Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 80)
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on Jan 28, 2015

Since when is 550 a very short attack range?  This isn't Urgot.

A lot of people consider Vayne to have "very short" range because her ability ranges are not much different than her autoattack ranges. This is also generally true for Tristana (espiecially if you factor in level 2 you want to jump ON your target).

pretty much all of her ratios went up. Tons of ahri's didn't build DFG.

She lost 20% damage amp on her E. If you got hit by a charm, she "magically" got a DeathCap. That also increased her bases, damages, Sheen/LB...

The only ratio that actually went up was her E, which went from 0.35 to 0.5.

on Jan 28, 2015


pretty much all of her ratios went up. Tons of ahri's didn't build DFG


If you mean like 10% then sure. DFG was a staple item on Ahri which warranted her buffs. Plus they removed the pseudo-DFG from her E.

on Jan 28, 2015
on Jan 29, 2015

Looks like its more like 30% don't build DFG. Oh her base damage went up on her fox fire MY BAD..... 

Play against a fizz (didn't get to lane vs him) but he ended up going like 10-3 after starting 0-2 still the same broken assassin. I think I might take a break from this game for a while. I am so tired of the meta right now. There are so many AP champions that are out of control. I played vs a Nid mid today, she got a double kill off a jungle roam. Ended up going like 21-4 or some thing. She would literally mark you, pounce and you would instantly die. Kat, ahri, fizz, nid, zed, leblanc are all cancer to the game in my opinion. I have literally zero fun playing vs these champions as I feel no matter how far they get behind it will not matter. I miss season two where it was more about team fighting, not snowballing the game completely out of control. 

on Jan 29, 2015

Their last update corrupted my install, it might just be a repair job to fix it.  Two big problems(one I have) that get widely reported are Pando Media Booster fucking it up, and connection issues caused by IPHelper.


If you still have PMB installed, I'd nuke it anyway, but the repair is your best shot.  The issue could definitely be caused by a corrupted file.

on Jan 29, 2015

yeah - i started with a repair, so I'm not really sure.  Haven't really seen any other posts about my specific problem, so no idea. 

Maybe I'll try another repair or fresh install when I get home today.  re: my log in issue, I have no idea.  It takes an unspecified number of attempts to log in every day... add in my "fake crash" issue and the worlds a super place.  Less annoying when I only have to log in once. 


back to trist - played her a few times yesterday.  kind of weak early (but there's some decent additional all in potential now as folks aren't accustomed to her new ability).   Very snowbally if she gets going.  Honestly, I don't see a HUGE change in her post changes - other than her tower killing power is kind of through the roof.  I think that will need to be turned down a bit.  I really don't think she's OP outside of that tower thing though. 

cow - take a break with mid or skip ranked for a few days and play with your pals. 

on Jan 29, 2015

I am tempted to learn an assassin or two just so I can play the game at the current diamond meta without feeling like I am doing my team a disservice by picking a farming, immobile champion who doesn't peak until mid->late game (if I can even get there). The alternative is locking in AP malphite every game, I feel I could probably win more game doing that than playing brand or ziggs.

on Jan 29, 2015

Honestly, I think you should spend a little time working on assassins.  As long as that's the current flavor and seems to be resulting in a higher win rate.  At the very least it should be interesting. 

on Jan 29, 2015

A few things that have been floating around my head:

New season = new ward skin for teams. Racking up points is much easier to do with a 5v5 team since it is 3 on a win versus the 1 point on a win for 3v3 games (no idea why they do this). I do not know how enthusiastic everyone would be about playing 5's again but in the past I have enjoyed it although some games are tiresome.

I do not know how interested in playing solo queue I am at the moment but I wouldn't mind teaching people how to play the game better. I have a strong understanding of all lanes and how the early game works (when to go aggressive, counter picks, power spikes). If anyone wants information on these types of things I would love to chat (not really into writting lengthy posts about topics). People I think would benefit most from chatting it up with me:

  • Pacov - specifically mid lane
  • Thundercles, has a new found interest in top lane I can give a general insight into lane
  • Bosshound/snipersbane any where since they are both very new players
  • Bryff - mid or top lane
  • Karl - any where but jungle (if there is any interest to play other lanes)

People I could learn from:

  • Hedgie - Fizz mechanics, specifically early game (imo mid to late is very straight forward)
  • Dan - other assassins/general aggressive playstyle that he has
  • Karl - counter jungling times/routes (I do not pay any attention to jungle meta other than who is picked commonly and why)
  • Boaz - all things sejauni (j/k)

I will probably be taking more time to play back logged steam games. Does any one have recommendations for games they have enjoyed on steam? Shadow of Mordor I need to finish up as well as the last expansion of Skyrim. Also on my plate are Darksiders 1 and 2.

on Jan 29, 2015


I am tempted to learn an assassin or two just so I can play the game at the current diamond meta without feeling like I am doing my team a disservice by picking a farming, immobile champion who doesn't peak until mid->late game (if I can even get there). The alternative is locking in AP malphite every game, I feel I could probably win more game doing that than playing brand or ziggs.

I don't think that its all about assassins.  Assassins are good right now, but there are plenty of good non assassins.  Lots of high ELO players claim that Azir is currently the best mid in the game right now.  Xerath is really strong and popular at high ELO (big different in stats between high/low ELO).  Cassiopeia is allegedly decent (don't see her much).  Etc.

I think its more about power curves.  Right now mid doesn't favor trying to do a Nasus power curve from mid.  In other words, it doesn't favor a farm game where it is just about building a CS lead.  In fact, there were LCS interviews this weekend where mids were saying that they were intentionally giving up CS to do other things (Bjergsen said something along these lines).

Right now, mid seems to be about getting good CS early, but mostly getting an early item then spreading influence around the map.  It doesn't have to be killing, but being a big presence all over.  It's probably easiest to do on assassins since their goal is obvious at this stage - they roam and kill.  But where somebody can give the other team an advantage is if one mid spreads their influence all over the map while the other mid gets a 25 CS lead.  The influence over the map is just better right now I think since it can snowball on a lot of champions, while playing for CS rarely snowballs.

on Jan 29, 2015

That's why you take TP on Anivia. The CS snowball + counteroams

on Jan 29, 2015

That's actually a good point.  You might be able to justify a slower curve mid if you also take TP.  Of course then you really aren't going to be killing your opponent, but you do have the map presence while still being able to farm it up.

on Jan 29, 2015

- Map Presence

- Kills

- CS Lead


Pick 2.

on Jan 29, 2015

I was also thinking anivia might be worth trying to get good with because egg sort of defeats the purpose of most assassins. Having to kill her twice might buy enough time for your jungler to come in and make a play.

TP on farming mids has interesting I just love ignite. Every game I don't have it I find myself in a situation that I would of picked up a kill and possibly lived through a fight if I had had it (I supposed this is the bryff mentality of ignite, I guess I have it too).

Azir is an interesting champion but he is currently banned in probably 75-80% of my games. He would probably be worth getting to know though since he fits my style of play. He gives me the impression of not being very easy just to "pick up" though. I think my time might be better spent on learning the good assassins, I think they might be easier to learn (especially fizz since I already have some experience on him from ARAM's etc..)

on Jan 29, 2015

Azir has steadily worked his way up to a 45% banrate at Platinum+ play, but he has leveled off since the last patch.

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