Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 107)
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on Apr 13, 2015

looks like tardo buffs inb.. 


  • Creeping Death (W) now includes "If Mordekaiser targets himself, Creeping Death will try to target the nearest Ally champion."
  • [Note: Looks to be air client only atm, ]


  • Blood Boil (W) now includes "If Nunu targets himself, Blood Boil will try to target the nearest Ally champion."
  • [Note: Looks to be air client only atm]
on Apr 13, 2015

playing against c9 hard (challenger) and his duo buddy in teambuilder

on Apr 13, 2015

that was a fun game up to a point.  We lost.  Looked like the odds were way against us.  Not sure how the balancing works that we get queued up against what we got queued up against, but I like getting to play against stronger players.  He was really head strong and we got an easy fb on him for it.  Could tell he was arrogant playing against "scrubs" - not his words, just was hyper aggressive.  He was adc ez and hit qs ALOT.  I  was thinking he might be scripting before I checked his stats.  Guessing he's legit though.  

Bard can totally fuck his team over with portals now that they are "easy" to click.  Drop one in the right spot at the right time and someone takes an unintended trip.  

on Apr 14, 2015

Bard can totally fuck his team over with portals now that they are "easy" to click.  Drop one in the right spot at the right time and someone takes an unintended trip.


on Apr 14, 2015

heh - well then...

on Apr 14, 2015

our ranked team is 3 wins away from gold I i think. 

on Apr 14, 2015

GET IT GURLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I should be around for some games tonight although I have to do some shit before hand.

I will be gone pretty much all next week. I am going to see a best friend that ended up in the hospital. Hes in Florida so ill be flying down there.

on Apr 14, 2015

thunder is this moment fight the last game of his promos to gold IV.  Good RUCKCKCKCKCKCKCCKCKC

on Apr 14, 2015

Apparently you don't have to wait 2 weeks any more to gift! 

Start launching those gifts at Tenzing  

on Apr 14, 2015

thunder is this moment fight the last game of his promos to gold IV.  Good RUCKCKCKCKCKCKCCKCKC

Thanks, but no cigar.

At least in these games I helped screw things up just as much as my team.


on Apr 14, 2015

People who gifted Tenzing for winning the Fantasy LCS league:

  1. TheGame0fThrows - Rocket Girl Tristana
  2. Pacov - Magnificent Twisted Fate 
  3. Hedgie - Groovy Zilean
  4. Bosshound - Sherwood Ashe

Pending people that need to gift:

  1. KraziKarl
  2. Brad Wong
  3. Hunny Badger

I also plan on running another league for the summer split once it starts please let me know if you have an interest in participating again.

on Apr 15, 2015

I'm kind of wondering about my support gold digger morgana.  Now - I play alot of support - its safe to say I run about 5-6 diff rune pages at least based on support.  Anyway, got bored and decided to try out gold digger morgana.

Here's the test - 1st note - I'm taking mr and armor.  I have 8.2 arm vs a more common 9.0 arm. I have 5.4 mr +1.7 mana regen.  Everything else is in gold per totally 5.3.  That's 31.8 gold per min, 318 gold at 10 min, 636 at 20, 954 at 30.  Most games get to 30, but we'll just do math on 20 min.  So, not that big a deal (even on a support imo).

Now, add in a support running 0/9/21 (or at least 21 util).  Now its 1.5 gold per sec

that brings us to 6.8 per 10.  40.8 per min, 408 at 10, 816 at 20, 1224 at 30.  Honestly i think 30 is a better num to look at, but I stick w 20 min.  It's looking better - That's more wards and pinks at least with minimal (imo) trade offs as as support.. BUT - it gets better

spellthief gives you 2 gps as well.  So now you are 8.8 per 10 sec. 52.8 per min, 528 at 10, 1056 at 20, 1584 at 30.

Now, we are talking some difference that means something.

So good news - those are your stats if you are POS.  Now there is the passive gain on Spell thief.  3 stacks giving 5 gold a pop.  When upgraded, its 3 stacks giving 10 gold a pop.  I haven't done the math, but I think its safe to say you get a decent income on this as morgana.  

BUT WAIT there's more.  with 21  points into util - you probably have that fun +1 gold per minion dying near you.  Oh - and you also, as a ranged morgana, get 3 gold every time you dmg someone (5 sec cd per champ).  So, the math continues to stack.


Too tired to try to make up some formula with those last bits, but I want to add that its really, REALLY easy to hit champs with her pool - which means you have a steady income burning blue stack + getting mastery gold as well. 

Just as a VERY conservative estimate, I think you EASILY hit 65 gold per min.  650 at 10, 1300 at 20, 1950 at 30..  Realistically, I think 75 gpm is more likely... 750/1500/2250

Compare my stat choices to someone like krepo - I have 8.2 arm, 5.4 mr, 1.7 mana reg, + a bunch of gold.

krepo has 4.26 arm, ZERO mr, 7.83 mpen, 17.04 ap, .99 mana regen, 72 hp.


So, I pack less of a punch and am down 72 hp (but I have 4 more arm +mr). Early game morg dmg isn't exactly high with those stats either.  Anyway, I propose that you can get away with gold digger morg with a decent skillcap and that the rune choices aren't hurting her in a major way.  They also are enabling her to get better buys, rewarding her for skill shots, and with lower dmg, you don't f your adc as much if you use a pool on the enemy champ near some creeps. 


Oh - and one last thing.  In order to properly evaluate this, its best to look at what you get playing morg with normal runes and with these gold per.

My best estimate with gold per runes = 75 gpm, 750 at 10/1500 at 20/2250 at 30

If you remove the 5.3 gpm on my best estimate, now you are earning 69.7 gpm. 697 at 10, 1394 at 20, 2091 at 30

Less impressive that way eh.  At any rate, gets you thinking about the gold income stuff, so hopefully that's interesting at least.  I do want to stress that having gold peaks earlier translate into better items early - that extra gold translates DIRECTLY into pinks, etc at a faster pace.  

Whatcha think?

on Apr 15, 2015

I would play several games with it like 10ish? find your GPM over those 10 games. Then run another 10 games with a normalish set up and do your GPM. If it is significantly higher and your win rate didn't suffer I think you might have something there. 

on Apr 15, 2015


I would play several games with it like 10ish? find your GPM over those 10 games. Then run another 10 games with a normalish set up and do your GPM. If it is significantly higher and your win rate didn't suffer I think you might have something there. 

That sounds a little too scientific to pull off in Teambuilder Cow.  You never know when Pacov's Challenger nemesis will show up in bot lane and skew the results.

Going by results from games with the crew tonight aren't much better.  We got FB against a Graves one game, but his Bard was off at the time looking for chimes.  Then the last game we tried it, Pacov DC'd so who knows how the lane would have gone if that didn't happen.

So that's two games that we pretty much learned nothing about whether GP/10 runes are worth the lack of combat stats.

Gold Digger Morg is not anything new.  It's retro.  Those runes used to be standard on Supports, and Morg was the original AP Mid turned Support so she was around during the time.  There have been roughly a billion games played and the general consensus is that the risk of losing your lane, losing your tower, losing the first dragon, dying from ganks, having your ADC fall behind, and losing all ins from having less combat stats on your Support is not worth the extra gold.  Extra gold on a Support...

Now I'll admit that the general consensus is wrong a lot of the time and things like the strength of 'level 2ing' your opponents bot lane have changed a little since then.  Also for me it didn't 'feel' bad at all laning with GDM so there might be something to this. 

But I don't think Pacov is willing to test this out the way he'd actually find out if it's viable: SoloQ Ranked.

Playing against or with a Challenger ADC in Teambuilder one game and then against or with a Silver ADC the next isn't going to show if it's viable.  Playing against fellow Plat 5s who are checking their opponents runes for vulnerability and playing Kalista/Annie would be a better test.


on Apr 15, 2015

Gold strategies like this don't really make sense to me unless the gold generation is really quite OP (which I don't think that they are).

The fundamental issue is that early game gold/stats are fundamentally more powerful that late game gold/stats.  For example, lets say that you could choose 500 bonus gold at 0 minutes, or 1000 bonus gold at 30 minutes.  Everybody would take the 500 gold because its better to have it early and use it to snowball (i.e. gaining more gold because you gain an advantage which you use to gain a larger advantage and thus more gold and so forth).

So you are fundamentally trading fairly significant early stats for spread out gold.  That's a really risky trade since the gold that you are getting toward the end of the game isn't so valuable (since you don't get to use it much).  I really think that looking at end game gold generation is misleading in this sense.

The real issue here is that by taking all that gold generation, you automatically lose every lane if your opponent is even near the same skill level of you.  So this is also from the classic pacov school of "assume that I will always be substantially better than my opponents" strategies.  As I've argued earlier, I'm not a fan of this school of strategies since you shouldn't need unique strategies to consistently beat people that you are better than.  You should be developing strategies for people near your skill level, or maybe even slightly better than you.

But if you play somebody slightly better than you and you take gimped early game runes/masteries...well, have fun there.  I don't think a bit of bonus gold spread out over the course of the game is going to help you when your ADC gets crushed in lane.

Remember that its really the ADC that matters here.  Nobody cares about the support's bonus gold generation if you have to back a couple times and the ADCs gold generation gets hurt as a result.

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