Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 57)
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on Nov 20, 2014

Skarner actually seems pretty amusing with the new items in the new jungle.

I did Juggernaut upgrade, Swiftness boots, the new Righteous Glory item.  Then I just ran around the map REALLY fast and was pretty tanky and if anything got near me they were REALLY slowed.  Some fool Kalista/Braum tried to kite me.  It did not work.

To be fair I was playing with a Veiger, and using Skarner ult to drag people into Event Horizon is one of the more fun things you can do.

on Nov 20, 2014

Jungle is brutal on champs that aren't kitted for it now.

on Nov 20, 2014

I really like the righteous glory item. Worked really well with mobi boots + blitzcrank. Just run at people and don't even bother to grab just knock up then grab for longer CC. Also curious how insane garens health regen can get with new health item (not sure what its name is). Zengod might have to chime in.

on Nov 20, 2014

1st.. You can throw Fiddlesticks in the middle of channeling his ult as Kalista

oh my... pink ward + ult. 


Also, I think I already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask.  So peter has a fairly extreme tunneling problem.  Probably the worst I've seen of anyone I know that plays League.  For example, if his mid lane is going awful he will spend a very large amount of time apologizing over and over and COMPLETELY lose any awareness of anything else that is happening in the game.

An example from last night - Pete's mid lane gets pushed and he's up against a hyper aggressive akali (but with fairly low kill potential), so I camp mid to setup for a gank.  We know akali is aggressive and it pete moves into a risky position, she will take the bait and dbl buff pacov will hop on her as xin with my flash up (eg she's dead).  Well, peter decided that instead of securing that kill against a highly predictable opponent, he would rather I just help him reset his lane so he can farm (he started tunneling on farming).  A few minutes later, our team takes dragon - pete's standing at mid with his ult up farming creeps having about 35 seconds to rotate to drag - he's still tunneled on creep farm.  The game continues like this where he just tunnels on w/e he gets interested in, but he's generally not interested in team fighting and we eventually lose a game even after 4 of us took out an inhib, both inner turrets at the base around 18 minutes in. 

Anyway, I try to talk to pete about this, but he gets offended, but seems completely incapable of understanding that his tunneling is kind of a major problem for him and his team.  He says he wants to get better, but I don't see how he can is its super easy for him to get thrown out of balance and tunnel.  Any thoughts on how to help pete with tunneling or is something that simply can't be helped (and therefore a liability any time he's needed). 

on Nov 20, 2014

Any thoughts?  Nightblue jungle list.

 also this tip


other thing I learned last night - that crab in the river on south side gives dragon vision when its been killed. It's as good as ward and can be worth killing from bot lane or as jungle before backing for vision.  Do be aware that the other team gets vision if they kill it.  It's easy to tell if they have vision on you - just understand that they do when you see the effect


also also- qss is only 1.2k gold now


also also also - elixir of wrath is apparently the way to go on ARAMS now - its duration is increased on kills/assists. 

on Nov 20, 2014

Next - big copy paste from reddit on jungle strats with some explanations.


Camp Buffs

Razerbeak’s Smite Buff is OP

  • Gives blue side early advantage over bot lane and dragon. Smite the big minion then go looking for wards to clear around dragon mid or bottom. If none are spotted you are in the clear to gank. Be aware of enemy jungler or laners coming to protect wards. Op because of the vision control it gives you around that side of the map.

  • Alternatively, Razerbeak gives Red side a late game advantage with Baron control.

  • Good camp to counter jungle with Smite. Denies the enemy jungler a chance to clear wards and gives you knowledge of their wards.

  • Gives level 2 from level 1.

Grump’s Smite Buff is Good for Farming

  • Grump gives you a mini-magic damage thornmail. It allows you to farm the jungle with a little bit more speed. Good start lvl 1 as it gives lvl 2. See Jungle Starts below.

Wolves are kinda dumb

  • Not much to say about the wolves. Smiting them gives you a little vision wolf that can spot jungle invades. Guess it would be good to smite if you’re just farming or scared of invades.

  • Good to smite if your bot or top towers go down early.

Golems are also dumb

  • Smiting Golems give you a Skarner-esc passive where you stun and do a bit extra damage to minions and jungle monsters.
  • Not worth saving smite for these unless you’re just trying to clear as fast as possible.

Jungle Starts Most paths require you to back after second buff depending on if you're Warwick or not.

Grump: Most Efficient. (Best for Red side)

Grump, use Smite right away > Get Grump buff then solo blue > Red Buff use Smite.


  • Fastest way to level 3 while securing both buffs.
  • Very efficient, essentially no Smite down time. -Red side gets the advantage of a strong leash.
  • Red side can gank top without fear of a counter gank if Blue jungler also started Grump.


  • Vulnerable to invades if enemy Jungler also started Grump > Blue> Your Red. Ask a laner to ward the entrance to your jungler around 1:55.
  • Potential to get Blue stolen by Smite or other abilities.
  • Blue side can gank bottom without fear of a counter gank if Red jungler also started Grump.

EDITED Thanks too NaughtyGaymers suggestion(Best for Blue side)

Doubles use Smite > Red > Small camp either Razerbeaks or wolves > Blue Buff use smite.


  • Fast and safe way to secure both Buffs.
  • Red side has the opportunity to counter jungle and gank a Blue side Grump start.


  • No early buffs from other jungle camps.

Red: Smiteless (Best for Blue side) NOT TESTED

Red, save smite > Blue use smite > Wherever you’re little heart desires.


  • Secures both buffs right away


Not level 3?

May take a lot of damage


As always invades are risky, but I'm not sure yet just how much the risk they are worth it. Because of the strength of the new jungle camps, it opens up some opportunity for counter jungling like we saw in seasons past. Some of the main counter jungling routes are still plausible, and maybe even stronger now. Such as:

  • Red > Enemy Red.
  • Gump > Blue > Enemy Red

Keep in mind both of these routes depend on what jungler you're playing and what side the enemy jungle starts.

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you guys think!

EDIT: Blue actually gives lvl 2 now. In pbe in was only lvl 1.


on Nov 20, 2014

He says he wants to get better, but I don't see how he can is its super easy for him to get thrown out of balance and tunnel.  Any thoughts on how to help pete with tunneling or is something that simply can't be helped (and therefore a liability any time he's needed). 

Sounds like the same old Pete.  I think we've all heard him say he wants to improve over the years and we've all been removed from his friends list after trying to tell him how.

My advice would be to play around his game and maybe just follow him around a little more.  Just try and realize that certain objectives and strategies aren't going to be available to you in Pete Games?


on Nov 20, 2014

Probably right - just same old crap.  You really notice what he's up to when you are jungling (just can't really wrap my head around things).  I don't like winning games in spite of teammates.  Ah well, guess I'll just get used to it and/or not play w/ as often.  I really like Pete too... just don't get his freaking brain...

on Nov 20, 2014

An example from last night - Pete's mid lane gets pushed and he's up against a hyper aggressive akali (but with fairly low kill potential), so I camp mid to setup for a gank.  We know akali is aggressive and it pete moves into a risky position, she will take the bait and dbl buff pacov will hop on her as xin with my flash up (eg she's dead). 

Well, your general point about Peter is, of course, correct.

But I was watching this part last night, and you are probably wrong here.

You need to press tab.  Peter tried to tell you the key fact - he couldn't quite get the words out - but he told you that Akali had "that one item that gets out of us ult".  She had a QSS and was WAY ahead of him.  The QSS changes everything since she can now get into her stealth for free even if Pete ults her, and you didn't have a pink to see her.  Since the lane was past halfway and Pete's ult was useless other than QSS bait, there was no kill there.

The early QSS + big lead hoses Malzahar, and you needed to let Peter have proper lane depth so that he wasn't so far pushed.  Intentionally pushing his lane to tower against one of the most deadly assassins in game when his main tool is out and he is behind is not nice.  Please stop pushing lanes to tower when those lanes are behind.  Zoning out your own teammate for 5 minutes isn't worth denying the opponent 5 creeps.

So yeah, even a broken clock is right a few times a day.

on Nov 20, 2014

Guessing we just disagree re: the call.  The lane thing I did wasn't cool though.  But with everything I had and even with a qss on akali, I really don't see her getting away or getting a kill.  QSS is nice to escape from malz.  Dmg items are nice for killing people... unless you are saying she had some crazy damage item that I didn't see....  I'm really not sure how you can kill pete let alone get away from xin with flash/ult + dbl buff.  The key I was trying to communicate is that she will, without a doubt, overextend and that he will,without a doubt, survive her doing that due to my gank.  The one thing that was needed was for pete to move just close enough to her so she could ult to him.  Anyway, sounds like one of those no you are wrong no you are wrong exciting discussions we have from time to time. 

on Nov 20, 2014

Real talk about Peter:

I have known Peter for almost 10 years now. He is a really big sweet heart when you get to know him and I will be meeting him in a month when I go to Hawaii to say hi to Soccermom/Thundercles (yes peter also bought a ticket thunder haha). Anyways he does have a mental illness or learning disability that he is medicated for. I am not sure what it is because I haven't really asked but he mentions taking his meds on occasion. He is not as normal as us but I think we all new that already.

I don't really know how to teach him or explain to him what he does wrong since in Peterland he always is right. Arguing with Peter is like Arguing with a wall, you will never get any where. The only way you get to Peter is by getting really pissed off, yell at him, leave skype or teamspeak and maybe 2-3 days later he will apologize for being an ass to you as that is most likely what set you off in the first place. That is only time I have ever seen Peter admit to being wrong in 10 years.

on Nov 20, 2014

But with everything I had and even with a qss on akali, I really don't see her getting away or getting a kill. 

Because the lane was so far pushed, Pete could bait her to the mid point of the lane at best.  So he blows his ult, she hits QSS.  You do a flash in, she shrouds.

Now, best case scenario here is that she has to flash back (you weren't 6, so you couldn't knock out of shroud).  Which is a net loss for you since its ult+flash for flash.  Worse case scenario is that their jungler shows up while you are waiting for the shroud (and you knew that their jungler is in the area since you were talking about it and saw him nearby), in which case its a double kill for them.

So no, I don't like that play.  Don't force crazy plays next to their tower against an ahead Akali without pinks when there is a WW in the area.  Especially when your midlaner can't contribute.  Its not a statistically sound play.  You need a pink to do that play.

on Nov 20, 2014

Wait are you saying that she had a completed QSS by 7 minutes (before pacov hit 6). Now that is fed!

Remember that QSS also cleanses DoTs so if Peter had ER'd then he literally would basically be a support in terms of damage.

Anyway, Pacov, you probably only would have had, what, a Spirit Stone? Red buff helps but it's not "that" huge damage...


on Nov 20, 2014


Wait are you saying that she had a completed QSS by 7 minutes (before pacov hit 6). Now that is fed!

Remember that QSS also cleanses DoTs so if Peter had ER'd then he literally would basically be a support in terms of damage.

Anyway, Pacov, you probably only would have had, what, a Spirit Stone? Red buff helps but it's not "that" huge damage...


He was playing last night on the new patch, but he had bought a non ganking jungle item (poachers thing).

on Nov 21, 2014

k - so we are having the 1st annual peterdumptruck meet up in Hawaii. 

Cow - dates?  You need to arrange your own travel + hotel.  You will get to meet pete in person and he has agreed to sign w/e book you bring.

Also.. guess how serious I am?  Cause... I kinda am. 

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