Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 79)
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on Jan 28, 2015

Great idea reddit!  Let's have all the junglers who are so weak that they can't safely clear another camp just run to the middle of the map and chase around a crab in a really inefficient way.  The strong junglers (who will be in the samish area looking for first ganks) totally will leave you alone.  Trust me, that Lee Sin/Udyr/whatever totally isn't going to kill you if you get seen.

This is really inefficient.  The camp is in a bad spot since it takes 15 seconds to run to it and you have to chase it around.  If you want to smite it to prevent the chase, you don't get a buff.  Its unsafe.  Its HORRIBLE in terms of XP, which is something junglers were really having problems with already.

on Jan 28, 2015

haha - do it karls!  What, you don't think its cool to be running around out there with low hp and to also use some cc to speed things up? mmmm...


on Jan 28, 2015

She loses a substantial amount of range and some utility.  She also gets a noticeably weaker early game, and her early game was already weak.

My understanding is that Trist actually has a really good level 1/2 (even if it isn't quite as good as Corki/Graves/Lucian, she is probably #4). She just really has a hard time starting ~level 4.


that's actually really interesting? i think that'd work on champs such as Sejuani that would absolutely have to base after 3 camps. One thing i was toying with (and worked really well) as only doing 2 camps, but also only buying 1 hp pot. Most junglers didn't even use 1 hp pot without a leash... Then you would base, buy jungling item, run to your red/blue. You'd have your upgraded item + full health + 1 pot, and it only cost you ~10 seconds.

on Jan 28, 2015

I don't think you have enough money for the jungle item on 2 camps and having just 1 pot with the 100 gold increase.  I think you could do that before the 100 gold increase. 

on Jan 28, 2015


My understanding is that Trist actually has a really good level 1/2 (even if it isn't quite as good as Corki/Graves/Lucian, she is probably #4). She just really has a hard time starting ~level 4.

She is only good if you are playing a combo that can all in 2v2 at level 2.  As in, she has to be able to jump in and ham it up at 2.  Otherwise, she is weak.

She has really bad range early and starts E/W usually.  So no attack speed steroid early either.  You do push well though.  So your one move is to super ham it with a jump attack.  If thats not an option, she is really weak.

on Jan 28, 2015

I don't think you have enough money for the jungle item on 2 camps and having just 1 pot with the 100 gold increase.  I think you could do that before the 100 gold increase.

That's what i'm saying - it was something i did last patch that you can't do anymore. If you do 2 camps + scuttle you might be able to only buy one health pot though. Depends how much gold Scuttle gives level 1.

She is only good if you are playing a combo that can all in 2v2 at level 2.  As in, she has to be able to jump in and ham it up at 2.  Otherwise, she is weak.

That is true. i'm just saying her level 1/2 isn't completely useless just because she has a good endgame (see: post-nerf Twitch).

on Jan 28, 2015

If everyone thinks Tristana's early game has been nerfed, everyone needs to check back into reality.


Level 1 Rocket jump has 10 more damage, without the double damage from the combo.  Level 2 is 10 damage weaker.


Level 1 Explosive charge is far weaker, doing 20 less and without the added loss in healing, but only if you don't charge it.


If you all in, and honestly, who the fuck wouldn't, you're looking at a maximum combined level 2 ability damage of 280 plus bonus AD.  Pre "nerf" Tristana, which has a good level 2, does 150, with all AP scalers.  Even with the inability to get all four shots in before detonation, she's been significantly strengthened for her start.  If you only get two shots in before it blows, you'll still manage 218 damage off the combo.  She's a lane wrecker now.  Pair her up with Leona, Zyra, someone with heavy CC and damage, and you're getting a double kill if they try to farm.

on Jan 28, 2015

re: my question about demotions in ranked:


From the 4.1 Patch Notes:

    • Pretty much exactly what Thunder told me.

on Jan 28, 2015

ppft - best to try out trist and see if she's op or not.  I don't think she will be personally based on what I've read, but I could be wrong.


@thunder - you know damn well I'm going to play 1 ranked game tonight and get demoted even if I win. 

on Jan 28, 2015


If you all in, and honestly, who the fuck wouldn't, you're looking at a maximum combined level 2 ability damage of 280 plus bonus AD. 

Sure, if you are playing against absolutely terrible players, the new Tristana is probably decent early.

But most of us aren't playing against incompetent bot laners every game.  Good bot lane opponents aren't going to let the very short range Tristana walk up to them, stick an E on them, then auto attack them for a few seconds, then jump on them.  In a more realistic situation, your combo will end up doing about the same damage as before because you don't get to pull everything at absolutely ideal stacks.

But the problem is going to be that its MUCH less flexible.  Its about as good if you want to do all ins - probably even a bit better.  Yay!  But if you are against a combo that you don't want to all in (they have a stronger 2v2 combo), you are screwed.  Its a weaker poke skill (can't effectively get the stacks early on with the very short attack range).  Against heavy healers?  Well, you don't have the debuff any more, so its a lot worse against a lane with Soraka/Taric/etc.

So you have something that is going to be about as good if you are going all in a lot, at the cost of being much less flexible.  A net nerf.  And you have less base armor.  And less base health for those all ins.  And your range/attack speed aren't scaling as well.

on Jan 28, 2015

Since when is 550 a very short attack range?  This isn't Urgot.

on Jan 28, 2015

LOL Ahri buffs. 

on Jan 28, 2015


LOL Ahri buffs. 

This is the price we pay for removing DFG.  Worth IMO.

on Jan 28, 2015

Ahri is losing a lot of burst with the removal of DFG and the removal of the 20% damage amplification.  She gets a lot of mobility though.  Not sure if they are buffs or nerfs.

on Jan 28, 2015

pretty much all of her ratios went up. Tons of ahri's didn't build DFG. 

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