Pacov's place to enjoy the show.

Update 5/25/2017

  • This thread is all done.  I've lost interest in jibba jibbing here, but its been fun.  Thanks for all the memories.  
  • I am streaming from time to time on twitch - generally just when I'm trying hard in ranked though.  If interested, you can check that out here:

Well, I started a thread back in Dec 2011 that’s seen a lot of activity (some 922,000 views over the course of a few years apparently...).  That thread had a good deal of tips/strategies/discussions about League of Legends from new and old players alike.  You can find the previous thread (now archived) here:  I think its time to start fresh with a new thread.

What’s this thread all about?
For those that followed the previous thread, the type of content you see here will be fairly consistent to what you are used to.  Please consider this a place to discuss LoL related content as you like.  I'll do the same and treat the thread as a blog as well where I talk about what’s going on with me in LoL.  Feel free to jump in and join the discussion if you like.

Quick background on me
I played a lot of Demigod as pacov/cheesuscrust. Back in August 2011, I started getting heavily involved in League of Legends, and folks from the community were kind enough to help me figure things out.  I play LoL most nights, stream, make videos and it’s my main gaming interest.

Some links 

Comments (Page 86)
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on Feb 12, 2015

Something might be up with matchmaking lately.  Most games are just stomps... unless I play teambuilder as support, then my entire team will inevitably be LCS teams vs bronze 5.  I'm sure that's how it works.   I was very proud of myself for just stomping left and right with irelia with my incredibly low experience... turns out I was only against diamond Vs though, so my ego took a beating as well.   Also, I went to the dentist and now my face is numb... so I've got that going for me. 


Anyway, I really haven't figured out the pattern with skill level lately, though.  So, I use to look at my game history and typicaly go by what they say my game's mmr level is at.  Now, their calculation could be off, but from what I've experienced, if its a stomp, the mmr is lower than what I normally play at.  I'm currently playing between 1720-1800 mmr in ranked solo/duo.  However, in normals, the dip is like rediculous lately.  It SEEMS to be creating matchmaking based on the elo of the mmr of of the lowest person in your group.  Like, there won't even be one guy on the other team at 1720-1800 mmr for me, there will literally be an entire team that's at like w/e the lowest guy I'm queued up with is at.  Eg he's 1500, everyone on the other team will be around that. 

Another thought -perhaps riot made another change to how normal mmr is calculated vs ranked mmr.  All I know is that most normal games have been big mismatches.  I just looked up the stats for one normal queue irelia game for me where i went 7/3/10. calc's the game mmr at 1555.  I've got the highest mmr on the team.  Everyone  on the other team is gold or lower.  Anyway, its hard to judge as I'm playing with people of various mmrs... I just THINK I'm seeing a trend where something is up based on the lowest elo person you are queued with (eg a pal you invited). 

I don't buy any of this really.  I think that this is almost entirely confirmation bias.

There are so many assumptions you have to get through before you would get to the point of "Riot has suddenly changed matchmaking".  Should MMRs converge to the same score in two queues where play patterns are completely different?  Probably not.  Is's calculation of MMR all that reliable?  Probably not.  etc.

I mean, even if there was a change in normall MMR on, a far more likely explanation would be that changed their formula for normal MMR, not that Riot has done something suddenly and without announcement.  To put it another way - your data is crap.  Don't overinterpret it.

on Feb 12, 2015

I won't even think about for a few minutes in passing and make a post about it.  Curse my brain... always thinking and trying to make sense of the world around me.

Anywho, I think some changes did take place around the time there was that hiccup in ranked related to LP gains.  Now, I don't really care, but while I like winning, stomps have been happening more often in my favor lately... which actually gets boring...

All of that said, check out what's going on with notice a few things that are off?  Methinks there are some problems on their site. 

on Feb 12, 2015

I won't even think about for a few minutes in passing and make a post about it.  Curse my brain... always thinking and trying to make sense of the world around me.

And I'm giving you the most likely explanation for the phenomenon.  Yeah, its not the most exciting one.  But thats how these things work.


In any case, I took a quick glance at your games.  The simple thing to do is to look at your Boaz games since he is pretty bad.  His normal MMR when he plays by himself seems to be around 1380 according to  Yet, when you last played with him (not that long ago) you were still playing in the upper 1500s.  So I don't see your theory in practice.  I don't see anybody else that you play with who is low enough to really throw off the MMR of your games to make any other statements about this in the last few days.

Also, your win/loss in normal games over the last two weeks is 19/18, so I don't see any evidence there of things getting too easy.  I guess I can't speak to whether or not those games are more "stompy", but if the matchmaking system is keeping you right at .500, it seems to be doing something right.

You have been playing more Team Builder lately, which is a VERY stompy queue.  So, you might just be getting that in your mind.

on Feb 12, 2015


You have been playing more Team Builder lately, which is a VERY stompy queue. So, you might just be getting that in your mind.

nah team builder excluded from this analysis.  I accept that to be pretty skewed.  Analysis points also need adjusted and I don't know exactly how long the "adjustments" take place when you pick a new champ, etc.  its... super convoluted. 

anyway, op gg says X mmr.  I compare my experiences to that accepting it's not spot on.  ranked games 1700-1800 (that happens when I solo or duo). Games often require me to work and can be challenging. 

Normal games - mostly silly easy games lately - op gg's rating the games 1400-1600 mmr.  Curious about the relationship between ranked games mmr and normal games.  Seems like the weighting has been changed to me in the normal queue.  They are separate queues, but I was under the impression that your status in ranked influenced your normal game mmr as well.  Before, I believe that was true. Now, I think there has been an adjustment, but that could just be residual from the ranked mmr reset.... some sort of normal mmr reset?  Don't know.  Just interesting to think about,  I'm having trouble identifying the reason for such easy games lately.  Some are skewed by me queuing up with lower elo folks, but not all.  The mmr data from just gets me thinking all the more.  If that number's right, why would I be playing in normal games vs silver/gold.  It's not much fun for me and often not fun for them...



Anyway, nemesis is live.  I'm trying to think of the worst team possible.  Also, does it work so that I get a specific champ that the enemy team picked specifically for me or do I get to pick from the champ pool the enemy team selected for me? 

Who should we ban out?  Urgot's actually potentially viable with him being up against C listers.  Karl and I already decided that I will give the enemy team irelia and he will give them teemo every game, so we've got that covered.  Drawing a blank on the crapiest team though... maybe zac, taric, possibly urgot, not sure who else. 



on Feb 12, 2015

Normal games - mostly silly easy games lately - op gg's rating the games 1400-1600 mmr.

If you are getting "mostly silly easy games lately", why is your win/loss in normal games right at .500 over recent games?

Why, when I played with you like 3-4 nights ago, were we both complaining about how hard the games were due to our teammates?  And we lost a bunch of games.

Why is your normal MMR right at where it was when first started posting normal MMRs?

on Feb 12, 2015

Drawing a blank on the crapiest team though... maybe zac, taric, possibly urgot, not sure who else. 

You probably want to go with a no damage team that also doesn't really have a jungler.

So probably Janna/Taric/Soraka/Leona/Ali or something like that.  Sure it will be REALLY hard to kill them, but they can't kill anything and it will take them approximately 17 minutes to take a tower.

on Feb 12, 2015

If you give them five high CC champs with good engages like that, it shouldn't take much of a build to chain CC you into oblivion even without good scaling for ability damage.  It should be much safer to give them low CC/mobility champs so they can't shut down, escape, or pursue.


I could build Taric into a hybrid bruiser killing machine against a bad team, and some of the others even have decent base damage and ratios.

on Feb 12, 2015


If you give them five high CC champs with good engages like that, it shouldn't take much of a build to chain CC you into oblivion even without good scaling for ability damage.  It should be much safer to give them low CC/mobility champs so they can't shut down, escape, or pursue.

The only champion on that team who has really good engages is Leona.  Its also a SUPER low mobility comp.  And no, Taric never turns into a killing machine against anybody competent.


On another note, this may finally be the mode where pacov can build zzzzzzzzz'rot portal.

on Feb 12, 2015

SoloQ MMR affects your RANKED TEAM MMR if you have never been on a ranked team before. Doesn't do anything with normals. One of the "old wise tales" about Meteos was he was actually one of the highest Normal MMR players in the world, but had massive ranked anxiety (and was actually like Bronze or something). It took Hai or Balls to encourage him to actually play ranked...

Not the mention, by the time you hit level 30, you have already a few hundred normal games (unless you leveled purely on bots). That's plenty enough to build out a proper MMR. Seems odd they would need your ranked games.

on Feb 12, 2015

You're playing against competent players that you gave a bad comp to.


Taric top, Alistar jungle, Soraka mid, Leona/Janna bot.


A hybrid bruiser Taric should be quite serviceable against champs that are stunned/silenced/knocked up for several seconds in a row.  You can burst a thousand plus easy off his skills with a spellblade item.  If you gave the enemy team all AD squishies with bad cc, he should be pretty epic with his ult giving the team a heavy damage boost.  He can also run a lane just fine against a squishy AD.


Soraka has decent scaling and high base damage on her low cd starcall, she's an excellent AP damage dealer once you get her a lichbane.


Alistar and Leona would be AP bruisers with higher damage output than Taric.  You should be able to get an amazing engage off a Leona/Alistar combo.


Janna's the only one that really can't do much damage reasonably, but she can run the support role and use Talisman to facilitate the engage and split the team further during CC rapes.


Bot lane might be rough early on, but if the enemy hasn't got any proper cc and no one that can reasonably jungle, you should be able to swing it just fine with Alistar ganks.

on Feb 12, 2015


"old wise tales"


on Feb 12, 2015

Karl, you have to remember that Pacov tends to look at games from a personal perspective.

Games where his team wins where he was doing very well in the laning phase have more of a tendency to be 'stomps' even if they were in actuality somewhat close games.  I would guess that has a little bit to do with how he feels his games have been going recently.

on Feb 12, 2015

i did have a typo there, sure. Doesn't make my point invalid.

on Feb 13, 2015

doesn't invalidate my ball busting either.  Happens. 



Karl, you have to remember that Pacov tends to look at games from a personal perspective.

Games where his team wins where he was doing very well in the laning phase have more of a tendency to be 'stomps' even if they were in actuality somewhat close games.  I would guess that has a little bit to do with how he feels his games have been going recently.

exactly right.  If I'm personally really doing well, particularly in roles or champs I'm generally not good with, I start to wonder wtf.  If you asked me about my recent wins and losses (nemesis aside), I could tell you what I think - and 90% of those games would not be me saying I played like crap.  That's not to say I ignore everyone else, but if I stomp my lane, I wonder why the fug did that happen.  I'm good here and there, but mostly I'm like... why the fug did they do that.. that's freakin stupid.  Anywho.. I still think I'm on to something... and still don't super care if I am or not. 

on Feb 15, 2015

ERMERGERDDDDDDDDDDDD! got my first ranked pentakill on Brand today! Its been a long time coming!

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