Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 71)
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on Jan 16, 2015

There is a tentative plan for 8-9 central time on Sunday night this weekend to do the draft. Be there or be square.


If anyone sees Brad online try to inform him. Hes the only one I missed contacting. 

on Jan 17, 2015

Ranked team builder in the works - its role selection only with an option to fill.  This sounds like you can still pick nonsense champs after you choose a role, but prehaps the game owner can kick still.  Not sure how it all pans out.  There would still be bans ofc.

oh and riot disabled my portals because their dc system is dumber than I thought.  I THOUGHT that if you dc'd from a game, you'd gain mr/arm over time.   Turns out you get it right when you hit your base.  Folks would cast the zz portal, then dc.  This grants the AR/MR bonus + 1000k arm + 1000mk mr /2.  So, portal buggers were 2 shooting turrets.  So glad folks were arses about this... really enjoyed the item and I doubt the fix is super simple. 


on Jan 17, 2015
I don't mind Pacov having fun and experimenting with new items. I don't mind fed/free farming pantheons who have been laning against a Teemo who rushed MR jumping on me mid lane cause they're bored. I do mind when people who troll get salty with their team over how the game is going. If I enjoyed that, I'd start playing with Sydragon. So yeah, I'm fine with having Z Portal disabled.
on Jan 17, 2015

^ LOL.


Also, if you took the -10% summoner cooldown in the Utility tree as a jungler, it looks like it no longer affects Smite (rather than reducing the 75 second "charge" time, it reduces the 15 second "cooldown" inbetween).

This is apparently a bug and is going to get fixed next patch:






on Jan 18, 2015

The LCS draft is going to happen between 8 and 9 PM central time tomorrow, Sunday the 18th. 

I have talked to everyone and I think everyone can show up between that time. We will start when everyone is ready. Please be on Skype and League of Legends to make things easy for me. 

on Jan 18, 2015

Had some fun games tonight.  Played a few games as adc with boaz support.  Tried to give him some tips.  He's not really used to figuring out what vision you want, when to set it up, etc.

Fav game of the night was the last 1.  Played a norm solo queue.  Top lane is somehow still open as I'm last pick.  I see the enemy team with a top lane tryn - diamond.  I'm delighted as I pick teemo.  While pantheon is a bitch to play against as teemo, teemo just shits all over tryn.  I died once during 1 of 4-5 jungle ganks.  Live through all the others and kept tryn out of the game completely.  It got to the point where I did my thing and pulled in my team's leblanc to farm meija stacks.

Anyway, it went really well and I actually played teemo quite competently.  Set up mushrooms intelltgently to keep my lane from ever pushing in so tyn would be stuck top for the most part.  I get encouraged when I occasionally play things well and make decent decisions.  Anyway, night all!


should be a replay over here soon if anyone gives a shite -


on Jan 18, 2015

yo, to let y'all know, something came up and i might be ~15 minutes late.

on Jan 18, 2015

permission to auto draft for pacov granted - not planning to attend.  skype ew

on Jan 18, 2015

So - brad wong explains that auto draft means you lose a pick after 2 minutes if you don't pick something... not we automatically pick from the top remaining champs (thought that's what cow told me early when I asked him and joined this thing).  Anyway, my bad.  DQ me or toss some crap players my way. Sorry for any confusion though.

on Jan 18, 2015

i think you got a random team... you actually got the highest rated team for this week, so it wasn't total crap

It just picks the highest predicted player for each position you don't have yet, then it goes down the line from there. The "risk" is just how accurate the predictions are... if they are on-point, you've got a good chance. If they aren't... less of a chance.

on Jan 18, 2015

ah ok - I've never done fantasy football etc, so I'm at a loss.  Anyone have a quick (QUICK) synopsis?  We repick guys weekly etc?

on Jan 18, 2015

Neither have I


i think you can only repick at the end of the season. You have 3 "alternates" that you can freely swap in/out every week, though. You can do trades and pick up any players who aren't on any teams already.

on Jan 19, 2015

Thx hedgie - someone that knows/cares about these things - inspire us please.  So I have a team now.  I care about my people doing well because if they do, I get points.  So, week 1 is done (hypothetical) - now what do we do?

Is hedgie right?  Educate. I'll do my best to get into this but I need someone to hype this up and get my head into it. 


on Jan 19, 2015

You do a draft at the beginning of the season to distribute the players.  There is a pool of leftover players that can be swapped onto your team at any point in time.

Each week you start people on your team.  If you are starting them, they get points based on what they do.  The more points, the better.  You also have bench spots, which are just players that you control, but don't give you points.  They are just backups.

Each week you are matched up against another person in the league.  Whichever person gets the most points (which is just the sum of all the starting players on the person's team) wins the week.  The winner of the league is the person who has the best record (in terms of wins/losses) at the end of the season.

Much of your team is set since the draft is done.  But you can modify your team by swapping undrafted players at any time.  You could also talk to another person in the league and do a trade, where you swap players on your team for players on their team.  There isn't a real mechanism to do this like there would be in normal fantasy sports, but presumably you would just both drop and add the relevant players, while writing a note to other people to not be dicks and pick off the relevant players.

So week 1 isn't really done since you could modify your starting lineup until game time.  As the season goes on you typically do a number of things.  These include benching players who are cold, dropping players who are just bad, adding players who are hot, trying to play the right matchups, trading players (lots of strategies here, including trying to sell high, buy people before they reach their peak, buy low, etc).

on Jan 19, 2015

If it's at all like my first time playing fantasy football ten years ago, the hype will come naturally.  I went from being that "So, who's winning the match?" guy to "Yeah, that 3-4 defense is going to be much better now that they have the personnel to pull it off." guy.

So you have your roster of guys and decide who is going to be your guy at each position, and whose going to ride the bench.  This is where overall skill vs matchups might come in because the best Mid against the second best Mid in LCS might not be as good as yourbackup Mid player going against a horrible team that he's gonna get fed against.

This is of course assuming it's all like fantasy football and all other fantasy sports.

So, each week you go up against one of the guys in the league and see who scores the most points.  So you could do the 2nd worst and still win or 2nd best overall but still lose.  That's fun and frustrating depending on which end you're on.

Unfortunately, unlike fantasy football you don't have the extra layer of deciding who to play or pick up depending on injuries or demotion/promotions.  Those are pretty rare in the LCS I'm thinking, so it's not like you're going to be watching Sportcenter the morning of the big match to see whether Dyrus' carpal tunnel syndrome has cleared up in time.

But you all know each other so the smack talk should make up for it.

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