this and determines its actionable... that's, you know... the scripting community

things are getting interesting... pastebin for more detail - megaupload includes the list:


on Nov 16, 2014

... I'd just chalk it up as either smurf god skills or on a roll.

This is my overall sentiment as well. There are some stuff that only bots can do though (eg, perfect animation canceling with Cass Q, infinite Cass/Graves passive). Even then i don't think i'd "report".

And no... i am a hacker is also incorrect, I am a script kiddie

"Hacker" versus "Script Kiddie" is just a semantic argument. "Hacker" is the colloquial term for a person who is using downloaded scripts/memory inspectors/autoclickers to gain a competitive advantage in-game. Even if it is technically incorrect, it is the rhetoric that is used and dismissing it distracts from the main topic. 


LoB leak


That is great news! i'm curious where you found it, since my common news sources aren't mentioning anything about it...

At the start of the year, Riot reported ~27 million players daily, and ~67 million players monthly. Let's assume people who do use scripts are far more likely to play every day, and let's say it's grown to ~30 million daily players - a very conservative estimate.

That means that roughly 0.4% of the daily player community uses scripts. Multiply that by 9 and you see, 3.6% of random SoloQ games contain a scripter (that isn't you). While that isn't the "10% of games" claim the blog cited, it's not absurd to think that at least 2-3% of games contains a scripter, especially if you consider that the 0.4% is ONLY people using LoB. 

on Nov 16, 2014

Great read Hedgie!  Interesting mindset on the author.

Re: Da Leak

So weird this is going down when we're all talking about it.  I'm kinda bummed that I didn't post something I was thinking, that it would be great if these scripting sites were going to narc on their customers for fun.  Didn't say anything because I was pretty upset about this whole revelation and figured that was pretty far fetched and was just wishful thinking on my part...


on Nov 16, 2014

Oh i actually took a look at the data. It's looks like it is an extremely sparse dataset that isn't anywhere close to exhaustive. It also stop collecting data on January 2014, so it's not going to catch any of the current scripters.

on Nov 16, 2014


I don't know nothing about nothing but it would seem to me that unless Riot has some way to find out one of these asshats has altered their program, how would they know?  All you would have to do is  make a 'Near Perfect Smite' script that RNG's how close you make the timing right?

No.  Because statistics.

Yes, using a RNG to vary how "perfectly" you are smiting will mean that it will take an automated detection mechanism ~20 smites to detect you instead of ~4.  The bottom line is that it isn't hard to detect somebody who is consistently doing something faster than is humanly possible if you put effort into it.  You can sometimes get smites in faster than you could react by guessing correctly, but you can't consistently.

Now, if you really wanted to, you could set it up so that there was a random delay so that it humanly possible for somebody with very fast reactions.  That might not get you caught.  But I'm not really going to throw a fit about scripts that do stuff at that level.

And really, I see almost no indication of people using these scripts.  Every once in a great while I might be a bit suspicious, but we are talking about a less than 1% effect.

I don't buy any of the numbers from the above hacker/script kiddie.  Everybody who does this kind of stuff grossly exaggerates the people who get away with what they are doing.  If you talk to a drug dealer, everybody does drugs.  If you talk to an embezzler, everybody steals.  If you talk to a hacker, everybody cheats.

on Nov 16, 2014

The bottom line is that it isn't hard to detect somebody who is consistently doing something faster than is humanly possible if you put effort into it.

That's sort of an undecidable problem for Turing machines.

Which means that you have to design a bunch of heuristics that check for known-behavior. Which ends up becoming an Arms Race. On one side, you have the scripters who are coming up with newer, subtler ways of doing (such as including random lag, etc), and the other hand Riot has to devote programming time to detecting stuff.

Not to mention some of these "detections" could really clutter up your code base unless you are using a very sophisticated Observer/Event system that is detecting and logging a ton of information or using Aspects/Monads for literally everything. Which is pretty improbable given their starting point...


Now, you're right that doing this correctly would, in theory, restrict scripters to "only human", as opposed to "impossible" (eg, Cass Q/E cancellations). And a scripter who is only playing at the "human" level isn't going to gain a significant advantage if other parts of their play aren't up-to-par. But i know that there are scripters that successfully climb to Master/Diamond. In fact, i would say that part of the reason we "don't" see a lot of scripters is simple because we aren't often playing a lot of SoloQ at the Plat/Diamond level. Think about all the "get better" quick guides that talk about stuff like just practicing CS, and how there exists autoclickers for CS'ing, etc.

on Nov 16, 2014


The bottom line is that it isn't hard to detect somebody who is consistently doing something faster than is humanly possible if you put effort into it.

That's sort of an undecidable problem for Turing machines.

Which means that you have to design a bunch of heuristics that check for known-behavior. Which ends up becoming an Arms Race. On one side, you have the scripters who are coming up with newer, subtler ways of doing (such as including random lag, etc), and the other hand Riot has to devote programming time to detecting stuff.

Not to mention some of these "detections" could really clutter up your code base unless you are using a very sophisticated Observer/Event system that is detecting and logging a ton of information or using Aspects/Monads for literally everything. Which is pretty improbable given their starting point...


Now, you're right that doing this correctly would, in theory, restrict scripters to "only human", as opposed to "impossible" (eg, Cass Q/E cancellations). And a scripter who is only playing at the "human" level isn't going to gain a significant advantage if other parts of their play aren't up-to-par. But i know that there are scripters that successfully climb to Master/Diamond. In fact, i would say that part of the reason we "don't" see a lot of scripters is simple because we aren't often playing a lot of SoloQ at the Plat/Diamond level. Think about all the "get better" quick guides that talk about stuff like just practicing CS, and how there exists autoclickers for CS'ing, etc.

You are rather quoting me out of context here as I was talking about a particularly easy to detect script that is also supposedly widespread (auto smiting).

There are certainly many scripts that would be prohibitively difficult to detect.  I'd argue that many scripts could be detected algorithmically in principle statistically, but it would be completely impractical to do so for many of them, so the difference is moot.

But I'm not really interested in getting into a perfect solution fallacy argument here.  The point is that many scripts can be relatively easily detected, with autosmiting being a good example.  If you can detect many of them, thats good enough as it will scare off most people from using any script.

Now I agree that the question is always exactly what Riot logs during the game, and therefore what can be used as a flag both during the game and afterwards.  I suspect that very little is retained after the game, but you can hopefully detect many scripts during the game that you don't need to go nuts with heuristics to catch many of them during the game.

on Nov 16, 2014

I got the info from reddit before it was deleted by a mod... just happened to be browsing /new. 

Saw this on reddit related to how to properly tank the new drag.

Hi all, I figured since the new map came out, I would make a post to help mitigate the amount of executions by dragon I have seen in game recently! Since dragon has a new attack, whoever is tanking should stand on the OPPOSITE side of dragon as his team. This is because dragons new attack goes through whoever it hits and reaches a short distance beyond them. Think of every dragon attack as a small, low damage Graves ultimate hitting whoever is tanking. Don't let your team be behind you and die! Enjoy the new rift, everyone! -^

on Nov 16, 2014

I don't see a conflict in your observations and hacker guy's.  He's claiming diamond, you're what, silver or gold?  I don't see squat for cheating in silver myself, but what kind of tool would you have to be to have obvious cheats going on and still be in silver?


I'm guessing there's a bit of the rose colored lens effect going on and he justifies his own behavior by proxy, but my long and lustrous(I jest, it was a week or so) career in ranked RTS gaming stopped when a top 50 player in RA2 told me I needed to get a map hack like the rest of them to really compete with my peers, so it's not exactly a new phenomenon if true.  Cheaters may not be as common as they think they are, but they're probably a lot more common than you'd expect from observation.  I played CS with a guy for years before I saw his cross-hairs get stuck on a guy's corpse, and he wasn't any better at aiming for head shots than I was.


Most of them will fly under the radar because they're trying to not get caught.  If they're map hacking an RTS, they still send scouts on the pretense that they need them, etc.  If the guy really does just hold down buttons to turn behaviors on, he can get caught by plenty of skill shots in the game and only auto dodge ones that really matter, turning a lane into a route, or winning a critical team fight.

on Nov 16, 2014

Pretty much everyone here is plat... The nature of the game causes people with very poor mechanics (primarily CS'ing, smiting, animation canceling, dodging skill shots), allows them to very quickly climb (with very good stats) up until where the Macro game becomes a lot more important (primary diamond, but starting in plat). 

This is what i meant with:

In fact, i would say that part of the reason we "don't" see a lot of scripters is simple because we aren't often playing a lot of SoloQ at the Plat/Diamond level. Think about all the "get better" quick guides that talk about stuff like just practicing CS, and how there exists autoclickers for CS'ing, etc.

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