Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 85)
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on Feb 10, 2015

so on pbe, zilean is getting a rework.  His timebomb now sticks on the ground and attaches to whatever it comes in contact with then detonates after a bit.  If you put another bomb on that, it explodes immediately like normal, but now adds a stun.


on Feb 10, 2015

I'm thinking the jungle itemization options will hurt him a bit and without the gold of a solo lane, ouch.

You also have to "Fight" for the gold in a sololane. That's not something that Fizz can do in every matchup while he is farming up some of the most expensive items in the game in order to be fully effective (BotRK or Gunblade, TF, Zhonyas).

Jungle is considerably safer from a "minimum gold" perspective, even if its maximum gold is a lot lower. And, again, he'll be brutalized by a lot of meta picks (that aren't Gnar). Lissandra, Irelia, Rumble, Renekton...

Even if you want to "Farm it out" against tank tops, you're better off playing Irelia, farming up, and then watching the other team cry because they don't have the damage to deal with you (which was exactly what happened in IEM with Maokai top versus Irelia over-and-over).

Jungle Fizz also has some cheaper builds: Devourer + Wits End gives him a lot of on-hit damage + AS, while also getting some MR. Duelist smite has some interesting options if you are looking to 1v1 people (and it does have the -% damage mitigation as well).

My opinion is, if you're already a Fizz Enthusiast, playing him toplane might be fine since you have enough experience you have out of outplay potential. If you're looking to learn a new champ toplane, Irelia would be a much better choice...

so on pbe, zilean is getting a rework.  His timebomb now sticks on the ground and attaches to whatever it comes in contact with then detonates after a bit.  If you put another bomb on that, it explodes immediately like normal, but now adds a stun.

My understanding is they are just making his Q into a skillshot.

on Feb 11, 2015

Made it back to Diamond! went 3-0 in the series. Did fairly well in every game but a riven on my team probably could of won the game by herself for the last game. 

on Feb 11, 2015


Q into a skillshot.

but adding a stun component - the duration of the stun wasn't listed, but that's something that could make a difference - even from a support zil perspective. 

grats cow!  Not re: you, but I'm actually pretty happy to see some folks dropped way down having to work their way back up.  So far, I've only see this happen with folks that I didn't really find particularly good (eg how the fug are you even in plat?)  Anyway, that comments not directed towards any of you folks. 

Also, many of you missed me meeting my bosnian brother last night - played some excellent support for me.  We'll see... might be inviting him more often.  Certainly seemed like a very high skill cap in that game. 

on Feb 11, 2015

did i mention how big the azir nerf was?  It's... pretty big.  q's do 30 less damage at level 3, 20 less at 2, etc.  That + solider range drop... ouch... or less ouch...


One of my fav recent changes was what they did with greater stealth totem (or how it always worked?)- before this patch, it would give you a ward every 60 seconds.  You can have a max of 3 sight wards on the map, so you were able to spit out a ward every min and give solid vision provided you were good about dropping them every min.  NOW, you can store up to 2 wards on that same rotation, so you can have even further ability to get those wards out.  Very nice in top line.  A cool idea instead of sightstone on supports... BUT, ofc, you kind of need a sweeper there... so, oh well. 


on Feb 11, 2015

I am not sure how far I can climb this season. I guess we will see how my my LP gains and losses will be in diamond v once I finish 10 or so games. I hope its not the stupid win 12 lose 30 that I was stuck in last season.

on Feb 11, 2015

Made it back in about 60 games with a 51ish% win rate. I had a negative win rate for a while but I think I have won like 7 or 8 of my last 10 ranked games.

on Feb 11, 2015

patching issues boys.  Not all impacted.  Basically, the update fails.  Directions from riot are to close the client when it fails that 1st time and relaunch.  Do not close the client after you relaunch.  It will take some time to scan the files and finish patching.  

Factor that in if you are wanting to play at the normal time, etc.

on Feb 11, 2015

ISP issues, so prob no LoL tonight.  Wow is apparently having some issue with something... 350 constant ping. 

on Feb 11, 2015

been playing heroes of the storm tonight - saw several new maps (from when I last played anyway).  Had some fun.. kind of mindless fun, but still.  LoL started working again about 10 min ago with normal pings.. doing a team builder then buggering off. 

on Feb 12, 2015

Had zero problem with the client. Played a game as EZ super well last night went 13-0-13 had over 500 AD at one point with baron buff + red pot + full build. It was a lot of fun and as the game was ended I said to Karl, " they probably all sucked though" sure enough the best on there team was Plat V haha. Ego squashed!.

on Feb 12, 2015

holy bad grammar and punctuation batman. 

on Feb 12, 2015

Something might be up with matchmaking lately.  Most games are just stomps... unless I play teambuilder as support, then my entire team will inevitably be LCS teams vs bronze 5.  I'm sure that's how it works.   I was very proud of myself for just stomping left and right with irelia with my incredibly low experience... turns out I was only against diamond Vs though, so my ego took a beating as well.   Also, I went to the dentist and now my face is numb... so I've got that going for me. 


Anyway, I really haven't figured out the pattern with skill level lately, though.  So, I use to look at my game history and typicaly go by what they say my game's mmr level is at.  Now, their calculation could be off, but from what I've experienced, if its a stomp, the mmr is lower than what I normally play at.  I'm currently playing between 1720-1800 mmr in ranked solo/duo.  However, in normals, the dip is like rediculous lately.  It SEEMS to be creating matchmaking based on the elo of the mmr of of the lowest person in your group.  Like, there won't even be one guy on the other team at 1720-1800 mmr for me, there will literally be an entire team that's at like w/e the lowest guy I'm queued up with is at.  Eg he's 1500, everyone on the other team will be around that. 

Another thought -perhaps riot made another change to how normal mmr is calculated vs ranked mmr.  All I know is that most normal games have been big mismatches.  I just looked up the stats for one normal queue irelia game for me where i went 7/3/10. calc's the game mmr at 1555.  I've got the highest mmr on the team.  Everyone  on the other team is gold or lower.  Anyway, its hard to judge as I'm playing with people of various mmrs... I just THINK I'm seeing a trend where something is up based on the lowest elo person you are queued with (eg a pal you invited). 

on Feb 12, 2015

oh - and it sounds like nemesis mode is live.  looking forward to some games tonight

on Feb 12, 2015

prepare your urgots and tarics.

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