Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 78)
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on Jan 27, 2015


Patch notes are up.  The first machete upgrade is 100 gold more expensive.  So going back after 3 camps is not an option any more.  You have to do at least 4 camps, which can't be done on a lot of champions without a fairly reasonable leash (unless you start taking weird runes like Lifesteal, which messes you up later).

on Jan 27, 2015

yah just saw the notes were out:

That change seems a bit counter intuitive. 

on Jan 27, 2015

Am I reading this wrong?  fizz's w is as follows.

W - Seastone Trident

removedSO THEMATICALLY CONFUSED No longer applies Grievous Wounds
ACTIVE ON-HIT DAMAGE 10/15/20/25/30 (+0.25 ability power) magic damage 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.0 ability power) + 4/5/6/7/8% missing health as magic damage

Any concerns? So, ap damage takes a big nerf obv, but % health spike is somewhat interesting... Probably not a big deal... any thoughts? 

Put that together with chum the waters 20% damage amplification... seems like he could MELT things... also note they didn't list a limit to damage to monsters... I'm mostly thinking about the impact of that W.

another thought - sej tonight...

We don't think anyone picked Sejuani for her top-tier structure destruction capabilities, so we're fixing a bug she had there.

W - Flail of the Northern Winds

WHOOPS Fixed a bug where Flail of the Northern Winds was dealing (a lot of) bonus damage to structures. We won't tell you how much. It was a lot.

also giants belt building out of ruby crystal is cool

also also - apparently the extra long stealth visibility duration is a bug..
Fixed a bug where Stealth Wards were staying visible for too long after being placed
on Jan 27, 2015

You're reading that all wrong...


the 20% Chum the Waters damage amplification is the same as using DFG on the single target. (One of the problems with Fizz atm is that just DFG + QWE can one-shot your laner if you get just a little bit ahead. You don't even need to hit the ult).


His W always had a % missing damage ratio... Old Fizz W had two "modes":

1- passive: apply a % missing damage 3 second DoT

2- active: autoattacks apply grievance wounds + bonus damage


1- passive: apply a higher-ratio damage 3 second DoT

2- active: autoattacks deal % missing damage + bonus damage

Jungle/Bruiser/On-Hit Fizz will all be buffed from the W-changes. It's very likely that Jungle Fizz will be pretty damn good after this patch, since he will have similar damage potential to old Q-evo Kha'zix if you let him isolate + autoattack you. Lane-Fizz is going to be much weaker until level 6, though his level 6 damage will probably be slightly higher than before.

There's a new way to play Fizz that would combine tank stats + AS to do much higher DPS with his W. He'd probably rely on 40% CDR for his E + Zhonyas to stay alive in teamfights. It is the "light fighter" paradigm that Yasuo fits, where it is an agile melee fighter who weaves in/out of a teamfight and relies on skills + reactions to stay alive, rather than raw stats such as Riven, Irelia, or Renekton.

OTOH, it's going to be a lot harder for Fizz to "Take Care Of" Fed ADCs if he no longer has as much burst + no grievous wounds. He won't exactly win an autoattack-fight. So he might be more of a anti-mage champ similar to Kassadin.

on Jan 27, 2015

ah - ok re; fizz.  makes sense and thx.


peter finished his promo series in silver V and was bumped directly to silver III.

on Jan 27, 2015

I love how they nerfed AP Trist because her burst gives people too dumb to get some MR and health serious problems as they feed mid lane into a nightmare, then made her full build AD do the same thing.


You can do 1k AOE damage from E.  I'm really going to be missing that 2 range per level when she's dropping 300 AD explosive charges into a team fight with her super fast AS to trigger them all inside two seconds, maybe with her 360 damage rocket jump.  If you can't burst the enemy adc down with the 2500 damage you just did in two seconds time, you're doing something wrong.

on Jan 28, 2015

She only has one AD ratio and it's bonus AD...

on Jan 28, 2015


I love how they nerfed AP Trist because her burst gives people too dumb to get some MR and health serious problems as they feed mid lane into a nightmare, then made her full build AD do the same thing.

Honestly, I could do w/o ap trist as well. I actually don't mind that she can be played as an AP mid - and I've never been all that concerned with AP trist - I just don't think it quite fits.  She WAS a very strong ADC with AP scaling and an AS steroid.  As far as champ design goes, I don't think it should be possible to play a champ either way reasonably strong.  Old trist could become a god tier adc.  She could also become a cheesy AP.  But her kit doesn't lend itself to playing hybrid. You can't really go TF due to cooldowns and her q does ZERO AP dmg and provides low value on her as an AP (outside of pots... but even then).  It's just not all that consistent. This takes a stab at ending AP trist (certainly seems like that's accomplished) while also buffing and nerfing her as an ADC.  That range nerf will likely be noticeable on her late game.  And the change to her explosive shot also synergizes excellently with her q.  It makes more sense as a kit to me anyway.

All of that said, her win rate has slumped prior to the change (sub 49%).  While I personally haven't SEEN her in a game in some time, her pick rate is apparently still pretty high. I doubt that was due to ap trist.  So the question is whether or not this rework makes her a premiere adc again.  I think there is some potential now, but we'll have to see.  As it is, I'd rather have a graves on my team.  I really do welcome the changes and I'm looking forward to trying her out now and seeing how it goes.  I also don't mind them cleaning her up a bit.

on Jan 28, 2015

It's 220% bonus AD.  Sure, she only has one, but for an AD champ with an epic 70% AS booster that already scales amazingly, 220% AD on an AOE is a pretty huge thing.


AP Trist at least had to rocket into the enemy team to do a large part of her damage, AD Trist doesn't.  AP Trist was only a nightmare when she was fed enough to one shot people and jump back out immediately.  AD Trist can run without a purely defensive item and stack up 400+ AD on a fast attack speed to do plently of damage at range after she sets off her nuke, and at 220% bonus AD, that charge is going to do somewhere north of 800 AOE damage as soon as she gets through firing off her 2 per second 400+ damage shots.


She's Graves with a skill reset, higher range, and better mobility.  She's going to be OP as fuck, which is Riot's usual modus operandi anyway.  They specifically nerf her AP ratios at the same time to prevent her being a high mobility burster that can chunk people from perfect safety, for huge damage.  The irony is impressive.

on Jan 28, 2015

It's only 2.2 at rank 5. It requires 5 autos or 4 autos plus a jump. Most champs were already dead after five level 18 Tristan autos. So it's only relevant against tanks. Most arcs have a tank shredding ability.


The damage in lane is generally weaker than her old spell if you factor in the previous wounds. It only beats it once you get your first BFS item. 

on Jan 28, 2015

yeah - we'll just have to see how it does in reality now.  Could end up being pretty strong and obv adds a new mechanic (ala zilean bombs - delayed explosions outside of full stack). Her being able to cast the explosive shot on tower or an even larger aoe pop is of interest as well.  That should make laning a little more interesting as well.  Anyway, we'll have to wait and see.  Could be really strong... might not be so much. 

on Jan 28, 2015

re: my question about demotions in ranked:


From the 4.1 Patch Notes:

  • Tier demotions and shielding have been added
    • Once you enter a new tier, you’ll have a set number of games where you are invulnerable to dropping out
    • After you play these games, if you fall a full tier below your placement in terms of MMR, a demotion warning will appear in your profile (IE: A Gold V player playing at a Silver V skill level would see this warning)
    • Continuing to lose games at 0 LP will result in a demotion to division I of the next lower tier
on Jan 28, 2015

So I think I am going to start banning Katarina. I have laned vs her in my last 3-4 ranked games and have lost every time. Not sure if people are just that good with Katarina or what. It is nearly impossible to outplay Katarina late in the game when she can kill you in fractions of a second. Early game doesn't even matter. Sure you can make her life miserable for a few levels but it doesn't matter when she hits 6 and roams the rest of the game. Not sure what her win rate is right now or how popular scripting is with her but I have seen SO many highly skilled Kats lately its unbelieveable.

My current 3 bans:

  • kat
  • ahri
  • leblanc

Katarina's mid and late game are absolutely out of control.

Ahri is so safe in lane its not even fair. She pushes harder than most farm mids with her low CD Q and the damage it does. The sustain she gets from her Q is also bullshit. As soon as you get some nice harass down 2 Q's laters shes full health. 4 flashes make her nearly impossible to kill without chain CC or her making a terrible play. Her kill potential at 6 is through the roof.

Leblanc has a fairly safe lane phase since she can still do about 1/2 your health by level 4 if you get to close. Her mid and late game just becomes 1 shotting people with strong roam capabilites. Regardless if you shut her farm down she will still be problimatic from roams. It takes literally 1 kill to get her rolling

Atleast with Fizz you can sort of out play him especially if he uses trickster to CS. Zed is easy enough to live through his ult if you can get far enough away from him so he doesn't deal damage while you are marked since the mark itself doesn't do THAT much damage by itself.

All of these champion share the same problem. They snowball so hard its nearly impossible to stop them.


on Jan 28, 2015


She's Graves with a skill reset, higher range, and better mobility.  She's going to be OP as fuck, which is Riot's usual modus operandi anyway.

Um, what?

Pretty much everybody thinks that this is a fairly massive nerf to Trist and I agree.  She is going to be really bad on this patch.

She loses a substantial amount of range and some utility.  She also gets a noticeably weaker early game, and her early game was already weak.  In return she gets a somewhat wonky AoE spell that requires chargeup time and is really weak early but scales well.

I think that pretty much every ADC would rather have the early game/range/utility.  And its not like Trist is that strong right now.

Don't get me wrong, you might see a Trist be able to successfully jump in and do big damage.  But I think that pretty much every team would rather have a team centered around an ADC whose kit didn't require them counting shots then jumping into the middle of the enemy team.  I realize that Riot's patch notes say that they want Trist to be the daredevil ADC, but the ADC that wants to jump into the enemy team just isn't a thing (see Urgot).

on Jan 28, 2015

copy/paste from reddit re: the jungle change:


In response to the jungle changes (namely the increased gold for tier 2 items) I just wanted to remind people about your friendly little crab in the river.

People seem to forget about this little bugger in the early game, and a lot of folks who do remember him have some original release woes of when his healthpool was bonkers.

Fret not my friends, he's really easy to kill early game now! Even easier if you have any form of CC in your kit!

Crab has 750 HP and 60 AR/MR at the beginning of the match. In addition he takes 25% extra damage when CC'd. He spawns at 2:30, right after your first buff clear/second camp if starting golems/gromp.

Crab provides the following benefits:

  • 50g+15g from machete (Why hello again first B potions)
  • 35 EXP to offset the time spent killing the creep (For comparison first blue gives 100 EXP and his sentries each give 50)
  • Vision to respond to early drag or ganks for bot lane (top to, but I prioritize bottom river crab).
  • Makes it easier AND safer for your support to roam mid early when lane is shoved.
  • Bonus 30% movespeed when crossed for 10 seconds (12 seconds with runic affinity mastery) which is excellent for both the above mentioned roaming and invading the enemy jungle to ward/steal wraiths/wolves.
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