Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 70)
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on Jan 15, 2015

oh I forgot Garen.

on Jan 15, 2015

Part of the appeal of the item is that it allows you to split push while not actually being in the lane. It allows you do "double split push", or acts as bait if you need to escape.

Sunfire Cape for """waveclear""" has been significantly nerfed with the recent minion HP changes...

Although i agree that Sunfire Cape would be better as a "first item" or better on laners, in general, because it gives better combat stats and actually gives reasonably cheap + efficient stats against what you see mostly top lane (primarily physical damage dealers with a little bit of magic/true damage. Sunfire gives a reasonable amount of armor to mitigate the bulk of their damage. The health works for everything else).

Honestly, the only champs that Sunfire Cape is good on is Gnar and Shen... Shen because of his health ratios + split pushing role + poor waveclear + armor + sheid. Gnar can build rage very quickly with Sunfire since he gets 5 rage per damage regardless of how much/little damage it is.

on Jan 15, 2015

Well - let me cover some of the tactical sides of things.. I'm off today and putzing around vs bots atm to get familiar... its a bit odd.

1st  - so you summon the void gate.  The void gate has around 800-900 hp (eg can't be immediately destroyed).  The gate lasts 150 if not destroyed.  You can summon another gate at 150 seconds.  Void gates are IMMUNE to skillshots and AOE spells - you've got to auto attack to destroy them.  Cast range to setup the gate is small (eg pretty much on top of you). 

Minions spawn from the gate every 4 seconds.  Now, after 12 seconds, each void spawn now gains 50% of your mr/arm as damage (which is around 100 dmg with just the item itself + your built in stats).  Void spawns attack MINIONS, TURRETS, and INHIBS.  I'm not certain, but I don't believe champs get gold for killing void spawns.  You also get all the gold generated by your void spawns if they last hit a minion.   In order, void gates target minions, then turrets, then inhibs (currently a bug where they will try to attack a base turret even if inhibs are up and inhibs are in range to attack).

Their attacks between minions and turrets are different.  Minions they just aa and do a little damage.  To turrets they are like a small bomb.  Just be aware that they can easily tank a turret shot or shots so they always get through unless weakened by a champ or minions. 

Lastly - void gates have a limited range - once outside of the limited range, the voidspawn die very, very quickly.  If placed right, you can setup a gate and it void spawn will be able to attack 2 turrets. That's about the max range though (can't describe super well - range is decent though).

OK - so how to use.

defensive ideas

  • Position them to support you under turret - makes your turret more difficult to take as you constantly pushing out minions
  • Position them further down the lane to slow a push or draw attention (eg my turret 1 is under attack, I drop this up near enemy turret 1 to take creep agro). This could be used to end/slow split pushes
  • Just use as a distraction to ease pressure.
  • use as a ward for top lane - kind of smeh idea, but you can see things around it and it could fit in a few places for safety and be useful too.


  • If you are able to farm past a turret (ex think singed), dropping a void gate back where its safe means your voidspawn will be doing 100% damage to the turret.  Voidspawn focus on minions if there are any first, so this allows for fast pushing on turrets.  You also help the team because you almost certainly draw the jungler and/or mid as, not only are you an annoying putz, but you are also taking out a turret at the same time.
  • Really, really, really useful on sieges.  You can use them to slow a push in another lane while you siege.  And honestly, that can be pretty big imo.  They are also useful if placed directly near where you are sieging.  They pack a bit of a wallop. even if only a few get through - that makes a difference in the siege. 

Another thought - perhaps donger could use these out of top lane or even as the terrible support dong. 

on Jan 15, 2015

well if you're off you should stream some games and entertain me

on Jan 15, 2015

I can't imagine watching me play vs bots would be super exciting. Go waste your time on reddit instead. 

on Jan 15, 2015

nemesis drag mode being tested soon on pbe


Hi everyone!

Our first Featured Game Mode for the year, “Nemesis Draft”, is on its way to the PBE. This time around, you’ll be choosing the champions for the enemy team, then making the champs you’ve been given work in battle on the Summoner’s Rift. Let the 'creative' comps begin.

Some notes:
-- Nemesis Draft is a 5v5 featured game mode played on Summoner’s Rift.
-- Nemesis Draft allows each player to choose 1 champion for the enemy team for a total of 5 per team.
-- Each team will still get 3 bans. Do you bans champs you DON’T want to play, or leave them up to give to the other team? It’s up to you.
-- Available champions for you to give the other team are allowed from the collective pool of champs on your allied team.
-- There is a free trading period after all champs have been locked in, allowing you to organise amongst your team who would be best playing which champs. Even if you don’t own a champion, you’ll still be able to trade and play anyone you’re given.

Known issues:
Play flow artwork is still a placeholder.

Nemesis Draft will be live on the PBE soon™. We’ve paid special attention to the champion select phase this time, to make the picking & trading phases as clear as possible, so feedback on that flow will be welcome. Also "Thanks!" again to you PBE guys that always help us catch things early. Even if we can’t respond to every bug or report individually, we do read EVERYTHING and fix as much as possible.

SO.. we’re excited to see how scheming & creative you guys are. Are we about to uncover some diamonds in the rough? Will it be, “Give them all melee champs!” or “Give them all AD so we can just build armour!”. And then the inevitable, “Ok guys. We’ve got 4 junglers and a support.. but so do they! Let’s do this.” I can’t wait.

See you on the Rift.

on Jan 15, 2015

That mode could actually be fun.  A good chance to try out creative builds anyway.

I'm just going to troll by picking Teemo for the enemy team every game.

on Jan 15, 2015

Add I shall give them rek sai. 

on Jan 15, 2015

Need one more for Fantasy LCS. I am looking at you HEDGIE!

on Jan 16, 2015

Smite charging smokes.  One challenging smite aided assist after another in my last game.  It's really nice walking around with two of them in the team fights as Rammus.

on Jan 16, 2015

Things I learned last night:

  1. Rek Sai is still OP
  2. The gate thing has a short range so it is sort of useless for split pushing. It is excellant at seiging though, once the minions start hitting structures they fall fast. (Seige comp resurgance??? eh?) It gets pretty fun when you have 2 gates up at the same time
  3. Renekton might be back as king of top lane, will need further review
  4. I need to be more optimistic about losing games. We should of lost the game I was playing as darius but one team fight later and we steam rolled down  mid lane.
  5. Velkoz farms absurdly well (was on track for 200 cs at 20 minutes until everyone came mid).



on Jan 16, 2015

6. The gate can be teleported to and it can be used to bait like a pink ward as it takes a decent amount of time to destroy

on Jan 16, 2015


I need to be more optimistic about losing games. We should of lost the game I was playing as darius but one team fight later and we steam rolled down mid lane.

We've all been there. 


The gate thing has a short range so it is sort of useless for split pushing. It is excellant at seiging though, once the minions start hitting structures they fall fast. (Seige comp resurgance??? eh?) It gets pretty fun when you have 2 gates up at the same time

You aren't using it optimally.  I'm certainly not an expert, but I waste a good chunk of time yesterday trying it out against bots then against humans.  It can serve all sorts of purposes, but one of the strongest is to place it near a turret when you need or want to be somewhere else. If placed in a certain way, you'll take out the turret in no time flat if folks aren't around.  If placed another way, you'll do some damage to a turret and keep a lane from pushing.  Last - it absolutely, very quick, wrecks inhibs and the enemy base.  You do like 400 + damage every 4 seconds with one of these.  Anyway, its interesting..

I spent a bit of time thinking about it and banner of command.  Banner of command is rubbish re: its activation.  This item is down right excellent with its activation.  What you might not factor in is how well it can farm a lane while its freezing creeps as well. You get a fairly decent amount of gold generation - AGAIN - when you place it correctly.  And honestly, you are probably placing it fine if it isn't destroyed within 45 seconds AND you are able to hit at least 1 turret.  Though sometimes just dropping it to freeze a lane is completely fine. You drop it far back enough and that's 150 seconds you don't have to worry about crap. 

on Jan 16, 2015

We have a full fantasy LCS league. I will try to coordinate a time that we ALL can be on team speak or skype to draft. Tomorrow or Sunday is fine with me if everyone is available. 

on Jan 16, 2015

hmm.. Banner of Command did get buffed, remember. The promoted minion is now /immune/ to magic damage, for example. i think BoC is certainly better on supports, at least.

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