Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 69)
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on Jan 14, 2015

Nothing is worse than getting your ADC behind. Except maybe ebola. Dictategood!

on Jan 14, 2015

Quoting Krazikarl,
1) Most of this stuff isn't going to work that well as of 5.1 since junglers will have a second early smite, which greatly eases 1st buff pains I believe (not sure of exact mechanics).

I don't even know about this... anyone else know what karl's on about?        

Smite is going to have up to 2 charges that can be used within 15 seconds of each other.  Kinda this season's version of Conservation.  You'll have more route variety, able to build up charges while you gank or use a charge to gank right after clearing a camp with smite.  Really good change IMO... that kinda fucks up your tactic.

on Jan 14, 2015

Actually from patch notes it looks like the second charge only starts building at 1:40, so starts are the same.  So things are the same.

on Jan 14, 2015

Yeah, looks like routes aren't going to change unless the jungle AI change makes some sort of difference... but maybe it's a little better for the jungler who gets invaded.  You'll get 2 smites to get back into the game when you're trying to recover after getting killed or sent back to base by Blitz shenanigans.

on Jan 14, 2015


Yeah, looks like routes aren't going to change unless the jungle AI change makes some sort of difference... but maybe it's a little better for the jungler who gets invaded.  You'll get 2 smites to get back into the game when you're trying to recover after getting killed or sent back to base by Blitz shenanigans.

I don't think so actually.

This is kind of a weird change for Riot.  If you just farm the jungle (usually what you do for a bit if you get behind), these changes are actually a pretty big nerf.  Smites will be up a lot less often if you are always using it on cooldown.  By my math, if you do everything exactly on cooldown, the 6th smite in this system will be up at the exact same time as the 7th smite would have been up in the old system.  Losing a whole smite by the 475 second mark is pretty big.

This is just nice if you aren't using smite on cooldown - basically, it helps for ganking junglers.

So this is kind of a snowbally change too.  If you fall behind, it will be a bit harder to get back in the game, while if you get ahead, you can stay ahead better I think.

on Jan 14, 2015

on the other hand, if you are permafarming the jungle you don't receive EXP nerfs until you are three levels ahead. And you get +5/10 gold per big minion. The missing smite will hurt if you are only farming until level 6 though (Skarner).

it also helps lower sustain junglers that need to base a lot, since they will be getting 1 "free" smite every time, which will prevent them from falling too far behind.


on Jan 14, 2015

Being able to charge a smite means you wont need to stop at a camp to burn it when it comes up even if you had better plans, or run to a camp to use it before porting home even though you're nearly dead after a gank.  I'm not the best jungler so I'm guessing there are far more highly optimized players out there that waste very little, but even the best should eventually be stuck with a smite off cd occasionally.  Now you only need to have smite wasting away if you're going for a double smite in a long fight.

on Jan 14, 2015

Still have 3 spots open for the fantasy LCS league

on Jan 15, 2015


on Jan 15, 2015

Can you guys think of any champ that would legit want/use?


Zz'Rot Portal

You can now build Portals which spawn little Voidspawns who explode on enemy structures.

Think of this new item as a follow-up to our original preseason promise of adding more strategic diversity to League of Legends. Specifically, the Zz'Rot Portal is designed to provide tanky dudes with a new way to opt into pushing strategies while also having enough utility to be used in other creative ways.
RECIPE Raptor Cloak + Negatron Cloak + 950 gold
TOTAL COST 2800 gold
UNIQUE PASSIVE Point Runner: Builds up to 30% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets or Void Gates.
COOLDOWN 150 seconds
UNIQUE ACTIVE Spawns a Void Gate at target location for 150 seconds. Every 4 seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn that travels down the nearest lane. Voidspawn explode when attacking structures. Voidspawn ignore champions and void targets (150 second cooldown.) After the third Voidspawn made by Void Gate, additional Voidspawn gain 50% of your Armor and Magic Resistance as damage.

It's super pricy and I just can't think of who would prefer this item.  Def does not seem like something you'd be able to (or want) to rush.  On top laners, its a ton of money and if you are doing well enough to be able to afford this, you probably don't want it.  Cost prohibitive on supports.  It's designed with tanks in mind... I just don't see a good champ for this. Any of you?
on Jan 15, 2015

Probably Shen and Singed.

It seems very niche.  I had better not be seeing that on all your split push supports for the next month.

on Jan 15, 2015

mm... janna split push... nomnom


on Jan 15, 2015

It feels really cost prohibitive on singed.  Makes potential sense on shen i guess.  hurm... perhaps nasus?

on Jan 15, 2015

Nasus would probably do better with Frozen Heart. CDR == more Qs.

A better example would be tanky duelist junglers who want to splitpush (Udyr being #1 but also Volibear, fed Skarner/Hecarims). Can't be punished by "rushing" the item after your jungle item, lots of MR so you can very safely run CDR/lvl blues, has positive syngery with the HP/tenacity jungle enchant.

on Jan 15, 2015

I just don't see this item as effective. If you want to split push as a tank you should be building sunfire. You get a good duelist aura out of it and it helps clear waves really fast. I just don't see how this item can replace sunfire especially if you do not get gold from the minions the creep kills.

Champs that I think it could be used on but I personally would rather have sunfire:

  • Mundo
  • Zac
  • Shen
  • Mao
  • Darius
  • Sion

I think the additional regen + spirit visage on these champs would be nice but sunfire is pretty important item for atleast the first 3 on the list.

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