Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 106)
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on Apr 12, 2015

i mystery gifted that bastard tenzig - he got magnificent twisted fate - legacy skin that I don't even have... smeh... 

on Apr 12, 2015


I have Attack Move Click bound to my left mouse button in game for instance.


it be there cpt

on Apr 12, 2015

Oh wow, that's much better than LoL.  I just assumed that you'd have to figure out a way to edit the file to get it to work like you do in League.  I'm sure Riot will institute the same functionality in about 3-4 years.

Thanks man!

on Apr 12, 2015

LOL that skin sucks! I got mysteried that too! LOL

on Apr 12, 2015


People who gifted Tenzing for winning the Fantasy LCS league:

  1. TheGame0fThrows - Rocket Girl Tristana
  2. Pacov - Magnificent Twisted Fate 

Pending people that need to gift:

  1. KraziKarl
  2. Hedige
  3. Brad Wong
  4. Hunny Badger
  5. Bosshound

I also plan on running another league for the summer split once it starts please let me know if you have an interest in participating again.

on Apr 13, 2015 put our ranked game's mmr at 1819 last night. In comparison, thunders solo ranked games are at 1400 and dan/cows are at 2000.  Mine are around 1700.  Grain of salt here as its based on's formula for calculating mmr.  /funfactover

Man those guys were mean to us poor bot laners for a bit last night.  Thunder had some great plays but I wasn't able to capitalize on a few.  Sadly was glancing at the map 2 times when he landed a hook when I was looking for a chance to use my alt in another fight.  Solidly played by mr thunder at any rate.  And dan had a herculean moment after we got wrecked in a team fight and he was able to flee and kill 3 people or so in the process of running. That saved us turret at the very least and kept things from swinging negatively. 

I think the end result was fine, but ali was sitting on me quite a bit in a few team fights which zoned me out. 

on Apr 13, 2015

I was unsure of who or what to peel. I had 3 big targets to try to stop or delay ults from (annie, amumu, alister). I sided with trying to stop the amumu ult or annie ult for as long as I could. I used twisted advanced and knock ups on annie and amumu over alister every time. I am not sure this was the right idea but if I tried to stop the alister from sitting on Pacov's face he could of ulted out of my root and annie/amumu could of gotten free ults on to lux or pacov anyway. Hard to tell if thats exactly what would of happened or not.

At any rate I looked at the damage dealt after the game and we were not doing enough to let pacov auto in team fights. He had low damage dealt to champions and its not really his fault because ali really was all over him every team fight. Alister was a threat to an ADC 1v1 too since he had trinity.

It was a hard situation to deal with but we wont run into it often since Ali isn't a common pick (the only other person that can really do that is olaf and hes never picked). Anyways the sitting-on-jinx-with-ali strategy failed for them anyway we won.

on Apr 13, 2015

yah - the main threat of ali was not the dmg he was dealing but more that if I choose to get into fights when he was zoning me, I'd very likely get destroyed by getting knocked up or launched into the enemy team.  Felt like my only option was to move in such a way that it was not possible.  Its fortunate that we had enough damage without me and that also enabled me to keep ali out of the fight and keep him from being a disruption. We had a few instances where I got wiped but we still had 3-4 alive and most/all of them dead, so it worked just fine.  Felt like I did a good job with tower/objective control overall. which is something I'm trying to be hyper focused on.

on Apr 13, 2015

To a certain extent:

"you gotta be brave"


People with point-and-click 3-second CC will always pose a unavoidable threat to carries. Something that i have noticed is that you (pacov) will tend to "over-respect" those type of threats, regardless of other factors. Often, you will position in such a way that they just do a hard target switch to another squishy, and you're now too far back to contribute while they are distracted.

To a certain extent, if you allow those types of champs to zone you, it's like you are already dead. Then they kill someone else, making the fight a 3v5.

Not to say that you should just let yourself get initiated on by Lissandra "for free" every single fight

But you have to give them hope that they can, in fact, get to you. Sort of a game of chicken, i suppose.

on Apr 13, 2015

I'm not loving my choice of Frozen Heart that game.  You guys think Glory or Crucible would have been a better choice?  We weren't really initiating but Glory might have helped keep Ali off Pacov.  Crucible wouldn't have helped him as much but might have been good to help someone on the rest of the team who got Mummy ulted.

Think I need to get a little better about focusing on peeling during the teamfights rather than just trying to hook a carry to impress Cow.


Oh and speaking of Righteous Glory, I didn't get why all the pros built it on Gragas every time.  I get that it's great initiation and a really good item, but figured every once in a while you'd want something else.

Then I realized that it's not just team fight initiation but can just be used like an Uber Randuin's when you get a pick.  Now I get why it's always good and why people are get Skirmisher's with it sometimes.  Good lord that must be frustrating to get a true damage burn from an unkillable tank when they're impossible to run from.

on Apr 13, 2015

Righteous Glory is pretty absurd atm in combination with Cinderhulk... It also has a mega-short cooldown, unlike "Ye Olde Shrelias" which had a very meaningful CD.

i certainly feel that there is a strong justification for having 2 Righteous Glories per team (though not always).

Supports and Junglers saves ~350 gold compared to Randuins, which is nice, and it has a pretty forgiving path as well. Starting Coin is a good way for the Support to lose botlane, and it's nice to get the slot-efficient coin + randiuns effect + mana + health...

i think that it can be better than Aegis against high-poke teams since it gives you that initiation (AoE AP teams... Aegis is probably better since champs such as Amumu/Karthus/Kennen are really hard to avoid team damage). And, i dunno, i just feel like Randuins is a little weaker now than it has historically? Thornmail + Big HP item has seem to taken its place, since BT is such an uncommon item.

Not to mention, there is always the ... "Amumu Problem" where you hit that AMAZING flash, bandage, 5-man ult. But you're 2 screens away from all your damage. So it was all for naught Righteous Glory helps fix that problem, and it's still relevant with 2 of them on your team. It also lets you "burn" 1 of them, wait 30 seconds, burn the 2nd, wait 30 seconds, use the 1st again... until you finally DO get that initiation.

It's also pretty weak on the "losing" or "turtling" team since the MS boost only works while running away (and the Randuins effect is pretty meh against a single tank), which is a nice change from "Ye Olde Shrelias" whose only counter was itself...

on Apr 13, 2015

Righteous Glory is an excellant option for almost every top/support/jungler regardless of who they are. Even if you are personally not going to be the one in the middle of the team fight (janna for example) it still allows you make the decision for your team to zoom in there and try to land CC on a desired target. Having it built from catalyst is also super nice for lane phase.

on Apr 13, 2015


"you gotta be brave"

bravery fades when tanks are getting directly to me multiple times and staying on me and my only option is solo peel.  Not exactly saying you are wrong though. 


Something that i have noticed is that you (pacov) will tend to "over-respect" those type of threats, regardless of other factors. Often, you will position in such a way that they just do a hard target switch to another squishy, and you're now too far back to contribute while they are distracted.

I don't feel like this is true.  If I'm an adc, ideally I'm doing as much damage as possible to folks in front of me (isn't it odd that my dmg stats are down with an ali with an ult on my d) and picking off squishies as possible.  At the start of a team fight, I want to be in a good position - eg where I'm not about to get popped, but ideally close enough that I can instantly get in there and mix things up; however, with the cc as it was, I'm not in a good position to rush right in until we get something or I have a tank I can safely wail on.  Not sure what you are referring to, but if it was the game last night, I don't really know how else I could have played things. 

anyway, I really think I just need any focus on targets on me if I was to get into it more.  I think cow summed it up ok though: 


It was a hard situation to deal with but we wont run into it often since Ali isn't a common pick

Anyway, ali was kept from tanking much for his team a result of his bee lining and I was kept from having a major impact on things outside of towers and inhibs - bleh.

on Apr 13, 2015

i wasn't referring to last night's game. Mostly just my own observations (usually in-game, and sometimes flawed by emotions or incomplete information).

And, when i wrote the quoted post, i did actually forgot that was an Alistar top (? - Cow mentioned he had a Trinity Force), which makes him a much more respectable threat than a support, so preserving your own skin is a lot more important.


on Apr 13, 2015

ah ok - i just watched the reply from my pov specifically.

ganked at 4 min by mid lane.  At 4:20, karl starts a skirmish with amumu (I have about 30% hp).  I try to move in but get zoned by ez.  Karl dies giving dbl buff to ez.  Thunder and I have to burn all summoners to get out by 4:45.  I lose about 2 waves being forced to back.  As of 8min, I'm down 15 cs.  thunders makes quite a few good plays during this time.  8:36 amumu back in lane to gank - we leave.  

karl gets whacked at 9:18 by ez in drag pit... giving ez dbl buffs again.  at 9:50 we almost kill ez, but he gets out when amumu runs bot again.  amumu stays bot to hold the lane.  we get our 1st kill around 11min (goes to thresh sadly - but its k) happens when cow tps bot.  Helps out a bit!  Amumu comes bot again at 12:43.  he misses his gank initially then stays to lane gank.  amumu fails gank again at 13:20 trhen leaves.  their entire team is bot at 15:49 trying to steal blue and then drag.  

having stolen blue, they just break off.  amumu is back at 17:50 to gank again.  4 are bot at 18 min.  thunder gets wiped.  we make call to screw drag and try to take mid.  we get mid at 1815. they get drag 2 at 1851.  

Their team goes goofy and tries to go for a pick mid where there is none.  I see an opening and go for the bot turret.  I get it at 19:05 while 3 are rotating back to me - I use passive and a good thresh latern  get me out.  We just traded 2 turrets for drag - not bad.  We are up in gloabl gold 27.2k to 25.7k.  

The enemy team continues to f up.  Karl drops amumu mid lane while they are regrouping.  I push with thunder and get tier 2 turret at 2045. We lose tier 2 mid turret tho at 2057.  We are up 1 turret on them.   I do a very dumb thing at 2304 and very nearly get killed by 4 of them but make a nice escape due to some footwork and a very much needed, well timed thresh latern... I'm quite sure the enemy team was very pissed.  

anyway, I did have quite a bit of smeh teamfighting though and I actually see that I was way too cautious in a few situations where I could have safely done some dmg.  


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